APRIL 4, 1968 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 14 ~ SCHREIBER LADS ACCEPTED INTO CUBS In a recent investi- . "ee ¥ ture, the following bo . s were accepted into the Schreiber cubs ; front row from | to r: Brent Morris, Peter Fer land, Billy Campbell, 2nd row: Leslie Paradis Steven Rustin, Denis Courtemanche, Jan Prinselaar, Stanley Nesbitt, Bruce Martin Back row: Leaders - Mrs. Pat Moore, Mrs. Sharon Lamoureaux, Mrs. Doris Gauthier, Mrs. Isabel Perras, and Mrs. Millie Glad -photo by |. McCuaig ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE REPORT 200 Duty Hours with 3196 miles of highways and secondary roads patrolled. Ten investigations - a stolen auto from B.C. re- covered, an alleged threatening, 3 minor distur- bances, 3 subjects warned re trespassing, and intox icated person on Grey Hound bus removed, and one minor charged with consuming . Traffic included one motor vehicle accident re- ported, with property damage of $150, 4 charges were laid under the Highway Traffic Act; 27 warn- ings issued to motorists re Traffic Acts; 84 vehicles given Safety Checks; and 6 transients assisted in the form of Meal tickets, from Schreiber Transient and Welfare Fund. ee ee Ie oe ee ee ee eee To the Students of Holy Angels: One of the nicest experiences we have had hap- pened last weekend, when we received six interest- ing and otherwise very nice letters, thanking us for printing a page of photos showing "Animules " made by these students. It was so nice of you to write to -Cont'd from last page us Tina Cebrario, Kelly McParland, Josephine Trem- iy The C3 LiLo ih the ' ngtadC hovel koll. blay, Mario Commisso, Ann Kulmatycki and Ann Stokes. Your blessing touched us deeply, Ann Stokes, and we feel you must have a very fine per- son guiding you -- your teacher. Mrs. 1.R. Marsh, Publisher A joint service on-Palm Sunday, April 7 has been arranged between the congregations of the United Church and Anglican Church, at 7 p.m. in St. John Anglican Church. This will-be followed by a joint service on Good Friday.