Vol.11, No.10 | TERRACE BAY NEWS. Serving the District RE-ORGANIZATION OF SCHOOL JURISDICTIONS EXPLAINED AT MEETING HELD IN TERRACE BAY R. Steele, regional superin- tendent of education for North- western Ontario, accompanied by H. K. Wooster and J. S. Lowcock, area superintendents of schools was guest speaker at an open meeting, held in the Terrace Bay High School. Mr. Steele's subject was the Reor- ganization of School Jurisdic- tions in the Province of Ontario. Interested citizens from Mar- athon, Schreiber and Terrace Bay were present, along with members of the various school boards. Mr. Steele opened his re- marks by saying that we have passed the stage of limited communication. We are travel- ling at a horse and buggy pace, in an atomic age. At the first session of the 28th legislature the government of Ontario proposes to introduce legislation to establish school divisions in Southern. Ontario, and to designate school divi- sions in Northern Ontario. It is proposed that a board of educa- tion having jurisdiction over public and secondary school will be elected in each schoo! division, It is intended that the new boards of education will as- sume greater responsibility for the supervision of the school programs within their jurisdic- tion. The speaker said, the neces- sity to provide for the educa- tional needs of children in this province in the years ahead and to provide for equality of op portunity for every child in On- tario regardless of his place of residence or other circum- Continued page 4 ..... stances new demands that the next step be taken in the long evolution in educational admin- istration. The proposal, is there- fore, to establish county boards of education having jurisdiction over publie and secondary schools. A total program may include types classed to meet the needs of students with special talent or handicaps. Mr. Steele further pointed out that at the secondary level a school program incorporating a wide variety of academic, 'busi- ness, technical and special vo- cational courses leading to al! types of further education or to gainful and satisfying employ- ment is the objective under every board of education. An increasingly important as- pect of education development in the future will be the pro- vision for sound planning, he said. Each of the new boards will be capable of meeting this requirement because it will have the organization to secure the information, data, statistics, and other knowledge which form the basis for sound deci- sion making at the policy level. The Department of Education is most desirous that the new boards exercise this degree of independence, he declared. Another area of importance is the provision for and equit- able distribution of educational costs which larger units make possible, he continued. At the present time, he said, the many and extreme variations in local tax support for education re. dr. L. 'illians, jox 45, .errace Bay, Ont. March 7, 1968 COUNCIL QUOTES - DOG CATCHER APPOINTED stil lanes ai aie all liam: Reeve Cavanaugh and Councillor Caccamo, Bray, Desrosiers and Sinotte were all present for the regu- lar meeting of Town Council last week. Clerk Hanley read the minutes of the last meeting and they, were adopted as read. Correspondence included a letter from the Terrace Bay Chamber of Commerce stating that 1968 mem- bership of $150 was due and this was passed for payment. A letter from Recreation Director David Courte- manche stated that nothing has been done about lighting on the toboggan slide on Superior Avenue. This will be looked into. He suggested that Mr. John Dejonghe be appointed to take over the ven- ding machines for the remainder of the year. Since the only man trained to fix the automatic bowling pin setters has left town it was suggested that the next time Diamond D personnel is in Ter- race Bay, another man might be trained to make minor repairs or adjustments. The Horticultural Society asked permission to again attend to the flower beds around the Com- munity Church, Centennial Park and other areas and permission was granted. Council also gave permission to hold a bedding plant sale early in June. In the Fire Chief's report he stated that the Roxy Theatre had been checked and found all fire extinguishers in good order, exits cleared and all was clean and orderly. Council is pleased to report that they have loca- ted and hired a Dog Catcher. The pound has been cleaned and is ready for use. In spite of various warnings people are still allowing their dogs to run at large therefore Council felt they had no recourse but to raise... Continued page 2 .....