FEBRUARY 15, peceacecet Ea i 1968 Lacies Auxiliary - Cont'd from page 4 ~ Mrs. Broadhurst then took her place as the newly elected president, and thanked Rev. Husser for instal ling the officers and for his inspiring words. She announced that the Superior Presbyterial will meet i Trinity United Church, Port Arthur on February 20th at 1.30. Delegates from the Auxiliary are invited to attend. There will be workshops and guest speakers, among whom will be Rev. Husser. Anyone wishing to attend is asked to contact Rev. Husser or Mrs. Broadhurst . A letter concerning selling Christmas cards show- ing the Church altar decorated for Christmas, was turned over to the Afternoon Auxiliary as one of their projects. Mrs. Brown offered to convene the Boy Scout Father and Son Banquet to be held on February 24th. There being no further business, Mrs. Broadhurst closed with a prayer, after which a lunch was served by Mrs. Broadhurst and Mrs. "Ellen Hodgkiss. Shown in the. photo below by Marg Lundberg are from | tor: Mrs. D. Broadhurst - President; Mrs. M, Sutherland - Secretary, and Mrs. B. Wise - Treasurer of the Community Church Ladies Auxiliary Terrace Bay. Monday, February 19th, the Afternoon Group of * the Ladies Auxiliary will meet in the Sunday School rooms of the Community Church at 1.45 p.m. All ladies of the Congregation are invited to attend. Canada Packer labels will be counted. Anyone hav ing labels to be picked up may call Mrs. Lil Harris at 3241. CWL HOLDS PAST PRESIDENT NIGHT Hearts and flowers decorated the table at the regular monthly meeting of the St. Martin's Parish TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 5 Council of the C.W.L. on Sunday, February 11, when they held their Past Presidents Night. The Rosary preceeded in the Church and Director, Rev. A.P. Harris opened the meeting with the League Prayer. President Mrs. H. Boudreau welcomed those present with a special welcome for guests of honour ; Mrs. E. Cavanaugh who was. the first president of St. Martin's Parish Council, Mrs. F.A. Helmink, who held the position for several terms of office and is now Diocesan Past President and Corresponding Secretary of the Provincial Council, Mrs. G. Dash- kewytch, current Treasurer of the Diocesan Council, and Mrs. M. Nicol. lt was decided that a bakeless bake sale would be held at the end of this month, convened by Mrs. B. Walsh, with the proceeds to go to a local mission. Community service forms were circulated among the ladies. Education Convenor, Mrs. J. Santerre, recomme ded that members watch the T.V. show on channel 2 entitled Family Life Education, Saturdays at 6.30 p.m. She also explained the requirements of the Diocesan Scholarship which is available to sons and daughters of members who have graduated from Grade 13 and have been accepted by an accrediteu university. Report form convenor, Mrs. W. Corrigan, put forth a petition to be sent to Town Council in which members voted for or against a change in daylight saving time. Mrs. L. McBride reported that the Catholic Girls Club are planning a Penny Auction and Cake Walk for children only to be held on Saturday, February 17th.at 2 p.m. in St. Martins' Church basement. It was agreed that at the next meeting the ladies would bring along a deck of cards and those interest ed could make up tables or if it can be arranged, Bridge lessons will be given. Before closing, Mrs. Boudreau thanked the ladies who have worked so hard during the year. Guest speakers for the evening were Rev. J. Cano, Dio- cesan Director of the C.W.L., and Mrs. H. Shack of Schreiber, Diocesan President. Father Cano gave an interesting talk on the development of Social Action in Parish Councils and Mrs. Shack spoke briefly, welcoming Father Harris on behalf of the Diocesan Counci]. She invited members to att- end the Diocesan Convention to be held in Fort Frances. Mrs. W. Corrigan and Mrs. W. Vezina presided over the tea table and a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Connors and her committee.