PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS Keep Dresses Just Like New Let us put "new life" in your garments with our better cleaning. SAVE $ $ $ ues ye Just arrived - A carload of INSULATION See us for your INSULATION NEEDS and SAVE $ $ M.CEBRARIO & SONS LTD. SCHREIBER PHONE 142 Town Topics (Cont'd from page 2) CHEERLEADERS Marathon scored four points in the 3 minute overtime quarter, and kept a firm control of the ball to end the game 29-25. High scorer for T.B.H. was B. Broadhurst with 13 points and B. Dido for Marathon with 12 points. After these two games, all the teams enjoyed a tasty lunch provided by the T.B.H.S. students. The third game which involved teachers, saw a very close scoring game with some dazzl- ing shots and plays by both teams. In the last few seconds of the 4th quar- ter, with the score tied at 23, Terrac¢ Teachers were able to steal the ball and score to win by a narrow 25-23. BRIAN BIRCH voor GY) soir The fine encouragement from the phone 640 or 332 cheerleaders of both teams, deserves ED'S if belongsi! Drive B.A. SERVICE 05 sue" Corner. of Mill Road & Highway 17 Terrace Bay, Ontario GIVE A PAINTING FOR XMAS 10 % off on allpaintings at Voyaguer Restaurant a note of gratitude from all. players of Marathon and Terrace Bay. Mrs. A. Sinkins Honoured by Church Auxiliary Last Monday evening the annual Christmas Party was held at the Community Church under the auspic- es of the Ladies Auxiliary. The president, Mrs. S. Brown greeted all present, and read a poem entitled "Your Task". party. Minutes were read by Mrs. Bette Turner, and in SCHREIBER, Ont. DEC EMBER NA 1967 DRIVE IN | FOR SERVICE We keep your car en road, where Phone 3251 A short business meeting preceded the Mrs. Connie Czvitovich read the treasurer's report. Mrs. Marilyn Chisholm will head a nominating comm ittee. Correspondence was read, and convenors reports given. Mrs. Lois Hopper reported on the Christmas Bazaar and thanked all who helped to make it such a success. Mrs. Brown expressed her thanks to Mrs.. Hopper and her convenors. Lunch for January will be supplied by the 1967 Executive Mrs. Brown presented a gift to Mrs. Aggie Sinkins, on behalf of the Ladies Auxiliary. A letter was read from the Recreation Association, requesting a donation towards bringing to Terrace Bay, the Toronto Museum Children's Theatre. A donation of $25 was voted towards the project (Cont'd on page 5)