Quarter Cen't Club(cont'd pg 5 'Jack and Phyllis Kelty, John NOVEMBER 30, 1967 TERRACE BAY NEWS Cadieux, Ted and Tina Young, Roger and Adelaide Beaulieu, Jack and Isabelle Thomas, and Freda Knight, Hector © McLeod and Elizabeth Burns. Other Quarter Century Club members invited but unable to attend from Longlac were: Jack and Margaret Day, Mike and Helen Dusk, Bill and Tilly Loponen. From Terrace Bay : Don and Mary Husband. SILVER BIRCH CHAPTER O.E.S The regular meeting of Silver Birch chapter #246 O.E.S. was held recently in the Star Room of the Temple Hall. Worthy Matron B. Haughn, assisted by Worthy Patron C. Sitch presided over the meeting Minutes were read by secretary A. Laine and the treasurers' report by Mrs. A.Farrow. Annual reports were given by the convenors of all committees and it proved to be a most suc- cessful year. At the conclusion of the bus- iness, an impressive Installation ceremony was held with Mrs. Dorlene Collings P.M. of Meldd Chapter 313 Chapleau acting as Installing Matron, and Miss B. When the party's over Seven-year-old socialites have a way of leaving more than a gift at a party: a Cascade 40 ever been stuck with a tutti-frutti- i topped tablecloth? electric water heater These are the times a Cascade 40 can Haughn P.M. as Installin : i really win you over. It provides all the Mental . Others ie can have its finest hour hot water you need to suds up & vite hia: Plocc te M strawberry-specked party dress, its : yson, M\rs. chocolate-cheeked owner, and the Jean Roberts, and Mrs Margaret pile of party paraphernalia you'll be Kragero. Officers installed left with: were: Mrs. Stella Brown, Mr. T A Cascade 40 electric water heater may not make the party ... . but it Brown, Mrs. Anna Laine, Mrs. Alice Farrow, Mrs. Doris Almos Mrs. W. McKechnie, Mrs. H. Bryant, Mrs. Agnes Bryson, Mrs Norma Crockford,Mrs. Tena Young, Mrs C. Glad, Mrs. R. your hydro Corbett and Mrs. Kay Weppler. During the social hour which followed, gifts were presented-to outgoing officers. Miss B. Haughn and her committee served a delicious lunch to conclude the evening. could save the day. For more inform- ation, ask your Hydro.