TERRACE BAY NEWS Christmas... a time for giving. But let's start giving earlier this year. A special appeal has come from the Prime Minister that everyone should give something extra, starting on December Ist. This, though, is giving with a difference. It costs nothing. Quite the reverse, in fact. We are asked for contributions that w'll involve no expense, and may actually result in tremendous savings. We are asked to give a little extra care. Some extra patience. Perhaps, a little extra time. More courtes more good humour. In other words, we are all asked to support SAFE DRIVING WEEK, December 1 to 7. Cars don't cause traffic accidents, nor do icy roads fogs, or bottles of beer. It is people who cause acci- dents. People who don't handle these things the way they should, and can, be handled. Traffic accidents are caused by you, and me, and the man in the next lane. By individuals. And just as the individual causes the accident, so can he pre- vent it. Eanes The Ontario Safety League emphasizes that the best way fo avotd accidents, is to avoid the possibility of accidents. One of the aims of SAFE DRIVING WEEK is to persuade the individual to give extra thought and skill in avoiding the accident that never gets started. | The book of averages says that over 100 Canadians may die on the roads in the first seven days of Dec., while thousands will be injured. Yet avoidance of this impending national disaster lies within the control Jof individuals . . .individual drivers and pedestrians. It needs no magic to reduce the total of continuing tragedies that stain our streets and highways. It just needs a little extra effort from all who drive and DELUXE PICTURE FRAMING WE FRAME ANYTHING ALSO REPAIRING AND REFINISHING Standard Size Frames Always In Stock. Out of Town Orders A Specialty FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE 235 Carl Avenue PORT ARTHUR. ONTARIO ROUND FRAMES AND NON-GLARE GLASS ALSO walk on our roads. SAFE DRIVING WEEK is a good time for us to pledge that extra effort, that our coun- try needs so desperately. For, although the immédiate aim of this safety campaign is the first seven days in December, the long-range objective covers all the days of every year. TO THE REEVE AND PEOPLE OF TERRACE BAY Last week our Reeve tried to explain Council's reasons for their decision in passing the recent High School expansion. That if it were put to a plebescite the delay would cause a loss in grants. This is an in- correct statement as a few weeks delay would not make any difference to the government in giving the grants. However, Council did not give the small taxpayers a voice in this, nor did they announce their decision until after they passed the Board's proposal . You state our original debentures would be paid up by 1970, but will this mean we will get tax relief, or 4 will it be as the $38,000 paid to the Home for the ->{- Aged in 1966. What reduction in taxes were there in 1967? Furthermore, how about the added expenditures of upkeep for Home for the Aged, and District Assessor, also a further $22,000 that has to be paid for Home for the Aged. All this has to be taxed for in 1968. The Board of Education wanted a District School built in this area, with all the Courses including Business and Commercial and Grade 13, at a cost of $267 ,000. Tax levy for 1967 shows $174,000 for High School Operation Expansion, without Grade 13, Business and Commercial, but plus additional heating mainten- ance and 11 more rooms will cost? 22? The decrease in birth rate should be of some concern to all of us. Since 1965 it is cut in half, 47 born in 1965, and 25 per year in 1966-67. In five years there will only be 20 to 30 pupils entering grade 1. The government in January of 1969, is going to create district school Boards and make them go directly to the Tax payers. ..Why the rush in Terrace Bay? ? Why not a plebescite or at least an open debate and a full explanation. W. ADAMO 344-3668 IN STOCK