October 5,1967 TERRACE B AY NEWS Page 15 Keep Fit Classes ( from Page 14) Youth Bowling League - in the large meeting room of the Recreation Centre. Registrations can still be phoned in to the Rec. Office at 3542. Registration fee is $3,00 which pays for 4 weeks in advance. Fee should be brought to your first class. Instructress is Mrs. D. Kirkup a qualified member of the Women's League of Health and Beauty. Men's Basketball - Our interest survey on basketball was quite favourable. You may submit your name to the Recreation Office - 3542. To play in this league you must be 16 or over. A meeting pertaining to the formation of this league will be called shortly. Minor Hockey - The majority of registrations have been received, how- ever if you would like to play hockey you can register by calling the Recreation Office. Sewing Course - Consid- erable interest has been shown towards conducting a sewing class. We have acquired the services of Mrs. J .Brooks as instruct- ress. The class will be held Tuesday night at the Recreation Centre and if interested, please call the Recreation Office - 3542. Watch the "News" for further information. Get your registration in early as there is a max- imum set for the course. Activity Calendar -We | have been talking to the Editor of the "News" and consent was reached to set up an Activity Calen- dar to give dates and times of activities in Terrace Bay. We shall Plans have been made to form a Youth Bowling League that will operate on Saturday mornings. Further information is forthcoming Rockhound Club - If the meeting held last week can be any criteria, there is considerable interest in the- formation of a Rock Club. Refer to this column for future announcements pertaining to the next meeting. 6&=s tIRE CHIEF SAYS: GA fe) >» DON'T OVERLOAD YOUR WIRING SYSTEM Crescent has changed its name to \\ It's the same company, | the same reliable service i, you have always known. y | But now the name is Avco. We're mailing you this book. \ "There were a lot of good reasons why \\ Crescent changed its name to Avco. They are \\ told in this colourful little book that is I, being mailed to your home. When it arrives, please take a few minutes to read it. You'll enjoy it! Need money now? Borrow quickly and confidentially trom Avco Finance. Use this convenient coupon. a NASD) ANCE Mail or bring this Ready-Cash Certificate to the Avco Finance (formerly 4 AVCO FIN Crescent Finance) office near you. You will receive prompt attention to i READY- CASH your request. Amount N. be able to present Rec- CERTIFICATE | """ vo ° oe. ege Date reation activities but ON aly ch cee ec, | Mawe ' on request al | outside organ- ™ get your car repaired (or buy anew one) Phone E83) = buy a colour TV mpay forhouse repairs City. Prov. _-- number. izations notify the Rec- reation Office of their events taking place so that these may be co- ordinated with our events. @| = Pay for a vacation mpay medical bills