Page 8 COUNCIL QUOTES (from Page 7) Tong grass in specitied areas in the town. He brought a suggestion from Councillor Desrosier that a special clean up campaign be started in view of the expected influx of tourists and that he be given authority to order up to $300. worth of new street signs - the first step in a gradual replacement program. Council approved a 20¢ per capita donation to Lakehead University. The University had asked for this for a five year period but Council cannot obligate itself for longer than a two year term. Tenders will be solicited for repairs to a Police house. -K-C WEEKLY SAFETY SLOGAN Len Swirhun, Carl Gorham, Roddy Thompson, Norman Glad and George Delong each won silver dollars for knowing last week's safety slogan. When we consider that no one wants 'to be involved in an accident and experience an injury we find it diffi- cult to understand why people take chances and gamble with their lives and the lives of others with no thought for safety. Remember this week's safety slogan:" "NO ONE IS REQUIRED TO TAKE CHANCES - BE SAFE" ST. MARTIN'S HOLD BAKE SALE A bake sale was held on Friday, April 21 which was intended for the whole school. It lasted only up to Grade 4 when everything was sold out. Another sale on Monday for senior grades went off very well. Total amount of money earned is approximately $37. STORK CLUB - Born to Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mac- Donald of Terrace Bay, a girl, on April 2I. TERRACE BAY NEWS Ag on ridge None Vulnerable South Deals NORTH SK1054 HQ42 D653 CQ93 WEST EAST SJ2 AQ987 HJ95 H87 DAKS84 DQ1097 C10852 C764 SOUTH SA63 HAK1063 DJ2 CAKJ THE BIDDING: South West North East 1H Pass 2H Pass 4H All Pass OPENING LEAD: DIAMOND KING In recent columns we have been stressing the importance of proper bidding sequences for the bidding of almost all bridge hands is 75% of the normal game. Play, on the other hand, comprises only 25% of most hands. Of course, there is no scientific analysis which can be applied here but most experts agree that without proper bids, responses, and rebids, one can- not expect to play above-average bridge. Today's deal is an ex- ample of judgment on the part of the North player. Should he bid his spade suit in preference to supporting partner's opening heart bid? We think that the bidding in the box is correct for it is more accurate to both the point count in North's hand and shows his support as weak as it is. Suppose North did respond with one spade. South would probably rebid three hearts and the problem of bidding game would fall upon North who has no idea what strength South has nor any indication of the weak- ness in the combined hands. Therefore, when considering a bid, consider also the next bid partner could make. Judging from your strength, make a bid which is most descriptive of your hand. In the actual deal, South counts partner for at least three hearts and between six and nine points and can easily bid game. The hand makes ex- actly four hearts as South will lose two diamonds and a spade. April 27, 1967 UNCONDITIONAL GRANTS Ontario municipalities will receive a $1.50 increase in per capita grants under legislation introduced to the Ont ario Legislature by the Hon. J.W. Spooner, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Member for Cochrane South. The grants are designed to help muni- cipalities meet additional costs. The total amount approved for unconditional grants this year is $40,000,000. A town or village with less than 2,000) people will be paid $4.50 per capita in a county and $3.50 per capita in a territorial district. TOWN TOPICS - Mr. & Mrs. Slomke and Mrs. Dorland were Lakehead visitors recently . Mrs. Stella Brown and daughter were at the Lakehead over the weekend. The Women of the Moose will hold their meeting May 3 at the Moose Hall when a Penny Auction will take place among the members. Members are requested to bring suitable items, for this event. LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The following was given to our news correspondent: "A resident notes with relief that the municipal dog-catcher is now at work once more. But, it is with regret that it is noticed that there are still several labradors, Irish setters, German shep- erds, that persistently run loose, both day and night, a hazard to passing traffic and a danger to children playing on the streets. It is remarkable that these dogs seem so hard to catch. The first of several Centennial Cara- vans to pass through Terrace Bay stapp- ed last Wednesday for fuel and lunch. Coming from London, Ontario they are heading for British Columbia to exhibit May |. The caravan consists of eight trucks, seven carrying exhibits and the eighth containing stores and maintenance equipment.