Page 10 TERRACE BAY NEWS March 9 1967 MINOR HOCKEY NEWS Friday night March 10 the annual Minor Hockey Night will be held in the Arena with Opening Ceremonies beginning at 6 p.m. Hockey players will canvass the town Wednesday night with Family Tickets. Parents DON'T SEN D YOUR BOY TO THE ARENA -- BRING HIM! 7 p.m. for the draw of rinks. Saturday ~vening will be a social. Competition is becoming stiff for runner up posifion in Club Championship. The McLeod rink in Division "B" could be an upset. Thirds' Bonspiel March |8 is now in prodaction. Rinks can be picked or present rink can enter with skip playing lead. There is a social evening planned | for that evening also. ARTIFICIAL ICE DRAW - Goal Times February 25 - 2 mins. I8 sec., 15 min. 48 sec., 10 min. 12 sec., 18 min. 7 sec. March 4-1 min. 52 sec., 50 sec., 2 min. 31 sec. Winners are Mrs. Smart, Brian B irch, Liz Prescott, Mrs. Shack and E. St.Jean. Letter To The Editor: On behalf of the Terrace Bay Recreation Associa- tion and the North Shore All Stars, | would like to thank everyone who participated at the exhibitio hockey game between our club and the Toronto N.H.L. Oldtimers Saturday, March 4. We lost 12-7 but it was still a pleasure for each of us to compete against a strong aggregation. Thank you to the dignitaries for being part of our programme. Especially the advance ticket sellers, the men and women of the Moose for a lovely meal and enjoyable social evening, and the Town Band who played so well. After the game the players, executive and wives had a banquet in the Moose Hall and after the festivities, the Manager of the Toronto Club over- heard his boys comment that they had enjoyed the game and the hospitality extended to them. The winners of various draws were: Gruen Watch Dick Nicols of Marathon, Navy League Heart Draw Mrs. Chepelsky, Costa's Hamper Miss Rose- marie Long and Caccamo's Voucher Mr. H. Mc- Leod. Photo by G. Whiteley. Winning rink at Terrace Bay Kiwanis Club Bonspiel are l.tor. Jack Brimmell lead, Arnold Soanes 2nd, Hugh Manson 3rd, Earl Loucks skip. Three rinks participated from Port Arthur, Fort William and Westfort. Terrace Bay played a round robin series with Port Arthur/Fort William defeating Terrace Bay in the finals. Crying towels were given to the losers and ministure trophies to the winning rink. Gordon Calder. A Terrace Bay Ladies rink of Peggy Wellings, Louise Gavin, Dene Clancy and Aggie Sinkins took part in a Manitouwadge Bonspiel capturing second place in the first event and also the prize for the largest out of town end. It has been announced by The.Canadian Red Cross that a Bursary of $1,000. is being offered to Graduate Nurses registered in Ontario. The purpose of the award is to enable a nurse to undertake further pre- paration in Nursing at the degree level. The success ful candidate will be selected on the basis of training nursing experience and leadership qualities, consider ing also anticipated contribution to Nursing in Ont- ario. The 1966 winner is completing studies towards her Masters Degree in Psychiatric Nursing at Boston. CURLING NEWS This weekend the Kimberly-Clark Bonspiel time with the first draw at 6.30 p.m. Friday. The committee will make up teams Tuesday night and present Thursday evening at MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT--MARCH 10 th.