TERRACE BAY NEWS BETTER MNT We do a skilled dry cleaning job -- and you can also depend on your clothes being prop- erly sized to give you smooth fit and crisp texture. Let us serve you soon! KIWANIS CLUB OF TERRACE BAY CALENDAR OF EVENTS BADMINTON - Mon.& Wed. nights High School Auditorium ART SHOW - Voyageur Restaurant REGULAR SESSION ART CLUB - February 23 at 8 p.m. Lounge. New members welcome. TERRACE BAY BAND PRACTISE - Sunday, at 8 p.m. KIWANIS CLUB DINNER MEETING - Tuesday, 6.30 p.m. Bey Motor Hotel. BALLET, TAP & BATON LESSONS - Large meeting room, Recreation Centre, Saturdey mornings 10.30 a.m. DESSERT BRIDGE - Terrace Bay Community Church, Ladies Auxil- iery, Wednesday, March 15, 1967 with dessert at 8 p.m, Terr- Old Curling Terrace ED. FORTIN : BONDED FRANCHISED DEALER SALES & SERVICE 14 Broadway -- Wawa, Ontario 0. Box 52 --Phone 856-2996 Piscine (CANADA) LIMITED -- VACUUM CLEANERS --.. FLOOR POLISHERS _.. ETC. E. FORTIN - LICENSED DEALER Write to Box 586 Terrace Bey or Phone 3613 K-C WEEKLY SAFETY SLOGAN Winners of last week's safety slogan were Frances Fontaine, Gaylord Newman, George Nugent, Vic Thorpe and Nazaire Vienneau; each receiving silver dollar awards. Ever stop to think of what your health means to you and the value of being physically able to enjoy life? If not, take a few minutes and consider whdt it might be like not to be able to do all the things you are now enjoying. Your health and safety are important so remember - This Week's Safety Slogan: ace Bay Motor Hotel. Admission 75¢ , COUNCIL QUOTES (from Page 1) Councillor Desrosier who pointed out that using sand for this purpose entire- ly throughout the winter months would increase the costs to the taxpayers by about $3,000. per year. Complaints are also received when sand is used as it is mixed with salt which house- wives claim track into their homes. Sand is used however, in milder wea- ther. Councillor Caccamo again raised the question re having driver tests given in Terrace Bay at least on an alternating basis with Schreiber . Township Clerk Hanley will make inquiries. The meeting adjourned after a motion that Terrace Bay make application for membership in the District Health Unit. 8 p.m, prizes. DONALD J. RITCHIE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 209 ARTHUR STREET PORT ARTHUR, ONTARIO Bus. 345-6251 Res. 345-7574 AROUND THE BEND AND OVER THE HILL -- HERE WE COME TO KILL THE BRIAN BIRCH OIL DEALER Telephone - Schreiber 640 or 332 "BE CAREFUL - SEE THE WORLD FIRST = HEAVEN CAN WAIT...." LITERATURE BY C of C (from Pg. 2) A hospitality seminar will be sponsor- ed by the Chamber in Terrace Bay, April 14th when it is hoped that over 100 North Shore delegates will attend. The local chamber are supporting the efforts of Radio Station CJLX to secure a CTV network at the Lakehead. On behalf of the Chamber J.Kelty extended to Neil Cornthwaite, their appreciation for his efforts on their behalf during his years of association with them and presented a gift to him. STORK CLUB NEWS Born to Mr. & Mrs. D. Almos, Terrace Bay, on February 11, ae boy. Born to Mr. & Mrs. H. Prill, Terrace Bay, on February 16, © girl. Born to Mr. & Mrs. A. Theriault, Terrace Bay, on February 19, a boy. Born to Mr. & Mrs. Otto Mennecke at Coch- enour, Ontario, January 26, a girl.