2, 1967 TERRACE BAY NEWS Page Il SAT. FEBRUARY 4th.' his great interest in the arena and the youth of our town, the Ice Plant would still be a dream. The official opening is scheduled for February 3. Quite a few forms of entertainment were planned but owing to unforseen circumstances we are limiting the events to a hockey game and moccasin dance. We look forward to a record crowd to support the House League Team and hope everyone enjoys them- selves. A sincere vote of thanks to all who have supported us from, Februar Hi-C BOTTLE DRIVE PUBLIC SPEAKING WINNERS Winner of the Principal's Award in St.Martin's Separate School for Public Speaking was Marlyn MacDonald. Marlyn competed in the Ontario School Trustee's and Ratepayers' Association Provincial Public Speaking Contest. In this contest entrants are free to choose their own topic, excluding those pertai ning to sectarian reli- gion and partisan politics. A strictly enforced rule is that concerning the duration of each speech - not less than five minutes and not more than seven. Winners in county contests will then compete in Zone finals which are the Semi - Finals for the Prov- ince which will be held on Easter Monday at the King Edward Sheraton Hotel, Toronto. Marlyn chose as her topic "Water", while the The Ice Group, Samuel P.Newton, Treasurer . winner of the Masonic Order Award for Public Speak- ACROSS g-Rented Sve ing in the public School, Cathy Graham chose 1-Grasp "article . Pg -Entreaty 8-Residue "Canada - Past, Present and Future". 2:Qbtain 9-Openings in yo S] OfW|S Fl TIN] 3] Cathy received a plaque from Mr. Clarence Buck eure 10-Spanish Bae : ; 15-Ab 11-8 INIO|S| '[al SIAL [wits representing the Order and also a pen and pencil 18: Speck, telturium ota he . -tor - i set from the School Board. Runner-up at St.Martin's 20-Pronoun sa ean iatietion See ie - Tableland 21-Povert was Joan Persson and at the Public School, Donna 24-Communists stricken ee me " -Competen neighbor- SVs] 13/2 S(LISIN 29- s Chapman and Bevan Schritt. : Instrument eg DROS Vissi of =I) . -Pla th h Cathy and Marlyn will now compete at Red Rock #2: Decline eaten itiae si SOLUTION next month e henelin: Se 43-Lower in 58-Allow 36-A state 26-Rocks rene 60- Writing Pr eye gi Zeimene har eae oe = $ 's nam ve speech 30-Arrow re si ae' cate pth aca THE STORY OF SCHREIBER'S ARTIFICIAL ICE PLANT] f:t7be, case operation 51-Note of scale 62-A continent ee acca gegpepcteete nen adtesiineiecellaers ° (abbr.) 35-inflexible 53-A_ state (abbr.) In November 1962 a meeting was held to form a 42-Alight 38-Man's name (abbr.) 64-Symbol for fi i ae tee 44-Delineate 40-District in 56- Afternoon niton Committee to raise sufficient money to install Artifi- | 48:Knock Germany party 66-Sun god carol 49-Planet 50-Wife of Geraint, -Smoke and cial Ice in the Schreiber Arena at a cost of $30,000. A committee was formed with: Chairman, Mrs .Flora Bryson, Secretary, Mr.Lionel Bourguignon, Treasurer Mr .Patrick Newton, a group of ladies volunteered their help. A request for a donation of $1.00 per month from each family was not very successful .Over seventy-five pleas were mailed to merchants in town and outside with satisfactory results. Main source of income was from hockey pools, raffles and bingoes. With support from Bingo fans of Schreiber, Terrace Bay and Rossport we did very well and with donations from various organizations in Schreiber, the largest to date being Schreiber Kinsme Club, we have realized over $18,000. We are grateful to Mr.J.D.Bromley. Without his -Parcel of land 57-Semi- precious stone 59-Note of scale 61-Employ 63- Heraldry: grafted 65-lreland 67-Ethiopian title 68-The sweetsop -Small naii DOWN -African antelope 2-Pertaining to a political party -Pronoun 04 Kx : Se] Kod -Greek Boo] Bo letter Oc) RO -Man's name Distr. by United Feature Syndicate, Inc. /o ao pw