Page 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS November 24, 1966 - HIDING FROM TROUBLE DOES NOT SOLVE if AT ALL... 'gp Burying Your Head When the Going Gets Tough, is 'Strictly for the Ostrich ! Although we may not like to admit it the fact remains that shoplifting is a problem in this district. Merchants in both Terrace Bay and Schreiber have lately reported that articles of considerable value have been stolen from their premises. Toys & parts of toys, clothing, groceries, cosmetics, cameras candy etc., etc. are only some of the items taken from various establishments. Not all of this pilfering is done by juveniles. Adults too are involved. The involvement by adults is a double edged sword. If these adults have children, who is there to point out to their youngsters that petty stealing is often the first step to more violent crime. Too many parents do nothing when advised that their child has been caught pilfering. The wise parent does point out that it is wrong and that if he chooses to do so, merchants can press charges and that the law provides severe penalties. Don't force the merchants to prosecute - help stop petty pilfering in every way you can. ie ei a's ia mt