Page 18 SEWING TYPING Winter Brides will radiate a frosty freshness in innocent snow-white gowns with baby puff sleeves and high little-girl waists. Crown with lacy bon- nets, snug bunny fur helmets or orange blossom garlands twined with your postiche. Lots of ideas in the pattern books too! Cut it out--circles, diamonds, triangles or squares . . . on gloves, midriffs, necklines or sleeves. Using a satin stitch on your sewing machine (or a but- tonhole stitch by hand), outline the shape; then carefully cut it out with nail scissors. To make a dull dress "camp", appliqué a vivid daisy on the midriff and cut out the center. Buy a bolt of fabric and sew a "capsule wardrobe" . .. the only way to travel lightly and elegantly. Use the same fabric for skirt, overblouse, jacket, dress, slacks and coat. Result? You're ready for any occasion with a smart "ensemble". Only one set of accessories required. (A bonus plus since shoes, handbags and hats are awkward NIGHT COURSES - - SCHREIBER HIGH SCHOOL TERRACE BAY NEWS The following Night Courses will be offered by the Schreiber High School Board providing there is sufficient official registration: BOOKKEEPING CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH NEW MATHEMATICS REGISTRATION WILL BE HELD TUESDAY EVENING OCTOBER 4, FROM 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. IN THE HIGH SCHOOL. CLASSES WILL BEGIN ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6TH. REGISTRATION FEE OF $10.00 PER COURSE IS TO BE PAID AT REGISTRATION. fashion mM eEe\VWSune @ FASHION CONSULTANT TO THE 160 SINGER CENTERS IN CANADA. and bulky to pack). Sew your "capsule" in a bright, clear color (red?) using ultra-simple styles and a travel-wise fabric (bonded wool?). Bon voyage! A GONK? Yes. A Gonk is the most lovable cuddly stuffed toy to make for small-fry Christ- mas presents. With mops of wild, wooly hair, balloon noses, sad, sad eyes, melon heads and dangly arms, they come in all shapes and sizes. Patterns are by Simplicity. Inexpensive to sew from fabric scraps, yarn and trims. CHECK-UP your cold weath- er wardrobe with houndstooth, tattersall and. window-pane checks. Zone in on high beam with subtle to bold combina- tions of plum and navy, sea- green and rust, jet-black and buttery cream. In on fashion's classic wavelength are the more traditional combinations of black and white, camel and grey, rust and heather. Checks "go it alone" or combine with heathery plains for two part oomph. It is now only seven months to the opening of Expo 67 in 'Montreal, but this greatest of Canadian Centennial events has so far failed to generate much enthusiasm throughout the country. Why? Do too many Canadians regard Expo as a Montreal show only, or as an accomplishment of French Canada which the rest of the country can smugly ignore? Or is the general indifference, which I am convinced exists throughout the country, mainly due to the fact that because of the distance and cost involved, only a minority of Canadians will be able to attend? All of these factors are to some degree present. But in the four years in which I have fol- lowed the progress of Expo since Canada was awarded the 1967 World Exhibition, I have become' more than ever con- vinced that those Canadians who ignore this tremendous event will be cheating only themselves. To begin with, Expo is being heavily underwritten by the Canadian government -- the fi- nal deficit might be 100 million dollars -- and if we're stuck with picking up the tab, we might as well enjoy the show. But in the long run the cost to Canada will probably be slight in that the millions of vis- itors Expo will draw to this country will leave behind a hef- ty wad of currency. And who is to say how many visitors will return again to Canada -- not just to visit but perhaps also to settle here and establish new businesses and industries -- as a result of attending Expo? Like all semi-public under- takings, the Canadian Corpora- tion for the World Exhibition has had its share of problems. Selection of the site was a difficult choice, made only after the Corporation had beaten off squads of profit-hungry real estate promoters. The selection of St. Helen's Island in the St. Lawrence River, its expansion and the creation of an entire new island, was a tremendous physical feat in itself. The dire warning that island- building in the fast-flowing: St. Lawrence would be physically impossible was proven false. Now, alarming stories are spreading that the cost of ac- commodation in Montreal will Expo --a priceless gem , September 29, 1966 bankrupt anyone not a million- aire, and the host city is collec- tively rubbing its hands at the drooling prospect of 10 million visitors \between next April 28 and October 27. While it is true hotel costs will rise considerably, the basic truth is that Expo 67 will be like any other well patronized big show -- foolish good-timers who buy first and ask the price later will go home with empty pocketbooks. This also happens at the county fair. I jeeped around the site of Expo 67 a few weeks ago. The work at this fabulous project is breathtaking, and the promise it holds of an exhibition of science and progress is equally stun- ning. More than 70 nations will par- ticipate. The theme of Expo 67 is "Man and His World" and in addition to grandiose national pavilions (which unfortunately will be dismantled after Expo), there will be "theme pavilions" devoted to such topics as Man the Creator, Man the Explorer, Man the Producer, Man the Pro- vider and Man and the Commu- nity. Major countries like the U.S., France, Britain, and Russia, are building pavilions of wonderful architectural originality. Can- ada's own $21 million pavilion will house $6 million worth of exhibits, in addition to pavilions sponsored by Ontario, Quebec, the Atlantic provinces and the Western provinces. Private in- dustry also is participating on a massive scale. The cost? Well, first you have to get there, and Expo officials expect most visitors to arrive by car. Accommodation can be ar- ranged by writing -Logexpo, Montreal, and thousands of pri- vate rooms are' being lined up to handle the influx. Expo authorities figure it will cost a family of six a minimum of $341 to spend a week at Expo -- and this includes only accom- modation, food and admission. Admission, by the way, is the smallest cost of all. Adult ad- mission will be $2.50 but "Expo Passports" are available now at a discount and entrance to most of the events (and all pavilions) inside Expo will be free. Expo 67 will be the jewel of the Canadian Centennial. See it if you can.