September 29, 1966 TERRACE BAY NEWS Page II PHILIPS World's first "Fiddle-free™ Color Remember . . . Expert Service is Essential for your Color TV! TELEVISION TAPE RECORDERS Monophonic and Stereo STEREO TRANSISTORS AND AM = FM BATTERIES FOR RADIOS RADIOS RrE~Po At Res RESP ARS KREKKSK KREEKEK If we say nothing more than this about Philips Automatic Color Television, we've said plenty: AUTOMATIC! Philips' engineers have taken the guesswork out of color television. This exclusive, new color chassis has more features built into it that make color TV a pure pleasure than any other we know of Fine tuning, for example, is a simple one, two, three operation -- just push a button, fine tune 'roughly' -- release the button and the picture will actually snap into perfect tune! Other Automatic Features include the Degaussing Circuit, to keep colors pure; "White" Compensator for strong black & white pictures; Vertical/Horizontal holds prevent flops and tears; Voltage Regulator; Conirast Compensator to prevent washing out of colors. It's so automatic you'll have to see it to believe it! FROM MANNS T.V. SCHREIBER, ONTARIO - PHONE 689 WitAl We SELL = -WE SERVICE