Page 4 « HELP WANTED - Female - Typist Clerk required by Bank of Montreal, Schrei- ber, for full time employment. Good salary and all usual staff benefits offer- ed. Telephone 80 for appointment. CARD OF THANKS = The East Thunder Bay Tuberculosis Association wish to thank the many who so thoroughly con- ducted the door to door canvas prepara- tory to the Chest Clinic, which made the event so successful, and all others who assisted in any way. CARD OF THANKS - We would like to express our deep appreciation and thanks to all who offered their sympathy sent books, cards and helped my family in any way during our recent bereave- ment. Stewart & Marion Reid - Schreiber HIGH SCHOOL (Continued from page 1 a committee was already in the process of being set up, and it would begin its survey around June Ist. Principal W.Rowsome, in reply to questions, stated that the students had not been officially polled as to their preference, but in his opinion, the Business and Commerce Course was bound to be more attrac- tive to the majority of girls than Arts and Science. He also surmised that under present conditions, Schreiber could only accept a percentage of Terrace Bay students, should any elect to take the course offered there. Terrace Bay High School will then continue with the same course as at present. Mr .Chisholm thanked all those who attended, for their moral support in the Board's very difficult task and also the Municipal Council for their overwhelm- ing vote of confid ence. SEMINAR ON ALCOHOLISM HELD HERE Throughout the winter months workshops for clergy and social workers have been held along the North Shore in connection with their work among alcoholics and their families. The meeting held here Thursday was inténded to bring to the general public some idea of the role to be played by a community in this work . Rev.T.G.Husser introduced Mr .Cliff Bennett of the Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Research Founda- tion Centre in the Lakehead, who in turn introduced the members of his panel. Each member spoke from their own per sonal experience with the problem; one was a member of Alcoholics Anonymous, the ladies were all members of Al-Anon, the organization which offers help to the families of alcoholics. Following the panel's remarks the meeting split into two "buzz groups" to discuss three points of focus. A recording secretary made notes of the points |raised in each group and these were read out when the meeting joined for coffee. The first question "Who and What Creates a Com- THE NEWS FRIENDLY La Tae WE'D ENJOY OUR NEIGHBOURS SHADE IN THE SUMMER, IF WE OION'T GET HIS LEAVES IN THE FALL... SHELL OIL R. SINOTTE Terrace Bay, Ontario Ph. 3268 'per hour. He allows even more 4 May 19, 1966 munity Image". One group brought out the aspect presented to others passing through the town; the effect on the community image of resid ents represen- ting the different social organizations at conventions, bonspiels, etc. The other group answered in a:more person- al way: the social attitude towards men as alcoholics and the entirely dif- ferent one towards women who have a drinking problem. Also, the subtle en- couragement that goes on at parties and in social clubs was mentioned as a contributory factor in the increase in alcoholism. The roles of the Church and educa- tion system were also discussed, with questions put to school representatives concerning the teaching of the effects of alcohol and drugs prior to High School age. The Church's role seemed to be that of counsellor to those concerned, and of educator of those not intim- ately involved. Following a summation given by one of the panel members, talk became general and the meeting came reluctantly to a close several hours after it began. Dealer About 22,000 people are em- ployed at the plants of General Motors of Canada and in the com- pany's zone offices and parts warehouses. The payroll in 1965 reached $144 million. The expert driver keeps at least one car length between him and the car ahead for each 10 miles space at high speeds, on slippery pavement and after dark. MARINE... Sales & Service STARCRAFT BOATS and CAMPER TRAILERS @ THORNES BOATS and TRAILERS @ TEENEE and EXPLORER TRAILERS @ SURFTAMER BOATS @ CREW CRUISERS @ LAWN BOY POWER MOWERS © @ WOOD'S CAMPER SUPPLIES RREEKRKEKKRKEKKRKRRERE REPAIRS TO ALL OUTBOARD MOTORS - WITH MR. BILL HEINRICH IN CHARGE OF REPAIRS . COMPLETE FINANCING AVAILABLE ON RE- QUEST *.. .; 177 HUDSON DRIVE - TERRACE BAY PHONE 3719