sf Si « .: a ') A 2) * s MANY FRIENDS ATTEND BIRTHDAY PARTY Many friends, old and young, of both Schreiber and Terrace Bay, gathered in St.John's Anglican Church Hall on April 29 to honor Mrs.J.D.Bryson's 80th birthday. H er daughter-in-law, Mrs .Jack Bryson received with Mrs.Bryson and two small grandsons, Bobby and Ricky Bryson, proudly wheel- ed in the large candle-lit birthday cake for their grandmother to cut. Mrs. Jack Corbett was dining room hostess and, on behalf of many friends, pres ented a toy piano covered with bills fluted like flowers, to the value of $100. On behalf of the Lady Firemen's Lodge, Mrs. Paul Huminicki, the president, presented a lovely pot of gold chrysanthemums. Mrs.Wesley Miller pinned a rose corsage on Mrs .Bryson. Another lovely gift received was a strand of cul~ tured pearls from Mrs.and Mrs.Georges Legault (Lillie Bryson) and David Legault, in Montreal . Rev.R.J.S.Inshaw presented the good wishes of the congregation of St.John where Mrs .Bryson has filled many offices. There have been few occasions since 1911 when she came to Schreiber from England, that Mrs. Bryson has not generously offered her services as a pianist, and few of the married older couples in town, it was remembered, whose courtship she did not encourage with their favourite waltzes when she played at dances. The tea was poured by Mrs.Tom Bryant and Mrs. Ted Wilson and the others assisting at the occasion were Mesdames Sam Maronese, Larry Bourke, Reg. Bailey, Robert Winters, Tom Whitton and Miss Sandy Denison, in addition to those already men- tioned. Mr .and Mrs. Arthur D.LeBlanc announced the engagement of their daughter Georgett to Paul Cebrario at a party held in their home on May Ist. UNION CHURCH TEA (Continued from page 13) Ist steak knives, Mrs.Testori of Rossport - 2nd $10 by Mrs.J.MacDonald of Port Arthur and 3rd pillow cases by Mrs .Scutt. THE NEWS May 12, 1966 RETIREMENT PARTY HONORS JACK WHENT Mr.and Mrs. Jack Whent of Fort William were honored at a dinner given to mark Mr.Whent's re- tirement as a train despatcher on the Schreib er division after 45 years' service. CPR Supt., J.D.Bromley, presented Jack with a plaque depicting his service with the Company. Mr .Bromley spoke of Jack's honorable record as car checker, switchman, trainman, operator and despatcher, saying it was with the utmost regret that such veterans are retired since their experience is invaluable. Grace for the meal was suid by Asst.Supt., Harry Eaton. W.Baynes proposed a toast to Jack on be- half of the Tr ansportation Communication Employees Union and R.T.Campbell paid tribute to Jack. Mrs. Whent was presented with a corsage. The group attending the dinner went on to the Town Hall where a community party with out-of- town friends also attending was arranged. On be- half of their friends Lawrence Tremblay presented Jack with a wallet and money and Mrs. Tremblay presented a handbag to Mrs.Whent. Adding to the enjoyment of the occasion for Mr. and Mrs.Whent was the presence of their children - Jacqueline (Mrs .Ron Watkins of Calgary), and Ken Whent of Port Arthur also other relations - Mrs .and Mrs.M.Murphy, Mr.and Mrs.J.Hollinger, Mr .and Mrs.J.Harvey, Mrs.R.Kannegeizer, Mrs.A.Kanne- geizer of Fort William. Friends from out of town included Mr.and Mrs.T .Douglas, Mr.and Mrs.1. Douglas, Mr.and Mrs.W.R.Black, Mrs.G .Bailey, Mrs.W.Dewar, Mrs.H.Davis of Fort William, Dr. R.Welbourne of Port Arthur, Mrs.T.Speers, Sudbury Scotty Welsh, Chapleau, R.Beauchamp, P.McCouan of Pegomasing, Mr.and Mrs.J.Oraszewski, Nipigon Mr.and Mrs.H.Winterton, Mr.and Mrs .R .O'Bon- sawin of Franz, Mr.and Mrs.P.Pelto, Mr.and Mrs. R.Hales, Mr.and Mrs.J.G.Armstrong and Pringle Plummber of Terrace Bay, Mr.and Mrs.W.Howard, Dalton, R.Tisdell, Missanabie, P.Leger, Sultan, Mr.and Mrs.A.Delorme, Struther. Many messages from friends unable to attend were read at the dinner and party. A buffet lunch was arranged by Mrs .Tremblay's committee. Music for. the evening was provided by A. Bourke at the piano and Herb Gellert on the occordion.