April 14, 1966 TERRACE BAY news Mf | Publisned every Thursday at the News Printing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Phone 825-3747. Deadline for advertisements is NOON each Mon- day - other items Tuesday morning. Classified ads - minimum charge 50¢ (20 words and under). Cards of thanks and Announcements - mini- mum charge $1 - (30 words and under). Subscription rate $2.50 per year. Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash. CARDS OF THANKS - | wish to thank Dr.McCaus- land, Dr.Uzicanin, Nurses and hospital staff; all those who sent flowers, fruit, gifts, cards and visit- ed, during my recent illness. Your kindness will always be rememb ered and appreciated. Paul Coupal CARD OF THANKS - | wish to thank all those who sent me cards, flowers and gifts during my recent stay in hospital. Special thanks to Doctors Gooding and Mander Elier, Father Estoch, Father Cano, nurses, nurses aides of 3 West and Sisters of St.Joseph, and all those who visited me. Your kindness will always be remembered. Austin Cosgrove - Schreiber . FOR ELECTROLUX SALES OR SERVICE - send your name to Box 285, Terrace Bay and Mr.Fortin will call on you when in the district. Trade-ins accep- ted. Licensed agent. AMAZINGLY QUICK RELIEF - for discomfort of mouth sores, white canker spots, dental plate sores, tender gums, with Fletchers Sore-Mouth Medicine, $1.00 at Waghorn's Pharmacy. ATTENTION ICE FISHERMEN - Live minnows for sale. Phone Schreiber 464 or call at 309 Walker Street. FOR SALE - Admiral 21" TV set - good condition - $50. Phone 3695 or call at 36 Pine Crescent. HOME WANTED - for two female Black & Tan pup- pies - six weeks old. Phone Schreiber 368. FOR SALE - 1950 Dodge Bus .Coupe - excellent con- dition - $150.00. Phone 3337. HELP WANTED - NEWS CORRESPONDENT - Per- son wanted to provide news stories and pictures on Terrace Bay happenings for daily newspaper. Write to District Editor, Daily Times-Journal, Fort William ie THE NEWS Page 3 CARD OF THANKS - | would \like"to express my ap- preciation for the kindness shown to my family and me during my recent hospitalization. - John Shivas CARD OF THANKS - We are sincerely grateful for the overwhelming evidences of kindness shown and the cards, gifts, flowers and visits during Elsie's illness. A special thanks is extended to the doctors, staff at Terrace Bay Hospital and to John Falzetta and Lorne McBride and their crews for their assistance - Rune and Elsie Ostling CURLING CLUB WIND-UP Cabaret Style SCHREIBER TOWN HALL BASEMENT - April 15th - - - - 9:00 P.M. Adm. $1 per person - Lunch - Refreshments - - - EVERYBODY WELCOME - - sorry no minors PENNY AUCTION WEDNESDAY - APRIL 20TH - - - ~- 8:00 P.M. STAR ROOM - ------- MASONIC TEMPLE Sponsored by Silver Birch Chapter, O.E.S. Everybody Welcome For Your Insurance Requirements FIRE AUTO CASUALTY BRUCE SIMON Notary Public SCHREIBER = Phone 315 Pant cuffs worn ? Don't fret New cuffs only $1.25 TELEPHONE - SCHREIBER ----.155 Dry Cleaners to the North Shore WAGHORN'S PHARMACY LTD Simcoe Plaza = Terrace Bay Telephone 825-3666 Lj Cs If fi