FIRE BRIGADE (Continued from page |) with D.Rosie, Bill Hawker and Chas.Firman, these now in Fort William. Under Floyd Caldwell's direction an old Ford Sedan was transformed into the town's first fire truck and well-served its purpose, along with the still-used hose reel, in quelling fires before they got too much headway. It also affected a drastic reduction in fire insurance rates for the town. The town now h as its modern truck, with fire fighting e- equipment and regular practices and study periods are held. Representatives are sent away for instruction and lecturers come to Schreiber to offer further knowledge. But, it re- mains a volunteer brigade, a citizens' contribution to com- munity safety and welfare. The brigade originally marked a successful year at a private gathering for members only, later wives and lady friends were included and then the popular public celebra- tion of the Hallowe'en dance was inaugurated, attended by every mobile adult in town. All proceeds go into purch asing further equipment for the brigade and holding a ticket entitles one to the door prize draw, whether present or not. ST .JOHN"S AMBULANCE (Continued) Mrs. D.Rummerypresided for the meeting which opened with the St.Johns Prayer, following which minutes of the 1963 annual meeting were read by Secretary, Mrs. H.Dooley, Miss Escott addressed the gathering on the recent instruc- tor's manual on Artificial Respiration. An open discussion followed. Miss Escott also presented two officer's warrants, declar- ing Mrs. Rummery Division Superintendent and Chas .Levigne Division Officer. Mrs.Rummery also received a 10-year Home Nursing Certificate. The meeting closed with Prayer and a social hour was en- joyed under the convership of Mesdames Marg .Johnson and Helen Dooley, assisted by other Brigade members. Recent visitors to the Brigade were Mr.W.P. Burnell, Field Representative from Sault Ste.Marie and Mr.George Nutt, Field Representative, Eastern Division. The latter will be competition judge during 1965. Members gathered to parade to Services in St.Andrews United Church on Sunday morning. SCHREIBER WOMAN GIVEN HIGH HONOUR - Helen Jartus will leave on Wednesday evening for Ottawa where she will be invested with a Serving Sister Award at ceremonies in Government House on Friday after- noon. This is one of the highest awards presented by St. John Ambulance Brigade. Governor General Vanier will make th e presentation. Mrs .Jartus will be accompanied to the ceremony by her daughter, Shirley, who is in Torontor Mrs .Etizabeth Dockery of Vancouver is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs.Russell Macadam, enroute home to Vancouver after a holiday tour of Scotland. John W.Reid, centennial field representative, was here on Tuesday to confer with the Municipal Council . Mr.and Mrs.Gino Spadoni are holidaying in their villa near Rome. Miss Peggy Smith of Nipigon visited her pa rents this weekend. Mr «dnd Mrs.L.Furlonger and sons are visiting this week with the W.G.Furlongers this week . THE NEWS 1964 October 29, ' ; > Rebekah Lodge members who recently received 15-year jewels:- standing, Mrs.M.Nelson, Red Rock - Mrs. Verna Linkéwich, Mrs.Beth Macadam, Mrs.Mary Nelson, Fort William - Mrs.Annie Niemi, Mrs.Anna Laine (sisters) - Mrs.Norma Fummerton. Seated centre - Mrs.Kitty Whitton Mrs.Mavis Slater - front, Mrs.Nettie Thrower, Mrs.Mildre Smith, Mrs.Violet Nesbitt and Mrs.Dora Weaver. all pictures by Inez McCuaig. The C.G.1.T.Fall Tea was most successful, held in the United Church Hall on Saturday, October 24, with Daryl Lynn Weaver, the president, receiving. The servitors were Helen Williamson, Melanie Ross, Jane Singleton, Sharon Smith, Jeanie May, Linda Pitkanen, Edith Relph, Becky Lang, Judy Richardson, Billie Weaver, Norma Walker, Heather Tremblay, Mary Violet Lang, Lind Nesbitt with Sharon Gellert as table hostess. Tea was poured by Muriel Nesbitt and Charlotte Ross, Linda Handel and Sharon Jarva. Mrs .Harold Gellert, leader was assisted in the kitchen by Betty Reid, Sharon Riley, Judy Walker, Nola Fummer- fon, Sandra Clemens, Roberta Milani and Mrs.H.Gellert. The candy table was attended by Karen lidkea and Wendy Weaver and Mary Ellen Gerow was cashier. The Girls Auxiliary of St.John's Anglican Church will hold a rummage sale on November |4 in the Alcorn Block. All donations will be welcomed. The Busy Bees of St.John's Anglican Church elected new officers at their October meeting--Mrs .Reg .Bailey, presi- dent - Mrs.Bob Ellicott, treasurer - Mrs.Jack Winters, Secretary. They also made plans for the Christmas bazaar and bake sale with coffee break on December Ist. Bob Riley is in Terrace Bay Hospital . Billie Weaver entertained 20 boys and girls on October 17 to mark her 12th birthday. During the dance contests the limbo dance was won by Ted Winters. Mrs. Jack Judge has returned after a long visit with her daughter in Toronto and other relations in southern Ontario. Allan MacKinnon of Van Kleek Hill, formerly with the Forestry here, came back for the long holiday to visit friends. Michael Shane O'Neil is in McKellar Hospital . Gordon Arnold of Alaska has been visiting Mr.and Mrs. Jim Smart. Mrs .Earl Glad had her mother and grandmother, Mrs. Edward Pearson and Mrs.Annie Wood of Pt.Arthur with her for the weekend.