: October 1, .1964 BADMINTON IN FULL SWING (Cont'd from Page 2) playing nights, there will also be club socials, club tournaments, intra-town social tournaments and the final North Shore Badminton Championships, to be held this year in Terrace Bay. Let's get things off on the right foot by attending all sessions, starting now. ARENA OPENING Tentaive plans for the opening of the Arena ice season are for operation to begin the week of October 19th. A definite starting date in this week will de- pend on weather and freezing conditions. The opening date has been advanced slightly because of the earlier commencement of the hockey seasont this year. The Marathon Senior entry and the Schreiber- Terrace Bay Junior entry will begin games early in November, and both teams will be using Terrace Bay ice for the majority of their home games. Curling ice will be available the week following the arena opening. JUDO CLASSES Under the instruction of Police Constable Peter Cuff, in co-operation with the Recreation Association judo classes will be held in Terrace Bay for the first time. The first set of classes will be confined to a group of twenty-five High School boys, already selected. Depending on the results of this first. course future courses may be opened to the general public. Mr. Cuff has had extensive experience with judo and instructional classes in the past, having run courses for the London, England police force. He is the holder of a Brown Belt which leaves only one more step to the highest qualification in the judo field, the Black Belt. Classes will begin on Saturday, October Oth. MEN'S CURLING CLUB NEWS The Men's executive met at the home of R. Ostling on September 17th, making tentative plans for the | coming season. these will be discussed at the Semi- | Annual. Meeting, to be held Tuesday, October 20th, in the Curling Lounge. The resignation of Bob Forbes as Treasurer, was accepted with regret, and J. Caccamo was appointed | to this office. Interested parties are asked to contact the President, R. Ostling with respect to rental of the Lounge and ice facilities. WATCH THE NEWS FOR FURTHER CURLING NEWS | NOTICE TO 5- PIN BOWLERS _ Deadline for Bowlers in any 5 pin league is set for | Saturday, October 3rd.. Anyone calling af ter that | team. | Large Meeting Room &f the Rec. Centre. |_of this meeting is to nominate a slate(Cont'd on Pg.8 date receives no guarantee of being placed on a Don't delay and then be sorry. Contact the following : Ladies' 5-pin, J. St. Louis at 3625, Mixed 5-pin - J. Hall at 3266, or Men's 5=pin - L. Edmunds at 3509. There will be a meeting of the Terrace Bay Minor Hockey Association on Thursday, Oct. Ist, in the The purpose THE NEWS % 3630 - J. Santere Rice Z. FALL $ALE HOMES 5 eS ee NG EO STOGK UR .NOW AND REALLY PAVE i WE STOCK A GOOD SUPPLY OF MATERIAL Ceiling Tiles PLAIN WHITE - Reg. 17¢ ACOUSTIC - Reg. 21¢ Insulation 2" = Reg. $6.50 per 100 - SACLE Prec . tees $4.00 3" = Reg. $9.50 per 100 - SALE PRICE. $6.00 4" - Reg. $11.50 per 100 - SALE. PRICE . $8.50 HARDBOARD ON SPECIAL ---- 52.50 = $6.50 ALUMINUM DOORS % % GLENWAY SASHLESS WINDOWS¥® * USE OUR BUDGET FOR ALL YOUR PROJECTS - NO CASH DOWN, UP TO 10 YEARS TO "DON'T DO A THING JUSE GEVE US A RING" % 3597 - W. Kurylo oe WORTHERMW BUTE DERS SALES ETD.