« THE Jim Houston of White River was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.T.P.Whent last week. D'Arcy Furlonger is spending the weekend in Win- nipeg with his brother Laurie and family. Mrs.W.Graham of Oshawa is enjoying a re-union with Mrs.Bern Whent and Mrs.Marg Handel, it being well over fifteen years since the three have been to- gether . Neil Whent was in Winnipeg last week making arrangements prior to returning to University there. Mrs.Baden Plummer has returned to Scarboro with her granddaughter Karen Young after visiting her sisters, Mrs.Bill D'Arcy and Mrs.Harry Jewell . Mrs .Tom Leveque and daughter Terry-Lynn of Wawa have been visiting Mr.and Mrs.Harry Wel- bourne, Mrs.Leveque's parents. Mr.and Mrs.Con Duggan spent the weekend with Mr.and Mrs.Odin Paske in Port Arthur. Sharon Welbourne of Pt.Arthur is staying with her grandparents while her mother, Mrs .Robt .Welbourne is visiting her parents in Wales. Baby David Wel- bourne who is staying with Mr.and Mrs.Max Shapiro in Pt.Arthur, was down for the holiday weekend. Mrs. Bill Holland is in St.Joseph's Hospital, Port Arthur . Mrs.Henry Scott is visiting relations in town. Catherine O'Brien and Carole Lalonde have gone to Winnipeg and other points west for a vacation. Ray Potvin, Steve Morrill, Jim Duggan, Bruce Costall, Lorne Welbourne and Bob McParland have gone to Seven Islands, Que., to work on the railway}. Mr .and Mrs .Earl McCouan and daughter Eva Mary spent last week in Chapleau with Mrs.McCouan's father. Gayle Worrell of Sudbury is staying with Mr .and Mrs .Ed Swanson and will attend high school here. Mrs .Worrell accompanied her daughter and, with sons David and Kevin, is visiting in the J.L.Sawyer home. Mr .and Mrs.Swanson, Sr., of Chapleau visited their son Ed and family last week. ; Visiting with Mr.and Mrs .Ray Sisson last week were Mr.and Mrs.George Oliver and son Ronnie of Dundalk, Ont.and Mr.and Mrs.Ned McInerney of Kitchener and Mr.and Mrs .Ed Riddell. of Toronto. Mr .and Mrs.Ross Allems with Tommy, dnd Laurie were here from Windsor last week with Mr.and Mrs. Harold Gellert. Mrs .Leo Tookenay is home again after a long stay in Fort William Hospital . Mrs.Les Corbett of Fort William was here last week visiting her mother, Mrs.Ernie O'Connor. Mr .and Mrs .Arthur Cook and family of Toronto have been visiting Mrs.Jack Judge. (CO-INCIDENCE (Continued from next column) advised him NOT to go to the theatre. Kennedy's secretary, whose name was Lincoln, advised him NOT to go to Dallas. Is there any doubt that th ere truly is a MASTER who points the way for the moving finger of history? Dillon A. Wilkins, New Orleans - August 1. The President of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Can- a mixed shuffleboard tournament is to be arranged NEWS DELEGATES TO ATTEND LEGION RALLY adian Legion, Branch 109, Mrs.lvan Johnson, and one other delegate yet to be named, will attend the rally in Fort William on September 24 and 25. This was decided at the regular meeting on September Ist. Plans were made for a Bingo on September 18th and shortly. Marg Handel and Frankie Caccamo won the last tournament. Marathon Auxiliary sent an invitation to a social evening on October Ist. Those planning to attend should give their names, before September 21st, to either Mrs.Neil Ross or the President. A coffee party, with pie and doughnuts, was planned for September 23rd in the Alcorn Block. Reo Nagasaka is in Winnipeg visiting his father and family. George (Bucky) McCouan is home from Cold Lake, Alta., visiting his pa rents and other relations. Mr .and Mrs.Len Seed of Fort William spent the weekend with Mr.and Mrs.Harry Martinsen . _ Mrs.Michael Morgan was honoured by twenty friends at a stork shower arranged in Mrs.Bill Lid- kea's home on Sunday evening by Mrs .Marilyn Pearson, Mrs. Bea McBride and Mrs. Brenda Lidkea. The b asket of gifts was heaped with blankets and baby gifts which were opened with the customary ribbon rite. Amusing small gifts from the guests were used as contest prizes and later presented to Mrs. Morgan. Mrs .Bill Weaver assisted in serving lunch. Mr .and Mrs .Bill Campbell of Ft.William and their family have been visiting the Joe Campbell and Bill W ebb families. Mr.and Mrs.Bruce Myers of Clio, Michigan, are the guests of Mr.and Mrs. Norman McCuaig. THE STRANGE WAYS OF CO-INCIDENCE Those of you who are living in a dream world of let's pretend, after reading the following strange facts, will stop short to meditate in stark realization that there IS a MASTER who controls our destiny. These things are generally shrugged off as co-incidente but ARE they? Note the following similarities between Presidents | Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy-- Lincoln took office in 1860 - Kennedy in 1960 Both were deeply concerned with the negro question; Both were slain on a Friday in the presence of their wives; both their successors were named Johnson and were Southerners; both were Democrats and had served in the U.S.Senate: Andrew Johnson was B08--Lindon Johnson in 1908. John Wilkes Booth was born in 1839; Lee Harvey Oswald in 1939. Both Booth and Oswald were southerners with unpopular ideas. Both were murdered before their trials could be arranged. The wives of both Lincoln and Kenned lost children through death while in the White House Lincoln's Secretary, whose name was Kennedy, (Continued next column)