SWIM MEET HERE AUGUST 22ND The Annual Terrace Bay Swim Meet will be held on Saturday, August 22nd at the Terrace Bay Pool . Starting time is 1:00 P.M. SHARP. In all there will be forty-four events for boys, girls, men and women, ranging from eight years and up. Lists of events may be seen on the Bulletin Boards at the Recreation Centre, Swim Pool and Mill. ENTRANTS MUST REGISTER, AT THE POOL, BY 6 P.M., THE DAY BEFORE THE MEET. NO ENTRIES WILL B E TAKEN AFTER THAT TIME. As in past years, first, second and third place winners in each event will be receive crests. In addition, top point winners in each age group will receive individual trophies. Events in all age groups will. include diving, breast stroke, back stroke and crawl. Swimmers may participate in as many events as they desire, but can only register in one age group. IT'S AN EVENT THAT NO ONE SHOULD MISS. Be sure to set Saturday afternoon, August 22nd, as the day you'll be at the Swim Meet in Terrace Bay. SWIMMERS ....... REGISTER NOW!! BLOOD DONORS CLINIC NEXT WEEK A Red Cross Blood Donor's Clinic will be held at the Terrace Bay High School Auditorium on Monday, Everyone is urged to attend. No appointment is necessary for those who have not been contacted. The clinic has been organized by the Local Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society. Rest, bed atten- dance and coffee are being looked after by ladies of the community. The Red Cross will bring its mobile equipment and trained professional staff so th at blood can be taken safely and antiseptically and returned quickly to the Manitoba Depot. There it will be tested and grouped and be readily available for patients. Many of you have donated before; to those new donors, who are especially welcome because in- creased demands for blood require new donors urgent- ly, we suggest that you ask a repeat dodor for his impressions. You will be completely reassured by the casual attitude of the donor to the process of giving blood. He can tell you that th e whole routine only takes 30 minutes of which only four minutes is involved in the actual taking of the blood. You will be assured that it does not hurt, that there is no sensation to the taking and that there are no ill effect afterwards. Perhaps, b or August 17th from 2 to 5 P.M. and 6.30 to 9.30 P.M.1| | from 12 o'clock midnight to August 13, 1964 Visitors from many places visit the display by local artists of their various skills in the Old Curling Club ve Lounge. The photo was snapped by Mr.and Mrs. Rockwell . of Michigan and shows Mrs. C.Tao holding one of her exhibits. The centre is open every evening. SORRY... we have fo interrupt your electrical service safely on the elee ricity supply system in your/area it will be necessary to ynterrupt service on: THURSDAY, AUGUST 13th - 5.15 A.M. FRIDAY MORNING AUGUST 14TH. in TERRACE BAY SCHREIBER ROSSPORT GURNEY JACKFISH This work will help us to maintain a high standard of service in sup- plying the expanding electrical needs of our customers. Please a TARO HYDRO TERRACE BAY RURAL OPERATING AREA Telephone 825-3340