Vol.7, No.28 COUNCIL QUOTES The application of Peter Frederickson for the posi- tion of dog catcher was accepted at a meeting last Tuesday of Town Council. Reeve J.P.Heenan and Councillors Cavanaugh, Thompson and Fraser passed approval for the position at the rate of $100 a year plus $5. per dog. Now that he was no longer em- ployed as dog catcher, J.Sweet still recommended changes be made, with the purchase of some equip- ment to aid the new dog catcher. A discussion of the Township limits arose over the question of a sign erected with the sixteen miles jurisdiction of Terrace Bay. The unconditional grant from the Department of Municipal Affairs in the amount of $2,113.65 was received, based on per capita assessment of one per- cent. Notice was received of the extended deadline of Centennial: projects to November 9, 1964. Reeve Heenan recommended Terrace Bay's project be sub- mitted early, now that a Park had been agreed upon. On receipt of a letter from Kimb erly-Clark, the Police Department were requested to notify owners prior to the arrival of any encampment, such as the recent overnight camping of an Army unit in the In- dustrial area. The Fire Depar tment report for June showed no call out for the Townsite, but two bush alerts. Chief Hofland asked to be notified prior to the shutdown with the reduction in town water pressure. Details of break-ins at the Circle Route Service and Ida's Restaurant were given in the Police Report for June. Police court had b een held and a total of 38 complaints received during the month. Both con- stables were working ten hour shifts. Accounts for the month of June were perused be- fore being passed for payment: Public Lib rary $632.54, Hydro $5,633.88, Township $90,588 .59 and Snack Bar $2,096.95. It was noted that tables and chairs were once more set up in the Recreation Centre. This had not b een approved before, and was to be looked into by Councillor Thompson. Reeve Heenan remarked on the accident last week at the Mill road entrance to Highway 17. This was the eighth accident at this intersection and the Town will again request the attention of the Dept .of High- ways to this spot. Considerable hot-rodding was going on and this, too, must be checked. Councillor-Cavanaugh showed concern over the poor state of the boulevard on Lakeview Drive. He disliked anything detrimental in this well-kept town. Reeve Heenan replied to the effect the whole street would have to be done, not just in (Continued page 2) July 23, 1964 TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY PROCLAMATION 1964 CIVIC HOLIDAY f The Council of The Corporation of The Township of Terrace Bay at its meeting held on the 14th day of July, 1964, adopted a resolution as follows: "That Monday, August 3rd, 1964, be and the same is hereby fixed as the Civic Holiday for the current year, and that the Reeve be requested to publish the usual proclamation for this purpose." In compliance with the foregoing resolution | do hereby proclaim Monday, August 3rd, 1964, as the Civic Holiday for the year of which all persons are hereby requested to take notice and govern them- selves accordingly. J.P. Heenan, Reeve. Terrace Bay, Ontario, July 17th, 1964. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN MINOR BASEBALL NEWS The Terrace Bay Junior Allstars and Red Rock met in inter-town competition recently in Terrace Bay, but were defeated in both games by a score of 9 - 6 and 9 = 3. Danny Schock was the pitcher for the first game, with Billy Stachiw starting the second and Doug Moore finishing. It has been announced th at Carl Kolody has agreed to be th e new coach for the Juniors and plans are presently underway for future games. Last Thursday the Little League Allstars travelled to Marathon to play against the Marathon Little Leaguers in a 3 1/2 hour ball game. In spite of every effort on the part of the players and the various pitchers, Terrace Bay met a disappointing defeat with a score of 24-21. Bevan Schritt scored a home run and at one time there were ten runs made in one inning. However, it is hoped that th ere will be a different story to report after this Thursday's game when Marathon will travel to Terrace Bay to meet the Allstars and the National League. These games will be played at 6 p.m., with the National League playing on the Public School ballfield and the Allstars at the Separate School . COME OUT AND SUPPORT THE ENTHUSIASM OF THESE YOUNGSTERS!