HERE AND THERE Mr. and Mrs. Hal Frommann and family have returned after spending their vacation camp- ing in various district parks. Tom Arnot of London, Ontario, is 'here with his sister Miss Dorothy Arnot. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ridsdale. attended the Lions' Internation- al convention in Toronto where Mr. Ridsdale was named dis- trict 5M2 deputy governor. They also visited their daughter Mrs. Eileen Gilbert in Espanola, son Ron and family in Rutherglen and Mrs. Ridsdale's mother in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Forbes Maca-, Mr. ana Mrs, Gerara Lemi- ieux and family of New West: minster B.C. have been here visiting family members. Mur. ray Vartin and son Larry visit: ed here this week en route t Calgary. Michael McGrath has gone to spend holidays with his uncle in Eganville. Sharon and Mary Lynne O'Brien and cousin Jane Duggan are camping with Mr. amd Mrs, D'Arcy McDonald near Sudbury. Judy and Terry McParland have gone to Vancouver to visit. their uncle Dr. Morrill and family, Mrs. H. Bonde of Dorion visited this week with Mrs. L. O'Brien, Mrs. Catherine Bren- nan is visiting with relatives in Pembroke. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Sparkes haw /heir gtandchildren Doug- las, Jennifer and Jeffrey of Halifax holidaying with them. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Holmes and family are holidaying in the east, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dim- mery and family will spend their vacation in Toronto, Niag- ara and other points in the east. THE NEWS dam are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hagen in Virden, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed McPhail and Mr, and Mrs. Carmichael in Car- berry. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harwood of Hamilton, Mrs. Allan Shaw, Mrs, Cimmerino and Miss San- dra Shaw of Fort William drove down together last week to visit Mr. and Mrs. Innes West. Johu Shaw was with them last week also for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Craig and son Jeffrey of Port Arthur have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gray. Jeffrey stayed on while his parents con- tinued east for further holiday. Sylvia Harness and Doris Mee .Parland leave this week for a vacation in Vancouver. Mrs. Pat Mulligan was in Sarnia over the weekend to ate tend the wedding of a former classmate at Western Univer- sity. Mr. and Mrs. William Bulger of Stratford are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gino Spadoni and vis- iting other relations here. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Car- michael and their family have taken the boat trip down the lake to Port McNicoll and will return home in leisurely stages by car. Geraldine Duggan is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Port Arthur. The Legion flag was at half mast July 14 in honor of the late Henry (Sharkey) Scott, na- tive of Schreiber whose death occurred in hospital in North Bay on that day. Mr. Scott was a retired CPR engineer who had made his home in recent years in Ruther- glen. Attending the funeral there Thursday will be Jim Scott and Mrs. Robert Nelson of Winnipeg, and George Scott and Mrs. Russell Skinner of A highlight of the trip will be! gchreiper, attending a performance at the Stratford theatre. Mrs. Charlie Pearsun and nephew Barry Gilmore are vis- iting in St. Thomas, Toronto and other points east. Mrs. Emmet Holland is a patient in St. Jo- seph's hospital, Port Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Doig of Chapleau are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman McCuaig. Miss Peggy Smith and Miss Ha- zel Martin of Nipigon visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith # this week. i Mrs. Roland Gauthier of Red Rock spent the weekend with ; her parents Mr. and Mrs. Os- borne Milks, Mrs. T,. O'Connor and Miss Nellie Murphy who have been here. settling affairs of the late Jack Shanahan, leave this week for their home in Calgary. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bolan are going with Mr. and Mrs. R. T.; Campbell and family for the boat trip down the lakes, and an extended tour by car in East- ern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Glad and family have left by-car for a leisurely trip east, going through to the Maritimes. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Drake and fam- ily will spend their vacation at Oliver lake. Mr.and Mrs.1.Johnson, Susan and Freddy and Mr. and Mrs.L.Johnson were in Port Arthur to attend the f Nicol-McLeod wedding, th e groom a newphes of Ivan and Leonard. Mr.and Mrs.Lamont Wrightsell of Pt.Arthur and Mr. & Mrs.H.Leader with daughters Barbara and Glenda of Marathon, visited Mr.and Mrs.T.Bolan recently. Mr.& Mrs.L.R.Tremblay are holidaying with rela- tives in Chapleau. Mr.and Mrs.N.J.Jolicoeur, Lynn and Debra are visiting Mr.and Mrs.D.Cashabeck at Pass Lake. July 23, 1964 Dr .David Freébury, who came to Schreiber in August last year as Dr.Cornell's assistant, has gone to Toronto to take further studies in psychiatry. Rev .Fraser Muldrew is a leader of the Tyro Group at the Church Camp at Loon Lake. Mr .and Mrs. Bill Hawker and Mr.and Mrs.Albert Smith are in Ottawa attending the funeral of Gene Mauloin. Mrs.John Stitt and Mr.& Mrs.John Gagnon left by air for a holiday in the British Isles. Jimmy Sawyer, C.P.R.Chief Clerk, has gone to California for his vacation. Mr .and Mrs.Bruce Lidkea and daughter Linda are vacationing in Vancouver, accompanied by a niece, Debby Lidkea. Betty Lidkea of Fort William is visiting her cousin Karen Lidkea. Mrs.R.S.Hutchinson of Fort William spent last week with her parents, Mr.and Mrs .Edward Lawson. Mrs .Joe Matheson and Mrs.Jack Hepburn of Fort William spent the weekend at Walker Lake. Mr.and Mrs.Jack Hollinger and Mr.and Mrs. Basil Ellery of Fort William visited here over the weekend. Harry Hart and son Robin have returned home after visiting friends in Wausaw and Milwaukee, Wisc. Sid Speak of Port Arthur joined Harry to take in the Rossport Fish Derby. Mr .and Mrs.Wilf McLaughlin of London arrived on Sunday to holiday with Mr.& Mrs. Norm.McCuaig Mr .and Mrs.A.Kinnear of Kingston are spending their vacation with Mr.and Mrs.Bruce Simon. Mrs.R.T «McBride, Mrs.H.Spikula, Mrs.H.Duggan and Mr .and Mrs.Geo.Scott were in Port Arthur to attend the funeral of the late Mr.Ryan. Mr .and Mrs.Gerard Chicoine have left for a new home in Windsor . Jim Johnson has returned to duty on HMCS Sask- atchewan at the west coast, after a month's leave. Mr .and Mrs .Ray Sisson and daughters are holiday- ing with relatives in Guelph and Orillia and getting in some camping at various beaches in the area. Rev.R.J.S.Inshaw took Greg Morrill, Billy Col- linson and Michael Glad to Sandstone Church Camp for a week's holiday. Mr .and Mrs.Martin Scotten and son Marty are visiting Mr.and Mrs.Earl Holmes and grandpa K.S. Holmes, enroute from Winnipeg to Montreal . Bill Baynes, night chief despatcher, is recupera- ting after successful surgery in Victoria Hospital in London. He will remain in the city until August 15 when he resumes his duties here. Mr .and Mrs.Jim Stone and son and Mr.and Mrs. Allan Brown of Milwaukee are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs.Harold Gellert. Mrs .Inez McKevitt is driving to the west coast for her vacation. Miss Edith Pudas travelled part way with her. Sally Johnson, trainee at McKellar Hospital, brought three fellow students, Arlene Antonson, Loretto Albertini and Shirley Puuamala home with he for a weekend. Mr .and Mrs.Paul Mania and son Peter of White Plains, N.Y., are visiting Mr.and Mrs.Gus Krause. Mr .Mania was a former YMCA employee.