Page 4 SEA CADET NEWS (Cont'd from Pg. 2) MINOR BASEBALL NEWS (Cont'd) Medical Examination. (if necessary) J. Cumming, DEDICATED BEAUTICIANS Pony League - Wednesday - 4:30 Lt. R.C.S.C.C. THIS WE ARE, WORDS p.m. -- WHITES @ BLUES (sudden Commanding Officer OF PRAISE HAVE J / death semi-final) - Thursday - (SSS cee cram ae ne I MTT 4:30 p.m. - winner of above meet CREDIT UNION HONORS VISITING REDS (the first game of a best o EDITOR , of 3 finals) Mr. Gus Harris of Scarboro zPERSONALIZED Immediately after the com- and Editor of the Credit Union pletion of playoffs, allstar News, was honored guest at a teams will be formed in each dinner in the Hotel during a fi VO ur" division for competition against visit here last week. Welcoming outside teams. ONLY PLAYERS WHO Mr. Harris, Don Brearley, an old eT HAVE TURNED OUT REGULARLY DURING acquaintance, quipped his intro- THE LEAGUE AND PLAYOFF GAMES duction, Without hesitation, Mr. FEAUTY & BARBER SHOP | wipt BE CONSIDERED ELIGIBLE FOR Harris had his audience chuckling THESE ALL-STAR TEAMS. as he replied. CoER RIO TT RS On the serious side of his SUNDAY ROLLER SKATING BEGINS address, Mr. Harris noted how Sunday roller skating com- beneficial it was to have foreig j mences this weekend at the investors with the courage to come into a Terrace Bay Arena during the months of July country. Terrace Bay for example, had not and August. This means that roller skating even been here twenty years ago, and this will be held twice weekly as follows:- country would probably not have been developed | Thursdays - 7 to 10 p.m. Sundays - 8 to 10p.m as it is, without such investors, As Editor Enjoy this relaxing and beneficial past- for the Credit Union News, Mr. Harris was here }| 'ime at least once weekly. Make it a fun to gather material for an issue showing the night for the whole family. close harmony of Kimberly-Clark Corporation and the local Commmity Credit Union. This picture story was being compiled with the co-operation of Mr. Verl Thompson, local editor of the Kimberly-Clark publication, the Co-dp. Once thoughta nickle and dime operation, the Credit Union has now over a half million mem- bers in Ontario alone. He described the recen start of the Credit Union in the Fiji Islands. Linking the release from fear of want as the greatest single factor in the development of the peace of the world, Mr. Harris closed his pow Bn Terrace Bay Motor Hotel PHONE 3209 SOCIAL NEWS Visiting Mr. and Mrs. K. Weppler last week were Mr. and Mrs. R. Biesenthal and daughter Heather with Gary William of Memphis, Tennessee and Bill Turner of Fort William, Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas and son Brian from Quantico, Virginia, visited their parents, Mr & Mrs. C. Barker, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas and other relatives in Terrace Bay for the past two weeks. On their return (Cont'd on 7 address. ; ACROSS 2. Part 22. Eskimo INN! NII Mr. Brearley introduced the head table 1. Verbal 3. India deer knife HORE BARES guests, Councillor and Mrs. A. Fraser, Mill Rees eee 23. Noctur- : .Kindofdog 5. Young nal Manager and Mrs. J. Ferrier, Mr. V. Thompson, 12. So. Am. sheep flyer IO} representing Co-op Magazine, Mr. J. Subiak, eee eee 25. SorrbW aaiiiis Surge . : . ° . oO 'i owanc «6, Field representative of the Credit Union Leagueh 14 ywai forweight 27 English KSGemoy mee Reeve and Mrs. Allan Crant of Neebing Townshi painting 8, Russian river al SIOOEE| . : " ; Pal 15. nenrmitivg © iver 29. Short WAKES MRIOPELS| Mr. and Mrs. Al Chisholm representing Kimberly eaty 9. Sanskrit teem LIEIDARETIRIE[E| Clark Corporation. Out of town members who 16. Young dialect 31. Cry of = ° . . % bear 11. Register a crow 38, Greedy attended the dinner and following social dn thel * 5 stan's name -17.Coffes 3%, Showed 30, Tax Curling Lounge were: Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dick, 19. Character- < meomcionte concern 40. Capital: * istic of . Searches 34, Melody Norway ot and a ee Doyle, ae a .: horsemen 20. Pleasure 35. Glacial 42. Before lley of Marathon and Mrs. I. McKevitt o 21. Reddish- boat ridge 44. Part of Schreiber. brown, as 21. Warp-yarn 36. City: Fr. "to be" hair GY ntutnioa [FF Lae PEPE MINOR BASEBALL NEWS 28. Mil eA Ay, Semi-final series have been completed in alll 35 po, "Y in Minor Baseball leagues with the exception of 31. Stick Be haa a the Pony League, which will be completed this ---- 32.M week. In the American League, the INDIANS and | 34. Male child the YANKEES are canting in a best 2-out-of-3 37. Beard v/, % mn 7 final, with the INDIANS winning the first game] 33, past on Saturday by a score of 5 to 4. #1. chaten 28 ae Little League playoffs commence Saturday, 43, Proudlng with the BRAVES and PIRATES playing a best 2- edges of ee out-of-3 series, PIRATES won the first game he GG Aten Se of-pearl a5 Future games in all divisionsare as followsy {7 Warble American League - Monday - 4 p.m. --- YANKEE @ ness 5 INDIANS - Tuesday - 4 p.m. INDIANS @ YANKEES 48. Root of (if necessary) pe Little League - Monday - 4 p.m, -- PIRATES @ ie BRAVES - Tuesday - 4 p.m. -- BRAVES @ PIRATES