June 25, 1964 THE NEWS Page 3 THE TERRACE BAY NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly YOU MUST WEAR A BATHING each Thursday. Circulation Terrace Bay, Schreiber CAP IN THE SWIMMING POOL and district. Deadline for advertisements is NOON emer each Monday - other items Tuesday Noon. Office We have a good supply on hand Phone 3747. from plain competition style Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office the very latest frilly creations - Department, Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash. DROP IN AND SEE THEM! Classified ads - minimum charge 50¢ - (20 words and under) - Cards of Thanks - minimum charge $1.90; (30 words and under). FOR ELECTROLUX SALES OR SERVICE - contact Mr. H.A. Taylor, 115 Rossmere Road, Sault Ste .Marie, WAGHORN'S PHARMACY or phone Algoma 66574. Phone The Rexck® Drug Store Phone Jul TO RENT - apt.on Queb ec Stregf at the back of 3666 TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO 3666 the Mayfair Hotel. Occupan y Ist. Apply G. Slater or phone Schreiber 207. ' a ° 7 HOUSE FOR SALE - two bedroom house with garage, | ® MINNOWS ZZi gS S on Quebec Street - $3,000 - terms can ie arnt @ WORMS Phone Schreiber 275. 412 Elizabeth Ave APARTMENT FOR RENT = main floor - 8 aldeatie Terrace Bay ~ Ph 2 60. Li Ve Bal if front room, kitchen and bathroom. Inquire Sport a Shop or Nick Commisso, Schreiber . (eL- ase a FOR SALE - camp at Walker's Lake. Write A. Mackay THINKING OF INSURANCE? IF SO THINK OF . 206 North Harold Street, Fort William, or phoffe 442 FOR SALE - 1955 GMC a Truck, $295. Phone L BEN O Schreib er 685. FOR SALE - 3 bedroom summer cottage, boathouse, on r e Ag e ncy guest house, 20 miles east of Nipigon on Nipigon i Ac hale: Bay Road = 140 feet frontage - fess beach. Write atte aoe Telephone 195, SCHREIBER or phone - Mr.A.Hamm, Box 430 Fort William or Nipigon Radio - Phone 5223. 3 FOR SALE - '55 GMC Truck - conditjon FOR SALE - One 4H.P. air-cooled Wisconsin in- Pb vw 4 board motor, complete with clutch,.shaft, propellor For SALE - 1952 Dodge 4-door sedan;tadio & signal aid bearings. Selling this motor ofhaccount of ill lights. Excellent fishing car or seen a Apply ye health. For further particulars Phone Schreiber 676J3t913 Hillview or Phone Schreiber 145. FOR SALE ~ Westinghouse Hair Dryer - used once. HELP WANTED - young man to learn printing shop Phone Schreiber 641 - Mrs.Levigne. fa : work. Not just a summer job - permanent Resltions Experience not necessary but willingness and a ibility needed. Write to box 579, Terrace Ba bowed CARD OF THANKS - I wish to express my sincere Be RANCE : thanks to Doctor 5 ano st of Terrace Bay Ihsurdnce Requirements Hospital; to all my friendsAyho sent cards and visited duri in th ital . BRUCE SIMON ST av eNORE logte® Sy Ed See Schreiber Notary Public AIRE AUTO CASUALTY FOR SALE'S girl's bleyclocnes condition' SCHREIBER - Phone 315 girl's bicyclesnew condition. Phone G | a round Beef | [ Serving HOT or COLD Drinks - The meat of : Hamburgers - popcorn - soup - endless variety - Ley bs, OG ¢ : : Z s :