kage 8 THE NEWS -------------------- FRIDAY - MYS1 ooh May ISth, se MYSTERY PRIZES - $2, $3, $4, $5 Adi $4.00 $50 JACKPOT - CARDS 25¢ EACH Extra cards 25¢ TOWN HALL BASEMENT - SCHREIBER -- Sponsored by the L.A. to the Canadian Legion, Branch 109 FOR SALE OR RENT - House on Newman Street. Phone Schreiber 130. HUNTER SAFETY CLASSES - The next class will be held in the small meeting room of the Rec. Centre on May 15th at 6.30 P.M. OACHES NEEDED (Continued from page 7) arin the Toture of your young people. Below is a list of the teams still requiring coaches. If you can help, call the Recreation Office now. Little League (10-l2 years) - 2 coaches Pony League (I3 yrs.and over) - 4 coaches Junior Juvenile - 1 team TRIBUTE PAID TO A. SINKINS The regular meeting of Silver Birch Chapter No. 264 was held on Monday, May 11th in the Community Church Hall. Worthy Matron Mrs. A. Fraser and Associate Patron A.Farrow presided over the meeting Minutes were read by Secretary Mrs. A. Bailey and Treasurer's report given by Mrs. A. Farrow. 'Thank you notes were read from members and friends who had received cards and gifts. Other routine business was transacted in the usual manner. A special meet- ing will be held on Wednesday, May 27th at 8.00 P.M. for the purpose of meeting with Grand Officers of Grand Chapter. Preceeding the meeting a banquet will be held in the Anglican Church Hall, Schreiber . Tribute was paid to the late Alex Sinkins, who was | Worthy Patron of Silver Birch Chapter and who was a most valued member and will be missed so greatly. MOOSE LADIES NAME NOMINATING COMM. Senior Regent Jackie Calder presided Wednesday evening when the Women of the Moose met in the Moose Lodge. Recorder Marg Duriez read the minutes and financial statement. Regular business was conducted and arrangements completed for the _ Minor Hockey banquet. A Nominating Committee was selected and will consist of Jackie Calder, Ann Stachiw, Steffie Dor- man, Marge Dejonghe, Marion Desrosier, Marg Duriez, Ann Todesco, Ann Didura, Nacy Marquis and Betty Randa. A meeting of this committee will be held Wednesday evening at the home of J. Calder Chapter Night was under Molly Gross and her com- SPRING CLEANING ACROSS 2. S-shaped 21, Long- 1. Veranda molding. nosed 6. Marks 8. Capital of fish GOTCHA DOWN? 11, Nimble Latvia 23, Man's 12. Farewell 4, Mounts name LET YOUR Yaa pte Tical LOCAL 14, razenneds : zaaaute 25. me COIN LAUNDRY Poet oo ee ae HELP WITH YOUR WASHING AND TTS EE ic ae Tee a poet. ea. ance DRY CLEANING 17. pepper 9. zor 80. a 35. Feathers 19. onl nee 31. tae eed eh me Z LEAVE YOUR WASHING WITH OUR 22: Like aber asin playsa 88. Poker ATTENDANT AND PICK THEM_UP "American 19, Little girl _ 88. Lan 39, Old Eng. ALL WASHE o. AN cme i E D WITHIN A > ie * bnBxcama volumes our anim a eo ee Tt tag quarrel DRY CLEAN WINTER GARMENTS 29, Became maa a ae hen i rye STRONG PLASTIC BAGS SUPPLIED FOR WINTER aes ee Z] Yilsleid ee Sh catering ZL TT ot Sie sot Per eee €1, Atticle of ete tA b | ae ee oe COCR De asrnossines V/V/V | | | CZ LAUNDRY | S Feet tere OPEN DAILY 9.00A.M. to 9.30 P.M. Simcoe Plaza PHONE 9787 Pt MeL | Pe, Zoi 1. TV's Jack