0 PIN STANDINGS (Cont'd from Page 5 Rolloffs - 7 P.M. both evenings. Thursday, May 14 Friday, May 15 Stompers Inorbits Miss=Les Astronauts Alibiers - Hep-Cats Rockets Handicaps GOLF NEWS At a membership meeting held on May 5th in the Curling Club Lounge, the Aguasabon Golf Club was officially established by a substantial group of its members. Eight Board Members were elected-- four of th ese to serve a two year term and four a one-year term. The two year members are, Jack Thomas, Dave Desrosiers, Thor Olsen and Al Pattison. A meeting of the board was held and executive officers and chairmanships were elected as follows:- President, Jack Thomas - Vice-President, Thor Olsen - Treasurer, Al Pattison and Secretary, Ross Mitchell. Dave Desrosier (membership chairman), Joe Caccamo (Publicity Chairman), Jack Phillips (entertainment Chairman), Thor Olsen (grounds Chairman) and Joe Adamo (Fund raising Chairman). The partial opening of the golf course was announ- ced. Green fees for non-members are set for adults and juniors with varying rates for weekdays, Saturdays Sundays and Holidays. Rental clubs should be available shortly - also the club house will be made ready as soon as possible. Memberships can be purchased at the Golf Course. MEETING HELD BY LEGION LADIES, BRANCH 223 The Ladies Auxiliary to Canadian Legion, Branch 223 held their general meeting on April 5th. The meeting opened with the reading of the minutes by the Secretary, Mrs. J.Fisher followed by the Treas- urer's report by Mrs. S.Gusul. - A report was given on the district meeting at Geraldton and, after the meeting closed, a delicious Simcoe Plaza, Terrace Bay. Ph. 3833 Mon.& Thurs. 7-9 P.M. THE NEWS @ INVITATIONS @ ANNOUNCEMENTS @ ACCESSORIES by Rainbow * choose from our beautiful assortment. The Terrace Bap News Post Office Building Phone 3747 lunch was served by Mrs. Solly and her committee. The next executive meeting will. be held at Mrs.S.Crawford's home on May l4th. The next general meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H.Solly on May 20. All members are urged to be present. SENIOR FASTBALL An organizational meeting of the Senior Fastball League was held last Tuesday in the Recreation Centre and it is now definite that the League will again function this year. Four teams have been entered and practices will commence this week, with the scheduled opening on Wednesday, May 20th. Teams entered are - KENMACS (juniors) OSMARS, KNAUFFS and MOOSE. These teams can each sign 18 players and the team lists are completed by June 25th. Any newcomers wishing to play must contact a member of the executive and will be placed by the executive. The 1964 Fastball executive is - President, Fern McLeod; Vice-President, Tony Costa; Secretary, Gord Calder; Treasurer, Fred Erickson. Team representatives are Maurice Osmar, Cliff Knauff, Jr., Cliff Wood, Sr., and and Bill Pytyck. BASEBALL COACHES NEEDED We are still in urgent need of coaches for the Minor Baseball program. To date we have approxi- mately 200 boys playing in 14 different teams BUT WE HAVE ONLY 7 TEAMS WITH A COACHING STAFF. This means that the seven remaining teams must either come up with coaches or we may be forced to curtail our Minor Baseball program. LET'S HAVE YOUR SUPPORT. We do not require skilled coaches, nor are we asking you to devote a great deal of time. At the maximum, you will be required to put in two sessions per week during the remainder of May and through until the end of June. This is an extremely small amount of time (Continued P.8) EVERYBODY WELCOME !! The Terrace Bay Community Credit Union Limited will hold its official office Fri.-9-11 a.m opening ceremonies on Saturday, May 16th at 10:00 A.M. Everyone is cordially invited to attend=-to inspect our new downtown facilities and to witness the ribbon cutting ceremony by Reeve J.P. Heenan, Dean E.A. Gallagher, Rev. T.G. Husser, a representative from Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paper Company and our Executive. Terrace Bay Community Credit Union Limited