COUNCIL QUOTES (Continued) After consideration of requests, it was decided to lower water rates from $14 to $10 for grocery stores and similar businesses other than hotels, motels, restaurants, filling stations and garages for year 1964. The request of Mrs. O. Strasser for street light was referred to the Hydro Commission. A mem bership in the N'Western Ontario Development Association was accepted. Mr. Guina pressed for completion of a long-considered by-law to control property and it was agreed this must be done. Mr. McGrath outlined renovations and improvements necessary in the water system - installation of new main and new hydrants for fire protection being among these. Public Library grant was set at $1200 with annual rental $800. The clerk has been asked to supply names of local employers (trade names when possible to the Unemployment Insurance Commission. A donation to Salvation Army work will be set when the budget is planned. The Captain will be informed of meeting nights so that he can meet with Council. A questionnaire dealing with relations between Council and School Boards was answered. Public Welfare, Toronto, was notified that the Town ac- cepts the responsibility of Miss Sylvia Morris and offered repatriation as suggested . Mrs. McCuaig, in new Public Relations position, was asked to have signboard, giving history of the town, replaced. Also, bring recommendations re- garding suitable program for Schreiber's celebration of Canada's Centennial. Water works accounts of $157.59 and general accounts of $3,382.06, were ordered paid. The fire half-ton pickup truck was traded with the Town for its sedan delivery. Insu- rance on town truck #2 was renewed until February 28th. Arrangements will be made to have all town insurance policies expire March 31st with tenders from agents for these to be handed in to Clerk by February 28th for consideration. The Hydro Commission will be invited to meet with Council to discuss amalgamation of the two offices. It was agreed that experienced help must be furnished for Clerk Skinner but no definite step taken until the matter has been studied further . Mr. Skinner gave a concise description of the dif- ficulties in which he carries on his duties. Schrei- ber, he said, is the only municipality of comparable size in the district without an assistant in the Town Office and, for the protection of the town's interest this second employee is a necessity since he could take ill and there would be no one familiar with any of the work to carry on. SOCIAL & PERSONAL Mrs. R.S. Hutchinson of Ft. William spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. E. Lawson, Misses Barbora Leffroy and Lou-Ann Novack of Kenora visited Mr. & Mrs. C. Nesbitt last week. Mrs. Lawrence Tremblay is in McKellar Hospital this week and Mrs. Walter IIlijow has returned home from the Lakehead hospital . Phil Inshaw has been transferred to North Bay by the Bell Telephone Co. Misses Grace and Pearl Fadden of Pt. Arthur are visiting their sister-in-law Mrs. K. Fadden this wee Miss Barbara Martin of Timmins is visiting her sister Mrs. O. B. Fasan. Mrs. W. Gerow has gone to Wardsville to visit her father, Peter King, who has been' ill. Miss Lois Inshaw has returned to Toronto after visiting her parents. J. Arnold and N. Boon, who play with the North Star Hockey team in Pt. Arthur, visited their parents over the weekend. Mr. & Mrs. J. K. Martinsen and Jimmy have re- turned to Ft. William after visiting Mr. & Mrs. H. Martinsen. Mr. & Mrs. ©. Laine attended the Shrine Club Banquet and Ball in Ft. William. All interested are invited to attend the United Church membership classes which began on January 12th - for High School students at 1.30 P.M. and adults at 3.00 P.M. These will continue until March 15th. Fiona Maureen, baby daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Fraser Muldrew, was baptized in St. Andrews Church on January 10th by Rev. Michael Skibrinski of Nipigon. Following the service, Rev. and Mrs. Muldrew held a reception in the Church Hall when refreshments were served by the Tyro Group of the Church. Mrs. Richard Spicer's 83rd birthday was marked by the presentation of a large flowering azalea from the Evening Group of the Anglican Church. Mrs. Spicer, who is Aunt Susie to everyone in town, has been an ardent church worker and, during the War, an active sewer in the Victory Club which made clothing for Britain. The Co-Op Bookmobile will be in town on January 22nd for the exchange of books. Mrs. Yola Cebrario drew the winning tickets in Sisson's Christmas draw, the lucky ones being J. P. Comeau, Don Tremblay and Walter Murphy. Mrs. Austin Cosgrove was hostess for the Christmas dinner party of the Lady Firemen when Grace was said by sister Mrs. Catherine Cosgrove who, in her gracious eighties, is still interested in Lodge affairs. Games were played and gifts ex- changed, a special one being presented to Mrs. E. Wilson in whose home the meetings are customa rily held. The Women's Curling Club met this week to plan the banquet which will be served for the Men's Club Bonspiel planned for January 31st, February Ist and 2nd. The Ladies' Invitational Bonspiel has been set for February 14th, 15th and 16th. ST. JOHN'S W.A. MEET (Continued) report and also one for the flower fund. A minute's silence was observed in memory of the late Mrs. T. Arnot who had been an active church member since 1907, president of the W.A. from 1916 to 1922 then treasurer until 1952. A congregational dinner was planned, to start at 6.30 P.M., before the annual Vestry meeting on January 20th. It was agreed to hold all meetings in the newly renovated Church Hall. A letter was received regarding a W.A. workshop being (Cont'd)