f* ' January 9 1964 : | THE NEWS as Page 5 CHILDREM'S MITTS assorted colors jacquard pattérns sizes 3& 4- - } Bt @ EN'S LAMINATED SKI CAPS multi-colours men's LENNARD SHORTS & VESTS reg. to $1.25 FOR LADIES .... POR NEI. BOY'S GENUINE FOAMED VINYL GLOVES - Black LOOK FOR UNADVERTISED SPECIALS !! wa AN FORD'S LTD. Simcoe Plaza PHONE 3327 each million man hours worked. There has never been a fatality experienced during the Mill's operation. During the past year the employees surpassed many of their old safety records, lowering the total number of first aid cases for the fourth consecutive year, establishing an all time low of only 39 doctor-care | cases, setting a new record of consecutive safe days of operation and completing over 1,467,000 safe man hours. The attainment of this disabling injury free record is more than just a statistical accomplishment. The important factor is the human suffering that has been avoided by the people of Terrace Bay operation. Through their ability to perform their jobs in a safe manner they have averted bodily injuries, physical disabilities and the loss of life. The Mill's current safety record came to an un- fortunate end on January 6th when an employee suffered severe laceration and broken index finger of the left hand. MILL EMPLOYEES ACCIDENT-FREE THRU '63 1963 was a banner year for the employees of the Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paper Company Limited Mill at Terrace Bay, Ontario. During the year not one employee lost time from work because of an injury resulting from an industrial accident. This remarkable safety record was established during the Mill's 15th year of operation and is the result of an intensified safety program that began with the Mill start-up in 1948. Convinced that the incidence of industrial ac- cidents resulting in injuries could be controlled, an active safety program was initiated resulting in the mill accident frequency rate (the number of disabling injuries per million man hours worked) being dropped from a high of 13.76 or 18 injuries in 1949, the plant's first full year of operation, to a low frequency rate of 2.15 in 1952 when only three disabling injuries were experienced. The highest accident rate experienced since then was in 1952 when 7 disabling injuries occured for an accident frequency rate of 5.20. Since the Mill started operation, the employees have worked more than 20 million man hours and MAKE YOUR GOMFORT COMPLETE WITH have experienced less than 4 disabling injuries for ELECTRIC HEAT........ a eee a me eee BURNS ene Our Speciolty CLEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR . Demecha of Terrace Bay One chance for GET IN ON OJR BI-MONTHLY DRAW = every purchase ! The Best in Heating Oils .. nes VISIT BS AND BE ONE OF OUR LUCKY WINNERS. CIRCLE ROWE SERVICE ge "ONCE A CUSTOMER-ALWAYS A FRIEND" HWY. 17 & MILL ROAD T.A. 5-3645 TERRACE BAY