= a" November 21 1963 COUNCIL QUOTES (Cont'd from Page 4) rather than the School Boards. Reeve Heenan will inform all School Boards to authorize and pay all such house repair charges in the future. The Reeve reported he had inspected the Highway right-of-way -following a conversation with E, Trudeau and found it all to be in excellent repair at the present time. Recom- mendations were for earlier grass cutting and spraying of weeds in the spring. WARMTH MINOR HOCKEY NEWS Occasionally there are boys who register late, or other problems which arise, needing clarification. ONCE AGAIN, we note that these are the people to contact in the various divisions. Flyweight (5 to 7 years) - L. Legault, Atoms - (7 & 8 ) - S. Zwaresh, Peewee House League - (8 - 12 yrs..) S. Brend, Peewee Allstar ( 8 - 12) - M. Newell, Bantam House League (13 & 14) G. Calder, Bantam Allstar (13 & 14) - T. Pollard, Midget - (15 & 16) - D. Cowan, Juvenile (17 & 18) - G. Savoy. At a meeting last week, Girls' Hockey was also taken under the wing of the Minor Hockey Assoc., and a chairman for this division will be appointed soon. HEATING Phone: SOA ome that many of the activity groups have. fFor- tunately, there are usually enough sincere people to keep things rolling. This has been the case with the Fitness Classes as about twenty men and fifteen to twenty ladies have taken part in sessions to date, apparently enjoying the programme, Classes continue every Thursday - Men - 4:30 to 6:00, Ladies - 8:00 to 9:30. COME AND JOIN THE FUN 1! RRS EAE RS IEEE AE aE SA EL EE ATS GIRLS* HOCKEY Any girl OVER THE AGE OF 13 YEARS, who wishes to play in the Girlst House League | Hockey, should register at the Rec. Office IMMEDIATELY..This league will be handed by the Minor Hockey Assoc., and teams will be chosen and a schedule set as soon as registrations are in. REGISTER NOW 22 BROOMBALL Some interest is again being shown in the formation of a Broomball League. Last year's executive has so far made no move to reorganize but a meeting will be called some time within the next week, regardless. In the meantime, talk it up and line up your players.. Teams will be received as in- dividual entries and players may be picked up on a first -- contact:basis. Get your team together now. Don't forget Badminton ..... every Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:00 -- 10300. NOTE RE SAFETY RECORD WRITE-UP In the safety record write-up in last week's News it was erroneously reported that Spruce FIINESS CLASSES Turnouts at Ments and Ladies' Fitness Classes for the first two weeks have been far below the numbers who registered. Why people | Falls Power and Paper Company record of acci- enter their names and then fail to show up is | dent free man hours was 1,523. This should a_mystery, but this seems to be a problem have read 1,523,000 - a worthy record indeed. THE FAMILY 0 Terrace Bay, Ont. e-- ANFORD'S LTD, ss PRECHRISTMAS SALE -- NOVEMBER 21, 22,23 GIRES: JACKETS crorgvovic wilt J; ecb" stecion BOYS SKI JACKETS Dis fo ee MEN'S SKI JACKETS & \ maw ALJAC CARCOATS ONT |": Gan Take this tip from Sante -- start MILLINERY YARD GOODS resent velvet! ve ctrsias sprog new. ste here in your home community: enjoy EADIES PERS ARs JACKE 15) peu worm! Reg ° $39 .95 - - Now only ; ° OE diSe, real values--right here of home.