Vol. 6, No. 47 COUNCIL QUOTES Council met Tuesday evening in the Municipal Office, presided over by the Reeve, J.P. Heenan. _ Secretary, W.F. Strutt listed minutes and correspon- "dence for the approval of Councillors Fraser, Vali- quette, Adamo and Wellings. A cheque for the second and final municipal un- conditional grant for 1963: together with accom~ panying statement was received from the Hon. J. S. Spooner and notice advising basis for the 1964 grant. Canada Gunnite Company wrote advising on the re-application of paint to the Swimming Pool and from Smith, Carter and Searle came a request for in- formation concerning the type of paint used and pre- vailing conditions, replied to by the Reeve. An ag- reement was forwarded to J. Phillips, chairman of the Recreation Board, for joint signature between the Board and Minister of Agriculture on the main- tenance of the Pool and Playing Field. The Department of Lands and Forests sought infor- mation on the prevailing water rates. Council was instructed by their solicitor on procedure for collec- tion of an account past due. Monthly report from the Police Department was submitted for October by Paul Milkovich, Constable, and Fire Chief Hofland in his October report noted Terrace Bay had acquired a total of 135 fire free days to the end of that month. His request for safety in- soles for firemen's boots was referred to Councillor Fraser, chairman of the Fire Committee. The Town's application for sales tax refund was acknowledged. Accountsfor the month of October were perused and discussed by Council before passing: Public Library $320.72, Hydro $9,223.49 and Township $27,306.45. Secretary Strutt replied to the Reeve's questioning that most of the year's taxes and grants were now in. Reporting on the last Police Committee meeting, Councillor Valiquette referred to Constable Milko- vich's recommendation that a new vehicle be pur- chased for that Department and suggested bids be sought immediately. Council agreed the type of vehicle should be decided by the Committee. Coun- cil further decided a new truck should be included for Hydro in the next Budget. With twelve applications for the position of Con- stable received to date, Council scheduled a special meeting for Friday at 4.30 P.M. to consider the app- licants. Reeve Heenan recommended that Fluoridation be considerd by Council. Considerable information had been acquired by both the Reeve and Councillor Wel lings over their term on Council which verified the low cost of the chemical. (Continued on Page 4) ee Nee: November 21, 1963 CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PARTY This year's Kimberly-Clark Christmas Party, for the children of Terrace Bay and Mill employees, will be held on Saturday, December 14th. Once again the party will be handled by the Recreation Office, in co-operation with the ladies of Terrace Bay . Since there was not a sufficient number out at the planning meetings, we were unable to set up Committees for the Party. It is hoped that this can be done on "Wrapping Day". Meanwhile, any- one who can assist on the day of the Party is asked to contact the Recreation Office. SUPES TRAVEL TO WAWA The Terrace Bay Superiors open the hockey season this weekend by travelling to Wawa for a double- header against the new league entry. Games will probably be played on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon, although this is not yet decided. - A return date has not yet been set, but hopes are that Wawa will return here in the near future. In addition, attempts are being made to arrange other exhibition games prior to the opening of the regular season. The Supes have been practicing regularly for the past two weeks and look strong. Addition of Webb in the nets, with Pytyck, Pollard, Woodruff and Desrosiers, could give us the strongest defence in the league. Scoring power has never been a big problem, so the overall balance is good. Get out to see the Superiors practice and plan on seeing all their games this year. MUNICIPAL ELECTION SHAPING UP With the Nomination Meeting scheduled for next Monday, the News attempted to contact members of the present council and some rumoured prospects regarding their intentions. Reeve Heenan announced his intention to seek re- election. Councillor Fraser refused to comment and Councillor Valiquette was not ready to comment. (Both indicated they had to wait and see if they were nominated.) Jack Wellings, although he en- joyed his term in office, indicates that he will not run this year feeling that he would like a rest for a year or two. Willie Adamo is still undecided. Of the fur. rumoured prospects, three said they will not run. The fourth was unavailable for com- ment. REMEMBER... .Recreation Membership discs must be shown at ALL charge events...Shows, Public Skating Hockey Games,etc. .CARRY THEM WITH YOUI]