TERRACE BAY NEWS NS5vember I4, 1963 THE NEWS a Page 3 | Bex $79, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published | TRIPLE ACTION Se atau niseict. seaitae fae VAPORIZER | advertisements is NOON each Monday - other / items Tuesday Noon. Office Phone 3747. EASY TO USE,- Hold cén in upright position and | hutherized as second class mail by the Post /spray | Office Department, Ottawa, for payment of . Sbatage\.in ciel Eases Congestion of Colds, Hay Fever Fi abel fiadiade Wes charge S0¢ ~ (20 worda Soothes Irritated Throats and Membranes | and under) - Cards of Thanks - Minimum charge Relieves Nasal/Stuffiness and | 49 | $1 - (30 words and under), Coughing. LARGE 10 oz. . - OR RENT - apartment ~ pfivate entrance - 3 rooms BALE «aes $ | : | y cand bath, Phone 129? orlépply 103 Ontario Street. WwW aghorn's Pharmacy WANTED = good home for pectionsid Beagle puppy. PHONE 825 - 3666 } iThis friendly dog unhappy /in city apartment. Anyone jinterested please contagt/Dr Bob Lee, Ste 36,25 TA Xi 'Cheviot Place, Islingtoh#, Ontario. pus oa ae tee ek A SALE - washed turnips~ 25 Ibs. for $1.25. Apply |House 5lor phone 3247. (CHRISTMAS CAKES - Homgfnade, deadline for orders iNov. 16th. Community Phurch Ladies Auxiliary . iPhone 3234 or 3562. FOR SALE -- Girl's figure/skates, size 12 - $ 2.00, 'Girl's skates, size 13 - $ 1.50, black skates, small - 18 - $1.00. Phone 3 3 iLOST = Would the personW#ho picked up a pair of 'girl's black shoes, with strap, size 2 V2 D. = from ithe Dressing Room i hone 3737. i ICORICE ALLSORTS - for sale by the C.P.&T. /Humanitarian CommjtYee. Phope Terrace Bay I: 5661 or_3547 and Sthreiber 405 or 39. © The front page of the November 7th issue | CARD OF THANKS = 1 wish fo thank Dr. McCausland|of the Terrace Bay News was inserted by the \Dr. Usicanin, Mrs. Buck anf her wonderful staff, and members of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch | everyone who sent cards or/helped in any way while ee and the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch || was ill. Also thankg to fhe Old gals at the Rec. | NEW 24-HOUR TAX{ SERVICE FOR fe ACE BAY PA PHONE 3379 _| ATTENTION For all your WATK PRODUCTS such as spiges, wonilla extract, house- ities, contact MRS. D. TOPOLINSKY - Phone Schreiber 464 LA | WATKINS | BLACK PEPPER | " GASOLINE SURE TOPS THE REST, FOLKS ; "i HELL WHOVE an ; a i Acollection of 10 | hand processed and submounted photo- graphs of Northwestern Cntario, bound in 9x11 Tf, \ooseleaf form to allow | easy framing, may be viewed at the Art Show. RENE GAUDET ISLAND VIEW SERVICE Price per print $1.80 Highway 17 & Hudson Dr, - - = = PHONE 3638 -- COMMUNITY CHURCH CHRISTMAS BAZ Saturday, November 23rd = 2.30 to 4.3 i TEA TABLE _ Baby sitting provided while: others are shopping ' EVERYONE WELCOME Phone Terrace Bay 3855 or Schreiber 362 ate with us! Come in soon "