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Terrace Bay News, 14 Nov 1963, p. 14

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TH yntinued from Paxe 13) leavin Monday for Germany where he will be ifred Laurenson and famil ore tationed with the Canadian Army. Pte. John Paul LeMay returns on 'onday to Calgary, where he is stationed with the eens Own Regiment. John has been visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs, C. LeMay or the past month, Jendy Duncan was home for the weekend from the Port Arthur Collegiate, visiting er parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Duncan. ir. and Mrs. tl, damilton and faimiiy visited in the Lakehead last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. B. Kurylo and childre: were visitors to Fort William last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. McMillan and family and Mr. H. Ward travelled to Fort William or the weekend, Myrna Crandlemire was hone fron White River with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. andiewire over the weekend. Mrs. M. Duguid of Port Arthur is Visiting with Mrs, M. Mitchell, Dorotiiy Koski, Ross Mitchell and their families re Mr. and Mrs. 4. Combs enroute home to Delaraine, Man. om the east. visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinkins. DAY TEA A Remembrance Day Tea was held by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Branch 223 on Saturiay afternoon in St. Martin's Parish Hall. Mrs, Win icKechnie convened the affair and the , Mrs. H. Bajkiewicz was assisted in receiving the many tuests by Mrs. A. czynski. The tea table, laid with white linen was centred with green ivy entwined ruout their emblem and silver candles in ystal candlelabra. Pouring were Mesdame Dusuid, Rranch 5, Royal Canadian Le cic Port Arthur, J. Caccamo, G. MacKay and Munaine. The individual teatables were centred with minature flags, poppies and on the white cloths and servitors were th isses M. Anderson, A, J. McKechnie . dayes and Panela and Jamie Cumaings. eplenisiing were Mesdames J, Fisher, S. senko, A. Daley and D. Narcella. Mrs. A. Spzak was in charge of the iace Table and Mrs. Table, both ladies assisted by cirs. Daley and 'rs. Benko. The ladies pouring and receiving wore lovely corsazes of miniature poppies for the occasion, Ticket No. 16 was drawn by Comuanding Officer of the Sea Cadet corps. J. Cumming, and the holder is requested to set in touch with Mrs. McKechnie or Mrs. Ba jkiewicz. The Twenty-five dollar 'toney Doll was drawn by 'irs. N. Ross of Schreiber and won by irs. H, Schniedschen, ction, {, Woodruff the Sewing CoWeL The regular meetinz of the vathol Rosary in St. Martin's Church at 2:00 P.M. inutes were read by Secretary Mrs. 6. Savoy. (rs. XR. Belliveau reported that plans for the Christmas party were going well. "rs. L. Legault reported that this year's Christmas Bake Sale will be in the form of » cake walk. All the ladies were enthusiastic after watching Mrs. Legault give a lejwonstration of this novel idea. Rey. Dean Gallacher arsed all held in the Parish ilall on November 14th, at 2:00 P.M. for the donation to the new altar railing and said that to ieron Bay. Lunch was served by Mrs. ". Chepelsiky and her comnittee, PLAN" CAKE WALK" oments League 'vas held n Sunday, following 'rs. .. Gombola presided and the ladies to attend the Regional meetinz which will be also thanked the ladies + old one had been shipped TY_ CHURCH MEET The openins hyn for the meetin: of the Ladies Auxiliary Monday evening in the onuiunity Church was accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Ff. Gould. Mrs. R. Downey took the Devotional period readin: a poem Flour and Salt from the book, "Under Open Skies" and concluded with the Auxiliary prayer. President Mrs. S. Lundberg welcowed the ladies, particularly the several new neabers present. Mrs. W. Farrell read the minutes and correspondence which included a note of thanks from Dean Gallagher and 'rs. W. Baillie. The financial statement siven by Treasurer Mrs. A. Chisholir. k and Visiting Convenor.Mrs. il. Coe.reported cards sent in October and Mrs. RK. farris reported posters for the r were ready and would be out this weekend. Property Convenor, Mrs. i. iaughn,discussed purchase of paper table covers. Inquiries 'ld be made. Prozram Convenor, Mrs. Downey, announced Mrs. ilarris would be in charge December meeting and Mrs. iarris who is planning a special Christams meeting d all members to attend, The President extended thanks to the ladies who helped with the Hi-c Dinner and to rs, VY. 'lopper, Convenor of the Smorgzasbord. Mrs. Hopper in turn thanked her oulittee. 'irs. farris reported on prozress on the Nazaar scheduled for Novenber 23rd.) All ladies havin knittiny are requested to turn it into Mrs W. Megraw by November loth and anyone with suitable articles for the Wiite Elephant Table should contact Mrs, Orders for Christmas cakes wil] be taken by Mrs. M. McCausland or Mrs. A. tison infil November leth., 'ir 1, Brooks' «ronp will continue to 'neet Wednesday ines after C.G,1.T. to sew aprons the Bazaar. Lund+erz requested volunteers to help with the Linch for the Hish School reerient, which she McMillan and also for the Uanvassers* LA. TO v0! Wood. . for vonvenes with Mrs, fr. nner on Noveaber l4th. Closing with the Renediction the ceetine was turned over to 'irs, Downey who, with rs. Fed. douthton and "irs. rools deconstrated tively tips on cift wrapping and ristmas tasle favers, rs, L. P.illips and her conaittee served tea ani at the close of the exvenin= NEWS Monday - NOV 25" By 8.00 P.M. MOOSE HALL LOYAL OF MOOSE IS TU Finda!) Oh wilitNe Rerces Five - $5 Games....Five - Good Neighbors Phone modern 5-room basement suite. PINEAULT'5 FETLD PRIOR TO DEPARTURE irs, Betty Pineault left Friday with Narbara, Brian and Kathryn to join her h husband in Thurso, Quebec. Prior to leaving they were entertained by many of their friends here, 'etty being presented with a gift by the Ban' staff, Barbara was entertained at a party at the home of Margaret Ann Pinecault with Velma LeBlanc sharing hostess duties. She was presented with a gift and a lovely luncheon was served by the hostesses at the close of the social evening, Michel and Alvin LeBlanc were hosts at a farewell party in their home for Brian when his friends presented him with a watch. The Grade seven class in St. Martin's School held a party to bid farewell to Katiryn at the home of Sharon MacDonald, The wsirls presented Kathryn with a watch. Prior to his departure last month 4 Pineault was presented with a wallet and purse of money dy 0. Boudreai on behalf of the Instrument Department, aid also hoiored at a stag when he received iwany monentos, also a set of golf clubs and parse of money. A group of friends held a farewell party at the home of Ken ward and on another occasion the players from Ed's Bantam Allstars presented him with a silver ashtray. HIGH HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION MEET A meeting of the Schreiber High Home and School Association will be held Monday, Nov. 18th at 7.30 P.M. in the library classroom, rior ta open house from 8 to 10.00 P.M. when parents can visit classrooms and meet the teachers. PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEET (from Page 15) The Board was highly satisfied with the new set of steps built by a local man and the bill was ordered paid. During the month of September, 511 books were borrowed and during October 713 with children and juvenile reading 4 times that of adults. New sets and replacement of current popular children and juvenile books have been received and the Board is selecting new books for the standing, library . The Board was pleased to hear from Mr. A.W. Cuthbertson, former member, with a sugges tion for a book of wide interest to girls and women. Consideration was given to displaying o selected current reading each month but the method could not be settled since an outside case would not be practical because of the weather. REMEMBRANCE DAY CEREMONY (from Page 15) Reginald Inshaw, Rector of St. John's Anglican Church gave the address. Mr. In- shaw usea as his text the 19th verse of the 11th chapter of the Ist Book of Chronicles - "My Gos forbia it me that I shouls ao this thing; shall | arinr tne blood of these men that have put their lives in jeopardy". He saia that our response is a neasure of our appreciation of the sacrifices mage by our fallen heroes. mothers, that the names of their sons who fell in battle were not onl, engraven on stone but lise on in the neafts ang lives of men. Onl. future ov a response to public cuties anc patriotism, Jo we fIfill our part as trustees for life of the sacrifice edtnes 0» our fallen wno gave tneir lises as a last fill measure of tevotion to The Rev. Years ago on Atherian scholar saiz, in comforiiag as we show we owe our liberty, security and us. The High School Girls! Choir lea the singing. Wreaths were lais as follows: Motherhood of Canosa - Mrs. J. Singleton; Royal Canasier Legion = Len Hiller; Legion Auxiliory - Mrs. N. McCuaig; In memory of Jim Richarason - Mrs. J. Ricnarason; In memory of Leslie Gerow - Mrs. Ivor Jacomb; In memory of Warren Morreil - Mrs. G. MrParlanc. Wreaths were also places by Township of Scnreiber, #CA, St. Jonns Ameulanc e, t.insmen Club, Lion's Club, lIOOF, Knights of Columbus, Silver Sircn Cnapter OES #264, Reberah Loage, Catholic Women's League, Women's Institute, Bank of Montreal, Spadoni Lta., Chapples Ltd., Caccamo's and Costa Foodoteria. In the evening a banquet was helz in the Legion Hall ans a cabaret dance for members anc guests. PRAYER FOR REMEMBRANCE DAY © God who judgeth the living and the dead, hear our prayers and grant unto these, the souls of the faithful departed, who have made the Supreme Sacrifice in defence of their country and homes, that just recompense that Thou hos promised. Grant us who commemorate their death, the grace never to forget their sacrifice, and by our prayers and good works, unity and charity to all, carry on and achieve that ultimate victory over the enemies of mankind, that with real peace established on this earth, we may honor Thee more and more, forever and ever, Amen. PRG COMMERCIAL: PERSONA TERRACE BAY NEWS ARTIFICIAL ICE FUND Goal Times - lst goal - 1:45, 2:20 16:36 and last goal - 12:03, Next week -- lst goal - $2 $40.00. One of the winners game (Nov. 2nd) was William S Please Contact Pat Newton, Schreiber, if you are a winner. » 4:01, 13:51 .00/ and last goal

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