a ital ee __Novemb er 7, 1963" YOUR THE NEWS ji Va A CROSS WORD | } : Malate ae ANSWER A MOST WERE nS a NEVER GETE Pigeons HELL | - ot : : Wy OW THE BACK, | UATHL HE STARTS VIEWS, TO KE TO. DATE WIT Oz I> [10 SfORa UP Tai0/>! aoe itz l> TIO) OIL >y3) DEALER BEAUTY & BARBER SHOP TERRACE BAY MOTOR HOTEL ROLY. .SINOTTE PHONE 3268 60 Laurier Ave. - Terrace Bay,Ont. PHONE 3209 SRS TS CARD OF THANKS - | would like to thank all those = capes SERVICES, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1963 who had a surprise farewell party for me at the home {7:45 -- Parade Fall In -- veterans & Legion of Mrs. Louise Guillet. Members (Selkirk Ave.) Ginger O'Driscoll 2:00 - Parade formed around Cenotaph . 0 Canada'? (Band) CARD OF THANKS = I would like to express my Hymn -- (Band) | appreciation and thanks to Dr. Cornell, Dr .Freeburg, Prayer ... Very Rev. Dean Gallagher the nurses and staff of the Terrace Bay Hospital-~also Last Post & Reveille ~ (Bugler) all my friends who sent flowers, cards and gifts or who Lament (Piper) | helped in any other way. _. One Minute Silence Louise Corbett. : Laying of Wreaths fe : i *God Save The Queen' FOR SALE - Westinghouse refrigerator and Gurney Dismissal of Parade - (Selkirk Ave.) { four-burner range with oil annex. Phone Schreiber, 177. Sunday, November 10th at 2:00 P.M. Branch 223, Royal Canadian Legion, Terrace Bay, will hold memorial Services at the Cenotaph for the fallen of past Wars. During the past week there have been numer- ous queries as to the date for holding these services in respect to the National Memorial Service which is held yearly in Ottawa on Nov- ember 11th, the exact date of the signing of Armistice, or so we have been told. May we say at this time, that the date of holding these services is not the Legion's doing, but, nevertheless there is some justi- fication in having the Sunday prior to Armis+ tice Day set aside for such services, espec- ially when the date in question falls during the week. It seems that Terrace Bay is not alone in having the Service on the Sunday prior to, for other centres throughout Canada and Great Britain are doing the same in order that the working masses may attend these solemn rites without forfeit of wages and pay their respect to those who died so that we may live. Here in Terrace Bay, during the past years, the turnout for this occasion, no matter what date it is held on, has not been very grati- fying to the }iving, never mind the dead, and it seems that guibbling over a date is far from solving anything for, no matter what date what.time, what place, a service guch as this is held, the main.objective is wecocece WE SHOULD REMEMBER THEM, AND "WE -SHALL 11} FOR RENT = partly furnished rer Ontario St. Schreiber. Phone 164. their world championship form: a set to three colour filmstrips showing the basic techniques of skating and dancing on skates: a set of eighty film loops each illustrating one skating figure from start to finish: a manual of printed instructions. The use of film loops in this instructional method is novel, Each section of 16 mm, film is joined end to end so that the loop of film can be shown continuously over and over again until every detail has been observed. The entire kit should be invaluable in teaching the art of figure skating. If it proves to be a popular form of instruction it is possible that the Department of National Health and Welfare will be prepared to release other "How Tot kits for other sports associated with its drive towards national fitness. | | NEW METHOD FOR SKATERS (Continued from Page 2) } | i Badminton every Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30 ~ 10:30. Join now and take part in a healthy, enjoyable, SOCIABLE, activity. NOV Art. Show Zine5 TF aon SCHOOL AUBITORIM PICTURE DRAW TEA WILL BE SERVED - - - - TICKETS .35¢ LOST - one 14" 'Wheel 'Dice fone 1959 Buick. Re- ward. Call 3756. WANTED - Size 5 or 5 1/2 girl's figure skates, or will exc e a size 3, Phene 3530 STARE