Page 8 THE NEWS October 17, 1963 _ LADIES CURLING CLUB NEWS THE SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING OF THE TERRACE BAY LADIES CURLING CLUB WILL BE HELD IN THE NEW CURLING LOUNGE ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24th, AT 8.00 P.M, SHARPU | | Please keep this date in mind and plan to attend, This meeting is open to all ladies interested in curling this year, cither in the afternoon or evening leagues. A speci invitation is extended to new residents of the commmity and any new curlers. Many very important items are on the agenda and will be fully discussed and decided at this meeting. Some of these items are as follows: 1, Type of play (i.e. Round Robin or Division Curling) 2. Method of selecting rinks, | 3. Curling fees | 4, | Review Club rules | | | } 5. Appointment of Northwestern Delegate 6. Bonspiel dates f Nights for curling will be Tuesdays and Thursdays as in the past, days for afternoon © curling to be decided and agreed upon. The tentative date for the beginning of curling is around the 2nd week of November, A membership application form appears below. Please fill in this form and forward same, not_later than Thursday, October 3lst, to Mrs. Norma Crockford, Draw Committee Chairman , Terrace Bay, Ont., or give to any member of the executive. These forms may be turned in at the scmi=annual mecting if desired. This is very important and requires your immediate at- tention so that the Membership and Draw Committees can commence plans for the scason. Membership is open to all who are members of the Terrace Bay Recreation Association. REMEMBER THE MEETING DATE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1963, AT 8.00 P.M. SHARP IN THE | CURLING CLUB LOUNGE. | TERRACE BAY LADIES CURLING CLUB APPLICATION FORM NAME ADDRESS PHONE: Position you wish to play - Skip 3rd 2nd ca | Number of years curling experience What Position | I wish to curl - Evenings Afternoon Both (Please place x in applicable space) -- ' If you wish to curl steady in one league and spare in the other, please' mark "spare". in the proper space, Submit application not latcr than Thursday, October 31st, to Mrs, Norma Crockford, Draw Committee Chairman, Terrace Bay, Ont, or give to any member of the kxecutive. At an Executive meeting held October. 10th, it was announced that an official application | had been made to the Ontario Ladics Curling Council to host the 1965 Ladics "Silver DY Curling Championships in Terrace Bay. It was pointed out that if favourable consideration is given to our request,that a great deal of work will be required by all members of the Club, however, it was felt that such an event would be a "boon" to curling in our areca. The , local Township Council has indicated their approval and support for such a worthwhile i endeavour, Mrs. Jane Coons has been appointed "Etiquette Chairman", This matter was fully discussct. at the Annual Meeting and should be of help, particularly to new members joining the Club, entrepreneur SEA CADET NEWS (Continued from Page 5) last week. This inspection will now be made monthly, Pond and serve at the Tea,Tables. On November 23rd there will be fifteen numbers called for the Home Bingo and Phone It was decided by members of the Navy numbers to call are 3601, 3596 and 3355. League to have a car wash on November 26th, Raffle tickets on the Money Doll must be in at the Terrace Bay Enterprises and townspeoplej to Mrs, Stella Gusul by November 4th, were urged to show the Cadets they are behind A Turkey Bingo was discussed and will be them-in every way. announced at a later date, The Pot of Gold <n epee RA NA oaRetenttineemetind---- held at the' monthly meeting was won by Mrs, 4, L.A. TO ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION HOLDS MEETING Solly. Mrs. N. Bajkiewicz chaired the regular The regular meeting on Nov, 12th is Nomina- meeting Tuesday of the Ladies Auxiliary to tion night. This meeting is important and all the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch #223, Minu-] members are requested to attend, An executive | tes and correspondence were read by Secretary | meeting will be held on October 24th at the A, Yates, home of Mrs, Woodruff at 8:00. P.M. Convening the Poppy Day Tea on Nov, 9th in St. Martin's Parish Hall was turned over to Members of Lodge 1752, Loyal Order of Moose | Mrs, A. McKechnie and Mrs, F, Woodruff will and. Chapter 1426, Women of the Moose who be in charge of the Sewing Table with Mrs, A, | attended the Thirty---third annual Convention Spzak convening the Bake Table. Daughters of | in the Lakehead over the past weekend were;- zion members will be in charge of the Fish | Mr, ani Mrs, J. Gross, (Cont'd on, Page 9)