October 17, 1963 | TERRACE BAY NEWS \ Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario, . Published jweekly each Thursday. Circulation, Terrace iBay, Schreiber and District. Deadline for advertisements is NOON each Monday - other items Tuesday Noon, Office Phone 3747, Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash. Classified ads - Minimum charge 50¢ - (20 words and under) - Cards of Thanks - Minimum charge $1 - (30 words and under), | CHRISTMAS CAKES - will be sold by the Ladies Auxiliary Community Church, at the Christmas Bazaar, November 23¢h, Place your order by calling Lois McCausland 3234, or Ivy Pattison 3562 Mornings. FOR SALE - Westinghouse Fridge, Westinghouse Dryer, Automatic Washer, Sylvania T.V., Chrome Kitchen Set with 6 chairs, 39" Bed and Mattress 54** Bed and Spring, 2 Couches, odd dressers, etc. Phone Schreiber 691 or 194-J. FOR RENT - Apartment consisting of large Living room and kitchen, two bedrooms and bathroom, private entrance and basement. Phone Schreiber 313. FOR RENT - three room apartment on Quebec St. Phone Schreiber 207. me ee aoe CARD OF THANKS - I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to Dr. Cornell, Dr. Freebury and Dr, Remus, the mrses and staff of McKellar Hospital also all the friends who sent gifts, cards and visited me while in hospital . E. G,. Caccamo -- eee FOR SALE. - Man'*s Mary Maxim Sweater, Size 38, fawn color with duck pattern, Underwood Leader Typewriter, Knit King Knitting Machine with Rib Master, brand new and never been used $200. or the best offer. Phone Schreiber 677 after 5 P.M. FOR RENT - Three room apartment with bath and private entrance. Phone Schreiber 129. NO | -- THE ANNUAL ART SHOW SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 26th, will be postponed until NOVEMBER 9th MORE DETAILS IN THE - NEWS NEXT WEEK, nan et et a eal an ACs ery ( q { KEEP OUR PHONE NUMBER JN YOUR MIND WHEN YoU WEED HEATING O/L OF RENE GAUDET'S ISLAND VIEW SERVICE HUDSON & HWY 17 PHONE 3638 LA LL EEG ALLO CEL LLL AA ALL LLL EL AO A Gm Page 3 ee Ols SALE IO BIG' DAYS' THURSDAY, October 17th through SATURDAY, October 26th 2 for the PRICE of 1 PLUS a PENNY! BONUS BUYS not on our i¢ SALE plan but values too good to.missl WAGHORN'S Phone 3666 se wert Terrace Bay, Ontario ate TANI fs, -=\\. NEW 242HOUR TAXI SERVICE -FOR t , ' ieee S77 TERRACE BAY Cm ata ge SIMON'S TAKL - ------ 7-7-7 PHONE 3379 |. FOR YOUR WEEKLY APPOINTMENT ~ = Phone 3855 - Terrace Bay or 362 Schreiber + eee FOR RENT - Two bedroom apartment, self- contained. Apply 215 Columbia St., or Phone Schreiber 133-J. SCHREIBER ARTIFICAL ICE FUND DRAW Times of winning goals:- lst = 3:29, 2nd - 10:31, 3rd - 19:12, 1:30, 16:07, 7:44, 14:07, last goal 16:38. If no winner,money will be held over until next week. Anyone holding a winning ticket present to Pat Newton at the Y.M.C.A. Schreiber. Prize money for October 19th- 1st goal - $30.00 and last goal -$40.00 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS OFFICIAL HOCKEY RESULTS a eee et ee EN emten ! t | | | | i ! 1 i mnt neem 9 | \ j } PLAYER _G,. ASSTS. WINNER AMOUNT Reaum L, Gavin $ 2,00 Rosseau 1 x D, Marshall 6.00 Talbot J, Tyniuk 2.00 . Tremblay Ji T, Stortini 4.00 ; Laprerrier 1 B. Fraser 4,00 | Ferguson 1 1 D. Rosie 6.00 | Balon i. 1 R, Lapointe 6.00 | Provost Roger Tremblay 2.00 | J.C. Tremblay M. Strocen 2.05 Harper A, Parent 2.00 Bertrenson D. Dejonghe 2.00 | Hickie 1 A, Valiquette 4,00 | Backstrom R, Theriault 2.00 | Belliveau 1 3 B. Churney 10,00 | Geffrion 2 2 A, Beaulieu 10.00 . Richard - 1 D. McParland 4,00 Goal Tender 'Pat & Mike 2.00 Game of Oct. 12th Total $ 70,00 Score ~ Montreal 6 vs. N.Y. Rangers 2 NEXT WEEKS*S SHUTOUT POOL $ 40,00