aoonen. = eee ee : A EN EN A Ne NR | EE NCR TR ec ee A ETC A AO LTE. EE TR RE TE ENE LEE TN, are eee a -- -- ¥ '8 A ee sen ene et Sheet na ne a: fe nema eee see ree O.R.T, FISH DERBY The Schreiber division telegraphers fish derby, which ended September 15th, had entric from all over the division and prizes were awarded as follows with Chief R.C.Macadam as weighmaster. Speckled Trout - lst J.Heald,- Nipigon, 4 1b.8 oz. caught in Moffat Strait, Lake Superior, spin recl & rod courtesy Mc- Leods Ltd., Ft. William, 2nd G. Carrell, Cartier, 4 1b,4 oz. prize from Camera Shop, Ft, William. Lake Trout - lst L.Goodwin, 224 lb. caught in Lake Windermere, Nicholson, spin recl & rod from 0.R.T. Committee. 2nd D, Black, Carticr, 8 1b.5 oz. in Lake Geneva, Carticr, prize from Simpson-Sears. Pickerel c. Dimmery, Schreiber 6 1b.45 oz. in Jackfish Lake, spin reel & rod from 0,R,T. Committce, 2nd P.Albert, Amyot, 6 1b.4 oz. in Amyot Lake prize from Twinport Sales, Duluth, Northern Pike = lst J, Lesauvage, 10 1b.135 oz. in Jackfish Lake, spin reel & rod from 0.R.T. The Draw Prize was won by J. Bell, Ft. Willia spin roel & rod donated by retired agent, Mike Bates, tourist opcrator at Biscotasing, A gift was presented to Mr. Campbell for his work during the derby, The funds raised in the derby are devoted to the 0.R.T. retirement and flower funds. SOCIAL & PERSONAL Mrs. C,. Pcarson is in St. Thomas to attend the wedding of her niece Bonnic Cilmore. Mrs. Jcan Shaw & Miss Janis Shaw are the guests of Mrs, A. Moorcy. Joanne Matheson and Susan Caldwell arc spending the weekend with relatives here and in Terrace Bay, Mr. A. Moorey and Phil & D'Arcy have gonc to Brockville to visit Gordon_who is attendin St. Mary's College there, They will attend the Parents! Day event while there, Mr.L. McLellan is home from Port Arthur for the holiday. Mr.&@ Mrs. D. Remillard and family of the Soo visited with Mr. & Mrs. 0. Laine. Mrs. F, Vankoughnett of Carman, Man, is visiting her sister, Mrs, F. Muldrow. St. Edward's Council, K. of C., wore in Geraldton over.the weckend for initiation rites in that Council. Mr. & Mrs. G. Gordon and Clayton and Mr, & Mrs. W. Miller drove to the Soo for the holiday. Mr.& Mrs. E. Welbourne are happy to an- nounce the arrival of their chosen son Daniel Kdward (Danny) on October 8th, Mr.L, Jones of the Lakehead Rehabilitation Centre was in town this week on business. Mr.& Mrs. 0. Bernardi and family of Ft. William and Mr. & Mrs. J. Germaine, Pt. Art- hur, have returned home after visiting Mr.& Mrs. M. Didura. Mr.& Mrs. Didura and Mr. & Mrs. J. Kos= tecki will attcnd the Moose Lodge Convention at the Lakchead this weckend. Mrs. N. McCuaig and Mrs, L. Hiller and Mrs. W. Paradis of the local Ladics! Auxi- liary to the Canadian Legion, were in Mara- thon on October 10th to attend the dinner mecting of that branch's auxiliary. Mrs. Jung Wah Deep has returned froma two months visit with relatives in Hongkong, Mrs. R. Campbell gave a party for 20 tots to mark her daughter Tammy's sccond birthday with Mrs. J. Campbcll assisting her, Mr, & Mrs. F.C. Freeburg of Flushing, | Mich, arc visiting Mr. & Mrs. B. Willoughby | and will visit grand and great grandchildren | in Ft. Willian. Mr, & Mrs. G.Walsh have taken their son Peter to Winnipcg for medical treatment, Mrs. G.A. Scott, Manitoba Strect, isa | patient in McKellar Hospital, , Mrs, Ethel Drummond of Sherbrooke, Que. is the guest of her daughter Mrs, W,R.Burroughs, Me. & Mrs. H, Martinsen spent the weckend | at the Lakehead, The United Church women have set the date for their Christmas tea-bazaar for November 30th in the town hall. Among those visiting with their parents for the holiday weckend were Neil Whent,° Bruce Gordon, Allan Holmes, Harold Shack, from Winnipeg; Steve Morrill, Toronto; Ivan Cocks, Sudbury; Geraldine McGrath and Marlene) Birch, Pt. Arthur; Sally Johnson, Myrtle Pct-| rushack and Shirley Petrushack with Edward Miller and Peter Hayward, Ft. William. Mr. & Mrs. A.R.Deject, Pt. Arthur with Mrs & Mrs: R. Macadam; Mr. & Mrs. A.W.Cuthbertson and | family of Ft, William with Mr. & Mrs. W.R. { Burroughs. Mes, D. Wilson accompanied hcr mother Mrs, I, D'Arcy to Toronto where the latter | remaincd to visit her son. Mes. E, Welbourne was given a stork shower | in her home on Sunday cvening, arranged by | Mesdamcs C, Pcrras, J.P.Gauthier, D. Kirby anc R. Moore. Mrs. Wcelbournc was assisted by | her mother Mrs. W. Lidkea in receiving and Debby Lidkca attendcd the guest book and gifu room, "The servitors were the Misscs Brenda Lidkca, Mcrla Doolcy and Mesdames R. O0'Dris- coll, A. Bourguignon and L. O'Driscoll. Misses Gwen Hadley and Joan Neil, Pres. and Sec-Treas. respectively of the North | Shore Unit attended the Region 5B Fall Con= | ference of the Federation of Women Teachers! | Associations of Ontario, held on Octéber Stk | in the C.D,Howe School in Pt. Arthur, Mrs. E.J. Dockary of Langley, 8.C. is 'visiting hcr daughter Mrs, R. Macadam. Mrs, L. Nase has rcturned to her home in Lancasttr, N.B. after visiting her daughter \ Mrs. R, Turner, a} Lesley Comcau is a patient in Terrace Lay | Hospital. eal Mrs, A.R.Parcheom was hostess for a sur- | prisc farcwell party for Mrs. H. Worrell whose husband has been transferrcd to Sudbury by the ©.P.R, On behalf of the fricnds and neighbors attcnding, Mrs. J.D.Bryson pre= sented'an electric fry pan. Mrs; Worrcll's | mother, Mrs. Lovelace, Coldwatcr, was a gucst for the occasion, The hostess was assistcd | in serving lunch by Mcsdames E.Swansen, L.R: Tremblay and W, Collinson, The staff of the Bell Tclephone paid a special call on Mrs. EK. Welbournc, who has bcen employed in the office, to present a high chair as a gift to her baby son. ' | { | TWIRP DAY (from Page 12) . Harness and Bill Scott. It would be a clos¢: vote any year to decide who enjoys this event the most, students, staff or the large crowd of laughing spectators who attend. { | | } ---