4 October 17, 1963 Mr, and Mrs, M. Didura, Mr.and Mrs. J. Kostecki, Mr.,-and Mrs, A, Desrosier, Mr. and Mrs, G. Calder, Mr, and Mrs. M. Dorman, Mr, and Mrs. J, Mikus, Mr, and Mrs, G, Dakin and Mr, and Mrs, D, LaPorte. AUTUMN WEDDING AT COMMUNITY CHURCH The marriage of Mary Margaret Mae, daughte of Mr, and Mrs, F.A. Sweet, Terrace Bay, to Robert Edwin Cole, son of Mr, and Mrs, H, Cole Schreiber was solemnized in a double ring ceremony Saturday afternoon at 4:00 otclock by Rev, T. Garnett Husser in thé Community Church, Terrace Bay, Brian Hubelit provided organ musta during the ceremony. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was gowned in a two piece wool sheath of tur- quoise, the matching jacket trimmed with gold metalic tarpaunto, With a beige feathered hat she wore beige accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Attending her sister as Matron of Honor, Mrs, V. Timpano chose a two piece double knit Suit in pink, matching accessories and a corsage of pink and white feathered carnations Ralph Cole was groomsman for his brother and Jim Sweet, brother of the bride, ushered. A reception was held following the cere- mony at the home of the bride's parents, Receiving Mrs, Sweet was attircd in two piece powdered blue linen suit with beige acces- gories and a corsage of pink carnations. Assisting, the groom's Mother chose a royal blue taffeta dress, white accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. nite eee an eee stents eng DPOP. IN AND SEE [964 WE DO LONG TERM -: FURNACE . FINANCING with FUEL OIL.Contracts THE NEWS YOOSE CONVENTION (Continued from Fage 8) | A bride and groom under an archway topped "the wedding cake trimmed with lily-of-the- thse ons New white wall tires A 1 mechanical condition CASH Voucher wihner Mr. John Gross, 437 Ft. Garry Rd, Terrace Bay, Ontario. On every purchase. made at CIRCLE ROUTE SERVICE you will receéive.a ticket cntitling you to a chance on a VOUCHER, Page. 9 valley and placed on the bride's table was flanked by tall vases of carnations. Mrs, R. -| Marquis; sister of the bride cut the wedding cake and servitors were sisters of the bride and groom, Barbara Sweet and Barbara Cole and Mrs, V. Drexler. Mr. B, McKay proposed the toast to the bride, After a wedding trip to Sault Ste, Marie Mr, and Mrs Cole will take up residence in Manitouwadge. Prior to the wedding the bride was entertained at a bridal shower at the home of Mrs. V. Drexler and a party by her bowling team at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A, O'Grednick. FALL BAZAAR HELD BY ST, MARTIN'S PARISH St. Martin's Parish Hall was bright with colorful booths Saturday afternoon, when the | Annual Parish Bazaar invited. forth a large | crowd of interested shoppers, Bazaar Convenor | Mrs, N. Vienneau was assisted in receiving by | Mrs, F. Helmink, President of the Catholic | Women's League. Mrs. B, Cavanaugh was in charge of the draw | and the first.prize of $50. was won by Mrs, A. | Johnson, and second prize of $25.went to Mrs. S. Lundberg, Convenors.of the various booths were as follows:-, Sewing Booth - Mrs, R, Mitchell, Knitting Booth - Mrs. G, Coons, Aprons. - irs, | G. Dasakewytan, Dolls Booth - Mrs, M, Papineau, Fish Pond - Mrs. R, Gaudet was assisted by two gaily-clad clowns, Velma LeBlanc and Jean Stuart, The surprise draw a electric go 10) THE NEW NEW. AGENTS FOR AGENTS FOR ee FARGO TRUCKS ee = 1955 FORD V8 [SPECIALS Ener eyeziira SEDAN NSNOFIRES AND. WHEELS ae heen atone = men eae Full year guarantée for loss when 1 instalicd by our | GARAGE Sel ame cen ei per) | Ps aly" | Circle Route Service _ NONCE A CUSTOMER~ ALWAYS A FRIEND" ---- Feeaee HWY. 17 & MILL ROAD ne ey es pate emcee tage 1 ett et ete == a Sp wate any PHONE 3645 GO TEXACO ee ae rete!