M7 a Sptember 12, 1963 COMMENCEMENT ~- Continued Steve Morrill = Kinsmen, Scholarship $100 - Steve Morrill:="High School Board Bursary $100 + Donald Farrow = Catholic Women's League Bursary $100 =. John Cosgrove - Knights of Columbus Bursary $100 - ~-kaurie' Mae Marcel la- we Provincial Bursary $500 - Ivan Cocks and Arthur T J.Edgar McAllis- ter Foundation Scholarship (value $!,200 for. four years) - Steve Morrill. Steve earned a total of $5,075, spread over the next four years. . He. will take Chemical Engineering at the University of Toronto. Perfect dHendance bars went to twenty-four stu= dents and bars for public sp CaN drama, basket= ball, volley ball, Fee curling, track & field -- sea and inter=schoa Academic bars, cups and financial awards, were presented as follows:-- Gr.9B - Warren. Morrill, 91.5% - Gr.9G.= Gayle Worrell, 75.6%, Melba Harten 79%, Anne Noonan 75. 6%, Anna Spadoni, 75.5%. Gr.10 - Roger Rajotte 88%, Rich. Burroughs 87 .8%, Anna Fummerton 84.3%, John Scott 82.8%, Patsy Dimmery 80.5%, Mona D'Amours 77.3%. Gr.11 = Jim (ee i 89%, Marlene Jarva 79.7%. Gr.12-- Cheryl Everitt 83.4%, Louise WeOeey i eos Intermediate certificates went to R.Burroughs, R Chicoine, E.Clemens, M.D'Amours, J.Davis, P. Dimmery, B.Drake, A.Fummerton, D.Furlonger, D.D.Gray, L.LeBlanc, J.Lesauvage, J.McParland, R.Nesbitt, D.Pellegrino, M.Petrushack, R:Rajotte, L.Reid, J.Roffey, J.St.Jean, J.Scott, R.Small, B.Vierikko and D.Winters. Graduation Diplomas were presented to B.Birch, P.Christie, C .Everitt, L.Godin, S.Johnson, S. Kirkpatrick, L.McGooey, D.Peterson, Wm.Scott, Dale Sparkes and John Stortini. Mr .Burroughs congratulated the school staff and graduates and said that commencement is a word which might seem out of place.on such an occasion but, since each end also marks a beginning, so it is in school life. He warned graduates fo have a pur- pose and to pursue it. "Until now your efforts have been directed by trained minds but now you must make your own decisions regarding your future--how best'fo accomplish your goal. in whatever field you choose and learn to be your own disciplinarian. The awards presented tonight amply demonstrate your ability. When applied, this basic b ackground of a sound education should be of inestimable value, giving you confidence to proceed. Learning alone: will not create a satisfactory life. Without principles one's inner being can be destroyed and the best rules to adopt are the Commandments (which you learned at home.) Add to th ese the Golden Rule and your success, in fame or financially, will be complemented by your content within--with which every man lives, regardless of what the world sees on the outside. You carry with you the hopes and aspirations of your parents and your school and upon them is cast the reflection of your behaviour." Secondary School Honor Graduation Diplomas were then presented to Edith Adamo, Ivan Cocks, John Cosgrove, Donald Farrow, William Garvin, Lourie | Marcella, Stephen Morrill and Arthur Trudeau. ommenge ent II and refresh nents served b the Ome Sc QO ee { ne even ng. ru deau. | COUNCIL QUOTES (Continued) - ~~ Tt was decided to allow temporary water service to TDA, .Figliomeni who will be charged for labour and smaterial-and later, when permanent installation is made, he will be billed for service charge. _ Iwo. citizens were sent warning notices of clean-ups necessary on their properties--failing which action will be taken by town and property billed for service. |FIELD DAY WINNERS Winners in the various children's races at the Field Day sponsored by the Catholic Women's League on Labour Day were:- Age six and under - R.Sisson, D.Desmoulin, Mario Figliomeni, Roger Tremblay. Age 7 - L.Campbell, L '|Singleton, M.Mclsaac, M.Souliere: age 8 - S.John- son, M.Campbell, K.Gellert, G.Gauthier; K.Stokes & B.Wood (tied), S.McParland, T.Commisso and Billy Hiller: age 10, M.Borutski, B.Lang, M.Spadoni, G. Mclsaac: age 11 - M.Speziale, M.Cook, D.Singleton D .Drake, S.Spadoni: age 12 - S.Ross, B.Stefurak, C. Commisso, D.Levigne: age 13, R.Courtemanche, C Mcisaac, C.Commisso, L.Christianson: age 14, B.Gra T.Collinson: age 15, B.Gray, P.Duggan: egg race - 10 yrs. R.Courtemanche, M.Speziale, B. Needham: Il yrs. - M.Cook, C.Maclsaac: 3-leg race - M.Spez- iale & R.Courtemanche, R.McParland & Norren Need- ham, M.Spadoni and T.commisso, D.McGrath & G. Maclsaac: 14 yrs. D.Levigne & Cos.Commisso, Cos. Speziale & Jim Figliomeni: _ Mike Cosgrove was M.C.for the amateur show with Judges Mrs.J.D.Bryson, Mrs. W.G.Furlonger and. Mrs.L.R.McCuaig awarding Ist prize in jr.event to Shirley Ann Winters (baton twirling)and 2nd to Anne arie McGrath for vocal solo. With only two events lin the Sr.class--accordion solos by Aline Bedard and umbling display by the D'Amours family, (Adama 'T#, Robt.11, Michael 9, Lissa 8, Pierre 6 and Johnny 3, he judges appealed to Convenor Mrs. Ray Sisson to ave the prize money raised to two equal awards in- | tead of first and second, because of the excellency of oth performances. Cuthbertson's Honored by Communit A.W.Cuthbertson, popular manager of the local Bank of Montreal who has been transferred to the Lakehead and Mrs.Cuthbertson, were honored at a community farewell party held in the United Church Hall, when Rev .Fraser Muldrew was M.C. As the couple entered they were presented with a corsage and boutonniere, the gifts of Mrs. H.Martin- sen. The audience appreciated two skits--"Lizzy" by the C.G.1.T. dramatizing the motor trip by an elderly couple in their ancient car, the cast being M.Nesbitt, S.Clemens, M-E. Gerow, C.Ross, D=-L. Weaver, G.Worrell and Brenda Duncan. The second depicted the problems of a teacher attempting to cope with ill-behaved children and was presented by the U.C.W. Rev .Muldrew led in a singsong accompanied by Mrs Bill Miller. The words of one number were com- posed by Mr.Muldrew for the occasion. Another tribute to the couple was a poem read by Mrs. Miller 'and composed by Mrs. H.Weaver. Mr.Cuthb ertson has been Church Treasurer, member of the Board of Stewards, active on the St.John Branch (Cont'd P.12)