Atig 906 THE NEWS Page TERRACE BAY NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly see U S for each Thursday. Circulation, Terrace Bay, Schrei- ber and District. Deadline for advertisements is WE EXTEND Noon each Monday, other items Tuesday Noon. & A Office Phone 3747, ladies sig CONGRATU: (i Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office We yf Department, Ottawa, for payment of postage in TERRACE BA KIWANIC CLUB INC., cash. ON THEIR 13TH FISH Classified ads - Minimum charge 50¢ - (20 words DERBY - AUG.2,3 & 4- and under) - Cards of Thanks ete. - Minimum charge $1. (30 words and under). We hope YOUR fish wins ATTENTION. FISHERMEN Waghorn's Pharmacy MINNOWS - 35¢ DOZ. WORMS - 30¢ DOZ. PHONE TA. 5-3666 TERRACE BAY - ONTARIO OZZIE'S LIVE BAIT - 412 ELIZABETH AVE., = FOR YOUR INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS CARD OF THANKS - To our many friends in Schreiber Terrace Bay, Port Arthur and Fort William, for cards FIRE AUTO LIFE CASUALTY | and messages of good wishes, lovely gifts, and the Money Tree, and all those who helped in so many ways BRUCE SIMON - - SCHREIBER, PHONE 315 to make our 50th wedding anniversary a day to remem NOTARY PUBLIC ber--our sincere and grateful thanks. Forbes and Jessie Macadam FOR SALE - one William's upright piano in good cons FOR SALE - Brown Borg Jacket - size 18, almost new dition. Contact 62W, Schreiber. Phone 677, Schreiber. FOR RENT - apartment consisting of large living room, kitchen, two bedrooms and bathroom. Private entrance TA Xi and basement. Phone 313, Schreiber. CARD OF THANKS = Mrs. Harry Welbourne wishes to thank her friends for the many cards, flowers, visits and other expressions of concern during her recent illness. SIMON"S@ TAX "Ss = o'ete PHONE 3379 Fe ae TENDERS Sealed and marked tenders will be received by the Terrace Bay High School Board, up to 6.00 P.M. August 9th, 1963, for the following: 1. Interior painting of House No.26l Kenogami Rd. 2. Exterior painting of the High School . Specifications may be obtained from Mr. A. N. Chisholm, 420 Elizabeth Avenue, Terrace Bay, Ont. Lowest Tender not necessarily accepted. H. J. Boudreau, Secretary~Treasurer NEW 24-HOUR TAX] SERVICE FOR TERRACE BAY FOR RENT - small house, newly decorated - reason- able. Phone 226, Schreiber. CARD OF THANKS - My grateful thanks to Dr. McCausland, nurses and staff and to our neighbours and friends in Schreiber and Terrace Bay tor flowers cards and visits while in Hospital. Your thought- fulness will always be remembered. Helen Wallace. FOR SALE = powerful electric belt massager. Apply to 254 Kenogami Road. FEMALE HELP WANTED = short order cook. Phone Schreiber 130 or apply Filane's Restaurant . The road to success is always under When you see a man who is sad, you know construction. that he is probably thinking about himself. TONY'S HAIR STYLINGS FOR EXPERT HAIR STYLING CASH IN ON YOUR COUPONS Phone 3855 - Terrace Bay or 362 Schreiber Take your premium coupons to your WHITE ROSE dealer. Cash Le in one coupon every week - every day - every time you fill up with WHITE WHITE ROSE GASOLINE - worth, 3.00. ROSE AUTO FINANCING ow HOME OWNER LOANS BEN Save as many place set- st Sceea a : PUBLIC. Mes you licks Mare RENE GAUDET'S O INSURANCE AGENT & NOTARY coupons available from ISLAND VIEW SERVICE PHONES - 195 BUSINESS - 468 RESIDENCE - HUDSON & HWY |7 your WHITE ROSE DEALER. SCHREIBER, ONTARIO PHONE 3638