_ ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE TERRACE BAY COMMUNITY CHURCH=Rev.T.Garnett Husser Sunday School has been discontinued for the summer months. 10.00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP Mr. A. Berndtsson will be in charge of the service and Mr. J. Dejonghe will give the address. ST «MARTIN'S CHURCH = Rev.Dean E.A.Gallagher Saturday - Confessions 3-4 P.M. and 7-8 P.M. Sunday Masses = 8.15 A.M. - 10.00 A.M. and 4.45 P.M. During the week Masses are at 8.00 A.M. Saturday Mass = 9.00 A.M. ROSSPORT ST.JOHN BERCHMAN'S CHURCH Mass every Monday evening at 7.00 P.M. GOSPEL MISSION Sunday School at 2 P.M. every Sunday TON ToPICs PERFECT CRIB HAND Miss Kit Knauff held a perfect cribbage hand re- cently when her cards totalled the coveted 29. Others playing in the game were Mr. & Mrs. C. Knauff Sr. and Mrs. Chapman of Fort William. OUR BOUQUET DEPARTMENT Our first bouquet this week goes to the Fire Dept. This week we received notice that the insurance premium on our house and contents was due (a 3 year policy carried for many years with the same company). Attention was drawn to the fact that the premium Was Reduced by almost $25.00. The reduction was made possible because of Terrace Bay's excellent fire record. Our second experience involves a service. We took our vintage wristwatch into a local jeweller to have the wristband adjusted on both sides. On pick- ing it up a few days later we were agreeably surprised when told there was no charge. In this age when the high cost of personal services is in danger of pricing us right out of some world markets this little incident is an encouraging sign. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kettle are happy to announc¢ the arrival of their chosen son, Howard. Marcia Kettle is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Port Arthur. Visiting Ken and Kay Weppler last week were Ken's 'mother, Mrs. Ann. Weppler.from St. Joseph, Michigan and Kay's mother, Mrs. E.Biesenthal and sister, Mrs. R.Arnold from the Lakehead. Give some people a fighting change and they will do the rest. ____ THE _ NEWS ST JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH-=Rev .R.J.S.Inshaw 8.30 Holy Communion 10.30 MORNING SERVICE ST.ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH 10.00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP Union Service with the Community Church at Terrace Bay. HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev. J.M. Cano Daily Mass = 8.00 A.M. Saturday Mass - 9.00 A.M. Saturday Confessions - 7-8.30 P.M. (before & after SUNDAY MASSES - 8, 9.30 & 11 A.M. Mass) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH-Rev.M.F.Kaija 10.00 A.M. = Sunday School 7.00 P.M. =- Evening Service = 2nd & 4th Sunday. Bible Study on Fridays following Sunday Service. GOSPEL MISSION = Mr. Ron Sheffield Sunday - IT.00 A.M. - Family Bible Hour 7.00 P.M. - Gospel Service ednesday 7.00 P.M. - Prayer Meeting STORK CLUB Born to, Mr. and Mrs. A.Pattison of Terrace Bay, a daughter, on July 11th. Born to Mr. and Mrs. C.H.Knauff of Terrace Bay, a son, on July 11th. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.P.Gauthier of Schreiber, a son, on July 12th. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.Guina of Schreiber, a daughter, on July 13th. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.Moore of Terrace Bay, a son, on July 15th. PLAYGROUND SPECIAL EVENT DAY Fairy Tales was the theme Friday afternoon for the Special Event Day held weekly by the Terrace Bay Playground. Imagination had run rampant to bring the myriad of little people out costumed as the be- loved story characters of old. A parade through the quieter streets of town preceded the costume judging by Playground Supervisor Cathy Cavanaugh and her assistants Ainsley Middaugh, Janice Mclinnes, Kit Knauff and Jean Hopper. The costume winners were:- Little Children - Most Original - Debbie Vienneau, Funniest = Blain Neely, Best Dressed - Noreen Pluto, Cutest Boy - John Legault and Cutest Girl ~ Sandy Whalen.. Girls - Most Original - Paulette Coupal, Best Dress- ed = Kathy Graham, Prettiest - Judy Graham. Boys - Best Dressed - Albert Cadieux. Races were won by:= Morris Cadieux, Blain Neely, Ellen Boudreau, Judy Valiquette, Susie Boudreau, Sheila Ballentine, Dennis Vezina, Bevin Schritt, Bill Bailey, Maureen Pluto, Geraldine Belliveau, Patricia Fedun, Graden Fedorak, Danny Edmonds, Catherine Pineault, Linda Helmink, Mary Clare Cou- pal, Albert Cadieux, ee, Neely, Keith Gorman, on | | | | |