July 18, 1963 THE NEWS Page 10 WE REQUIRE MORE USED CARS NOW = CHEVS = FORDS - PONTIACS - METEORS = TOP CASH PRICES PAID '62 CHEV. BISCAYNE 4-door -- rear seat radio - auto. tinted glass - low mileage SPECIALLY PRICED .. '62 ENVOY 4--DOOR LOW MILEAGE =- CUSTOM RADIO GOING ATA BIG SAVING | '61 AUSTIN 4-DOOR WEST- MINSTER = with overdrive and 6 cyl. performance - one owne an mer valugp 14 G4, *60 ENVOY = 4=door = 6 cyl. - Al CONDITION - Maroon with white & grey '59 BUICK 2=door Hardtop Radio-rear seat speaker automatic - many extras NEW MOTOR '57 VAUXHALL 4-door 6 cylinder SPEC .PRICE 57 MONARCH 4-door Sedan V=-8 = auto. Radio -- a luxur= ious sedan SPEC .PRICE '60 M.G. SPORTS CAR twin cam overhead mo- tor - 4-speed stick shift PRICED BELOW MARKET TODAY '59 RAMBLER SUPER 4-DOOR SEDAN .. & cyl. stand.shift - radio - SPEC..PRICE '58 PONTIAC 4-door Station Wagon = one owner -- Reg.Price '60 CORVAIR 4-DOOR SEDAN eine radio -- one owner - low mileage '58 PLYMOUTH 4-door Sed. V-8 motor - radio - one owner --- SHOWROOM CONDITIO '58 COMMANDER 2-door hardtop = 8 cyl .automatic = $1695 - SPECIAL'.... 4-door sedan Sleek dee Sea Green - Showroom condition SPECIAL '57 CHEV. 4-door Sedan - V=8. Motor - auto. -- custom radio = 2=ton suntan & beige showroom cond. 9 3 3, '57 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN = Needs $150 worth of body work = running cond, Spec .Price OSS wake "56 FORD STATION WAGON ¥---8 Motor SPECIALLY PRICED - SPADONE BROS. LIED. SCHREIB ER PHONES 17] = 153 MARATHON PHONE 610 WHITE RIVER PHONE 610 MANITOUWADGE PHONE 825-3331