June 13, 1983 TERRACE BAY NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly each Thursday. Circulation, Terrace Bay, Schrei- ber and District. Deadline for advertisements is Noon each. Monday, other items Tuesday Noon. Office Phone 3747. ' Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, for payment of postage in cash. Classified ads.- Minimum charge 50¢ - under) = Cards of Thanks etc. (30 words and under). (20 words and - Minimum charge $l. NEW RESTAURANT for rent. bpply Nick'Com -- Winnipeg Street or Phone Sch WANTED - to rent - 3-bedroom suite or nat in Ter= race. Bay or Schreiber - Terrace. Bay preferred, , Phone nfo Henry 3882. FOR SALE = 1956 Plymouth --- - new reconditioned motor - excellent confftion. PRICE $325 or best offer. Call 46 Hudson Drive. (a LOST - Ladies Timex watch - bl band - gold around face of watch. Lost b@tWeen Public School and 405 Elizabeth Ave.. Finder mows ntact Beverly Phillips, Phone 3618. Of HOUSE FOR SALE = four eee 258 Kenogami Road. Phone 3525. Ve he FOR SALE - Men's Elgin pocket watch $20. - also a complete set of 20 American People's Encyclopedia Books $150.. 436 South West Main St. Schreiber, Ont FOR SALE - living-room, dinin kitchen furniture and rugs, freeze, stove and refrigerat or phone 3326. LOST = Taken from boat house at mouth of river - room, bedroom, ing machine, deep= Apply 74 Hudson Dr. [| - 16 ft. Green Fibre Glass Canoe, 36" wide, [4 in. deep, varnished inside. Anyone knowing wherea of this canoe please notify L. Crockford. Reward ; HOUSE FOR RENT - four roots hed bath. Phone Schreiber 750. : MAN WANTED = interested in machinery = to learn press operation etc.. This is not just a summer job . Apply box 579, Terrace Bay. FOR SALE = 1956 Buick Super 4=doof Hardtop = light blue and white = fully automatio?/ Radio - in excel- lent condition. Phone Schreiber 260. SUPPORT THE LAKEHEAD COLLEGE FUND DRIVE - LET*s GET A UNIVERSITY IN OUR DISTRICT TERRACE BAY, ONTARI CANDID WEDDINGS CHILD PORTRAIT A SPECIALTY WHEN RESULTS COUNT AND PRICE 1S:A FACTOR Aut 895-3803. THE NEWS ORDER YOUR FLOWERS FOR |, 4 7.30 P.M, South C p Sure Sessemnseress empanadas aT yo* ATTENTION | FISHERMEN &; MINNOWS-=35¢ DO =WORMS -30¢ DOZEN "OZZIE'S LIVE BAIT 412 ELIZABETH AVE. CASH AN GIFTWARE 5 GIFTWARE GAMES JACKPOTS | WESTBEND 4-SLICE TOASTER CASH FOOR, GOOD NEIGHBOR | GAMES 2 $1.0 EXTRA CARDS 25¢ eit by Loyal Order of the Moose CORSAGES I PROM N.O W OP - PH.442 ONT. MARY'S FLOWER SCHREIBER, The Ropal Canadian Legion Terrace Bay Br 223 7 ATTENTION LEGION! MEMBERS, BRANCH 223 !1 A special meeting wjll be held Madey June I7th Armouries. All members are urged to attend, CARD OF THANKS - Mrs. | thank. the Doctors, Nurses Bay. Hospital,..for thejr her friends for cards kindnessess . . Johnson wishes to d Staff of the Terrace re during her illness and wers, gifts and other pe EDS - = GIFT TOILETRIES - MOKING SUPPLIES - - NOVELTIES OOLERS - THERMOS JUGS FATHER'S DAY---GARDS ...** Waghorn's Pharmacy PHONE TA. 5-3666 TERRACE BAY - ONTARIO SHAVING FILM - ¢ CAMP