a Vol. 6, No.24 SWIMMING POOL TO OPEN SOON Work on the swimming pool has progressed favor- ably and it is still hoped that we may have the pool opened sometime during this coming weekend. There is a possibility however, th at the Pool company will be re-painting the floor of the pool due to a staining problem and this may delay the opening for a day. Notices will be sent to the schools and will! be posted on the bulletin boards at the schools and Recreation Centre regarding the possible swimming hours this weekend. WATCH THESE NOTICE BOARDS FOR THE OPENING DAY AND HOURS! During the June and Septemb er periods, the pool will be supervised by volunteer staff. We still require people to assist with this part-time super- vision and anyone interested is asked to contact the Recreation Office as soon as possible. The summer staff for operation of the pool, dur- ing which time instruction will be provided for beginners, experienced swimmers, adults, divers and potential swimming team members, is as follows: Instructor - John Anderson Assistant Instructress - Wendy Duncan Swimming Leaders - Clifford Wood, Jr. and- Marilyn Marsh The formal summer programme will open on Mon- day, July Ist. LET'S STOP VANDALISM Each and every person who is a citizen of Terrace Bay is responsible for the appearance and upkeep of the Community facilities. For this reason, we appeal to all of our citizens, and especially to the parents, to help keep our facilities safe, clean and in good repair. At this time of year, the prevalence of vandalism seems to be greater than at any other time. Once again we are finding marked walls, broken bottles in play areas, damaged fences and equipment, rub- bish on the playfields, and many other instances of neglect and toughtlessness. This is not only a cost- ly item, causing continuous repair and maintenance problems, but it makes our facilities and community very unsightly. The only way that this problem can be overcome is if the parents will co-operate by making sure that their child is not guilty of this petty vandalism and that they themselves provide a good example. LET US ALL CO-OPERATE TO MAKE OUR COM- MUNITY SAFE - CLEAN AND ATTRACTIVE. MAKE SURE OF A COLLEGE EDUCATION - SUPPORT THE LAKEHEAD COLLEGE FUND. Serving the District June 13, 1963 COUNCIL QUOTES ~ Council met Monday, June 10th, in the Municipal Council Chambers presided over by Reeve J.P. Heenan. A full slate of Council attended - W. Adamo, A. Valiquette, A. Fraser, J. Wellings, Secretary W.F. Strutt and Clerk W. Hanley. Minutes of the regular and two special meetings were approved as read. Councillor Wellings replied to questionning on the recent visit of the District Engineer with regard to Highway parking. Correspondence from that Department stated it may prohibit parking within 300 feet of an intersection, and it would therefore erect a covering sign in front of the Recreation Centre. The problem at the White Rose Station of overnight parking of trans- ports did not appear to be covered in the Act but the Resolution of Council could be forwarded, together with their comments on standard street signs requested. The Reeve requested Councillors Wellings and Adamo to get this area clearly defined in order to prohibit highway parking. Councillor Wellings stated he had been assured of the assistance of the Department of Highways in establishing a light standard at the Millroad entrance. Fire Dept. report for May was itemized. The new resuscitator had arrived and would be used during this month's fire practice. A change in the rating of volunteers was noted, - designed to give experience to a larger group of men. Chief Hofland concluded with a report on the Fire Course he had attended during his vacation at the Fire College for Senior Officers at Gravenhurst. Councillors perused the Police report. A bid from D. LaPorte on exterior painting of the Chan ge House was accepted. Ken Dooley of Schreiber was introduced by Councillor Wellings to explain in detail his long range plans for a service station,restaurant and motel style cabins. He also had to comply with government regulations in order to lease the Crown land. He had been assured of Hydro and telephone service and required now only a letter from Council to forward with his plans to the Department of Lands and Forests. Reeve Heenan agreed to the arrange- ments in principle, requiring only to inspect the specifications before they were forwarded. May accounts for the Public Library, Hydro and Township were discussed before passing for payment. Reeve Heenan scheduled Council to meet on Wednesday evening at seven for a Budget meeting. As Councillor Adamo will be unable to attend the Recreation meeting this week, the Reeve asked Councillor Wellings to look into the early closing of the Recreation Centre. The Recreation Centre is not being operated just for the buses. ('Zontinued on Page 5)