May 30, 1963 ST. JOHN'S MOTHER & DAUGHTER BANQUET VISITORS ATTEND REBEKAH LODGE The regular meeting of Ruby Rebekah Lodge was conducted on Wednesday, May 22, by Mrs. Jean Plummer, N.G. and Mrs. Orrel Wright, V.G. Minutes were read and adopted and Mrs. Wright gave the sick visiting report. Mrs. N,. Thrower reported on the District meeting she had attended in Fort William. Mrs. Helen Holm, D.D.P. was introduced by Mrs. H. Wallace, P.D.D.P. and Mrs. M, Slater, color bearer of the Rebekah Assembly was intro uced by Mrs. J. Macadam, P.N.G. Mrs. Signe Fribagen, P.D.D.?P. from Victoria was also introduced and welcomed. Mrs. Holm reported on her activities of the year. A social hour followed the business mee= ting and while the members and gucsts en- jJoyed lunch, Mrs. R. Macadam acted as auc- tioneer and sold off baking and other arti- cles donated by the members. ST. JOHN'S EVENING GROUP The evening group of St. John's Anglican Church met Monday evening in the-Church hall | for their last meeting before the summer recess. Mrs. E,. Birch conducted the meeting. The minutes were read by Mrs, M. Slater and Mrs, RoJe Inshaw presented the treasurer's re= 'port, Plans were made to cater to a dinner in June. Mrs. T. Wilson will hold the sewing and knitting on hand and anyone wishing to pur- chase articles may contact her. Lunch was served following the meeting, oan meee nent ARTIFICIAL ICE FUND af "The artificial ice fund committee report: the total amount raised to date is $3583.45, composed of donactions totalling $558,98 and other activities $3,024.47. The committee will sponsor a bottle drive on Saturday, June 1, proceeds to go to the ice fund, (een, ns SALVATION ARMY CANVASS NETS $222.08 BOClean ET Deloss The sum of $222.08 was realized in the canvass for funds for the Salvation Arny, cond..cted by the Women's Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion. Mrs, B. Lidkea and Mrs, L. Hiller were in charge of the canvass. HELP SUPPORT THE LAKEHEAD COLLEGE FUND RAISING CAMPAIGN nD The Girls guxiliary and the Junior Auxiliary of St. John's Anglican Church held their first joint Mother and daughter banquet in the Church Hall with Lois Inshaw as guest speaker. Reve Re Je S. Inshaw said the grace, Patricia Dimmery welcomed the mothers and other guests, The toast to the Queen was given by Shirley Jartus and the toast to the mo thers by Christina Bottomley. Mrs. F.V. Harness responded for the mothers, ' Mrs. RJ. Iqshaw and Mrs. R.B. Bailey leaders reported on the activities of the girls during the year. Mr. Inshaw congratulated the girls saying they have never asked for assistance from the various church groups but are en= tirely self-supporting. Miss Inshaw who is taking physio and occupational therapy at the University of Toronto spoke of the high lights of her first year at University and the different aspects of her work, A sing song led by Lois followed the banquet and the girls presented a hill- billy skit and a fashion show. .Games were played under the direction of Mrs. T,Hara. Mrs. A. Sparkes and Mrs. V. Rigelsford convened the banquet. The evening ended with the GA. and J.A. prayer. MISSION MEETING SCHEDULED FOR FRIDAY On Friday, May 31, at 7.30 p.m, Rev. A.F. Gavrell of Nipigon United Church will be present to give a talk and show slides of Mission work in Hong Kong, All midweek groups, M/M Cominittee, U.C.W. and those interested are invited to attend, The meeting will be held in the ~ United Church hall and lunch will be served following the meeting, - ROAD BULLETIN The last issue of the Department of Highways Road Bulletin shows that consider- able work is in Progress on Hwy, 17 between the Lakehead and the Manitoba border, At Bissett Creck = Paving for 2 miles. Sec, Highway 563 southerly - Construction for 9 miles. English River - Construction for 10 miles. Dryden east - Construction for 10 miles, Dryden West - Construction for 7 miles Longbow Corners west - construction 6 miles,