"April 18, ,1963 THE a e ow Opening of the £ Pe Saturday April 21 st. 1963 SPECIALIZING IN KING. SIZE HAMBURGERS... . HOME. MADE PASTRY TO ORDER... re ete tne ae nee ar ren anne AO ee een eee inain Aenean LOCAL CHILDREN'S ART SENT EAST Mrs, S, Gaulin,. teacher of the Art Class, sent examples of their Toronto in hopes that it would be a travelling exhibit sponsored by Hagle collection, She has received word that the collection arrived too late to be included in the exhibit which is presently on view in Quebec but if the Eagle Company extends the time the local studiés will be included, However, permission has been asked to keep the collection at the Toronto Teacher's College for study by student teachers and for possible inclusion in a future project. children's work to included in the C.5,H.A. | A ene eee rea ee CURLING NEWS The semi-annual meeting and election of officers for the ments curling club will be held at 7 pem., May 13th in the club lounge. | ne annual wind-up dinner and dance is J eons for June lst. Be-sure to reserve this date, Start lining up a party now for | this dot of the year, PAADSE 5 AEE SE, tiene a f COUNeTE, QUOTES (Cont*d from Page 7) | Reeve Zleenan is investigating the possibi - | ity of deferred payments approved by: the A ence ene eee eee Ontario Municipal Board, fearing that a surge of home building by the school boards might i prove too large a burden on the tax payer, had been made aware of the need for the oard's approval through their commitments on the swinming pool, However, citing figures ner the Reeve felt that in the event the $30,000 expenditure would have to paid this year mel rae a carry-over of $25,000 leaving an. approx mate balance of only $6,000. Arrangements were being completed for Municipal employces to meet with a representa- tives of the Ontario Munic ipal employees Retirwent Soard on Monday May 13th concerning a retirment plan, Clarification on the right of way and erection of a light standard at the junction of itighway 17 and the Mill read were soug2t from Mr, Garland of the Department of Highways. Council made a motion 'of their approval delegating authority to the Regional Welfare , in the eventuality of child negligence deman~ ding immediate medical attention, 4 solicita- | tion for the Rehabilitation Fund was forwarded | to the Kimberly-Clark Employees Charity Fund. | Mr, Bert Ratchford was appointed to fill ' the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr, WF, Colborne-from the' Library Board, The eer At ae nein ae en a He HIGHWAY 17 ~ = ~ SCHREIBER, ONTARIO ane i one ae tree Meme nomen ren ec cee cae aerate NEW ean atte 7 + SNACK BAK PROMPT SERVICE 0). A. SERVICE eee - ate ap alin tenes Ame mn name a nee me Reeve anniead the subject of a move for the Public Library, Fearing the old curling club quarters was not the solution, Councillor Wellings discussed possibilities presented at a recent Recreation meeting, Council were of the opinion an exchange with the Teen Yown rooms might prove most suitable and the xeeve suggested this de investigated by the caves Details of the Nydro Spring Sales Campaign were read and approved for local sales. Fire Report for the month of March Listed a very quict month there being only one fire call. It recommended burning grassy ¢ ieeb in town as soon as conditions permittcd, in with the Department's spring clean-up campaign, The report also listed prices and types of resuscitators with the Departmentts recommendation, Councillor Adamo cance to see the fire hose checked under pressure at ying | | | ae «| the next fire practice and Councillor Fraser recommended the practice be used to blow out hydrants, Public Library, Hydro, Township and Recrea- tion accounts for the month of March were thoroughly discussed before passing for payment, Reeve invited questions on the | bank. reconciliation statment and the Town's financial background was explained to newcomer Due to the fact the present issuer of car licenses was relinquishing the position tes year, Council.discussed replacements who ha | the required opening hours as it was a lftat ! ! } ! | | | | Nh id Town convenience to purchase licenses locally, Reeve Ucenan remarked on the fine showing inMtinor Hockey this year and stated he would write congratulating the League, particularly on their Midget and Bantam District Championsliips, Trespassing at the haperial Motel had reached a critical point which, owing to the nature of the business, ( a garage and restaur+ ant,). made. it most difficult to do much about it Reeve Heenan stated, Councillor Valiquette presented recommendations for 2 sidewalk which would relieve the traffic problem, but was informed they could not spend money on private property and the Reeve felt.a sidewalk on the highway would not be used, No Trespassing signs would be erected and the proprictor was contacting his lawyer with regard to further 'legal -steps. Discussing of overlapping of holiday tine by the Fire Chief and Chicf Constable to attend summer courses in their profession was discussed and left in the hands of tae Fire and Police Comaittees. Disliking the inplication received Council- on Adamo denandec. (Cont'd on Page 8) . eens