% ltsrit ONet fr OM yp! mELod & ag | Ba. ish 'hie aas2.geh ae Fh Mes a ee Ee ey 2 ' or A £. by. the: dase Le eee. A le mee ore was! chaimnéne of, the: pence Hlaes Ae the: are capapapnt syenisdgindaclesat: ASTER GE AA iter s2., vetenmg,.end Gino, .Caecano, WAS, li.0 efor: riPep evening wit! Len ailler;, meas dent,: giving < u welcome addressy* Popa shivenr TO Old ics. » ab dit xkon! Rel their personal batman, for: the night, were | transported to and from the party. -Legion berets were »resentéd toi the guests . | by Butch Moores after which the' Veterans, in | acknowledging the gift, reminisced on Army') | days.: i Fred: Smith of: Fort Willianswas- pies bi SECA | | ker, paying' tribute: to the' honored men and» | warmly commending Scsreiber Legion fori Seing: || the first branch invthis district: to oremnize : sueh-an event. roc ugh, Stewart Yaiee, delledse, afb rid ad & buffet. lu meh, ended. 'ate enjo ab e, mpd a6 oameny eneadaee. = ems wien " oe as neste: serena popnlan, Se s pif iE! 'eveding Mr, Ford Raichare sono" Kenora! was. 'present oephciss Let cae PO oe foricthe SERENE : Feeley EO, . ¢ Ww iobid the Apri "meeting. 'Of municipal gouncil when... | the following. plebisci té was. appre oveds! 'Are you in favor, 0 Govermiea ' Store: "For. || the sale of Liquor?" fo you! ih favor '6f che establishnent of, Government. Stores: Bo thei) sake of ;boer-only ARF 'residence, consi pape Are you. in favér 6 f the: 'authorization | OfEr . Ontario: Wine Stores: for sale of Ontario wine only'. for Fobidcnes corsuliption?: YArcijounin. favor of the sale of beer and wine only under a dining room license for copssumption with meals on licensed premises?, Are you in favor of the sale'of liquor under lounge license for consimption on licensed premises? And that: application be made to the Liquor License Board of Ontario' to fix a date for) taking a vote on the aforesaid questions? It was agreed the cost of rental, am use || of the cesspool pulap must be yoviaed to. be i || commensurate with-the-costof operation. --- |... Gouncil JicGrath reported delive of the 1: welder thawing machi e a 'was authorized | to. '| devise a conveyaiice for it.' "He 'also reported '| fan for the hall basement had teen installed. | The required: -by/lawiwas passed making ©, } t tf Lage LS Ge ee tb: bs ¥ ' ROVE fy bg, DIALS and, Pall: cout attend i | | | } Borutski, road. Supt, «inspector, vo senor oo tie 'meng e? scavators Protection Act te t ae 'leak whicly 'has ° developed" tn "he Fis 3 roof. was eft "to. inquiry. 'by' 'Mr', "Guina" aad dite McGrath, 'also the reitoval or progedtion' gf hospital equipacht" for | "eonmund ty "use 'stored' there which is indanger' of AS danazed Uy' the water ah tetcor regard tng 'drainage ie wanker lake || was referred to Dr, Jl." Cornell, HO, Sule | _dn answer to a letter froin Dept. ie aged =| culture | concerning the artificial ice- project | a AE Ee 8 Shanti nese Slim) 4 ma = ae bs _ tea hostess: - 'COUNCIL (Continued from, 1st coli)! ooeging : ofasbe iieneat: i members . ansyering 1 the: 3 ron! res é . GPE Baro, fy meee efi 3 iy 49 Ess e? Three | Bets of sis ters: ec ne pee ees ee | K, Witton; and :Mrs,., - iilice "(cprbett), rg. iy Uarness; and UB My: Slater ( airs), lirpay | it, Farlengerand, irs. L, ficCnaig, (ucGregor). Uotice was. received of. tt 4g convention for | secretarys and treasurers in Guelpis on Jane, ft 19th. , Mrs, C,M. Docking, vice president, advise on particulars, for W,.I. entries:in the: Lake- head Exhibition, : tir irs, W.J. Throwe:' réad ininates and corres- Pondence, and stated a report! of; regular meeting dates and programs. Sore he. branch world pe forwarded, 60 ):o6 es Te The! treasurers tits.' By Jarness;: stoted - books were: sey, for andi' oy "firs. | W. Clencns| ene Mrs, T, Whitton.: ; ye ho Detailed information, on the 'Taunder 3 ay: local leaders? training co"rst,.to whi bhi two delegates are sent yas read, After. disc is8ion, Mespers, voted for' t tree colrsts in' order of cnoiee. =. _desse: "tS: FOC: S$ on 'Finish OF s-- "| vicking) and Vineow THeathent," ore ctr se: Gee HeCusig. then presided for elec tion of otficers:- Tihs, "N, ? Sina th y_bresiitonts Bie f Clemens, first. vice srésitenty irs', " itton,. second vice presideat;' Mess A dc ge © ne 1s, gecretal';* i4s," FV, | Marness;, Seehe ae . ' Bolan," cigstrict iredtoxy ths. a Mrs TH 'BEySoa, | pianist 'oh, Mee By oreo ts ey CO. -% ef6 bec ge eS oe < pc ctor 5 rai aes 7 i " ke a re renee eee ee Ae ae a ee ee Following th 1¢ necting & 'cancer' Frat HEY be and Two Vomen'? wes raid JVB, Ridsdale, with irs, i, Carmictiael 2,1, giving an introc andtory| r talk, ; so cme Tre tea' table was gay with Easter decora- tions and Mrs. O'Connoz was assisted by Mesdames iG» Macacan, iJ. liller, .t, Whitton, i. Omith,and J, Caapoell. cenit see eras 5 one one: a ee een a , was retested: to. the, committee tin charge, with | them to arfange a meeting.' rr at oe | The. Regional Welfare Officer, sentative, ' th act or his repre~ | 'was authorized, to,act for ee hareiber in case of, euergency, arising out.of CAs work. ° Qaetico Fark' informed countil, that a seminai for elected officials, and staff will' b heid May 14th, 15th, Toth *= = A request. for donation to the = RchabiLitatios Foundation was filed until 'budget is made up. . Inféax mation Was, received on various 'types of litter, collectors. for. use on the streets, , After gonsidering, the sealéd tenders for insurance' on the town garage 'the' policy. was given to ite Be} OALION ec - St ee Water. accounts totalling $682.09 and Gditend "accounts of 94, 935.93 were passed for 'payment. a. Vi c vee! ee ingens ae eee yn ete ee ne ae mp et a a mene