March 28, 1963 ee Page ner EE "ORDER: Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario, Published - weekly each Thursdays Circulation, Terrace Bay, Sohreiber and District, Deadline for advertisements is Noon each Monday, other items Tuesday Noon, Office Phone 3747, Authorized as,second class'mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, for payment of | postage in cash, Classified ads - Minimum charge 50¢ - (20 | words and under) -- Card of 'Thanks etc, - Minimum charge $1.,(30.words and under), { FOR ELECTROLUX CLEANERS, POLISHERS, PARTS & _ SERVICE, contact 'EMIL SEPPALA, dealer, 325 | Argyle St, Port Arthur, Ont, * PHONE DI 4-1173. The Office of THE K.J, WEPPLER INSURANCE AGEN- CY will be closed for vacation from March 9th through 31st, 1963, All. policy. holders are requested to report any claims by collect wire or telephone to:- LAKEHEAD ADJUSTMENT SERVICE "106 South May Street, | FORT WILLIAM, ONTARIO' ="- TELEPHONE MA 3-7414 CARD OF THANKS ~ We would like to take this | opportunity to thank all our friends and neighbours for the wonderful gifts: received on our departure from Terrace Bay... Your kindness will always be remembered, Larry & Vi Vachon CARD OF THANKS + I would ike to thank Rev, Father J.M.Cano, Gawley Funeral Home, the Honorary and active Pall Bearers; all those who loaned cars, sent Mass cards and messages of condolence and all my good friends who helped me during the loss of my beloved hus- band Elie, Your kindness will always be remembered, aoe ante a 0 TE et Mrs, Rose Maillette HOUSE FOR SALE = across from Public School in Schreiber, Includes small rentable house 'on tack of lot. -Phone Terrace Bay 3576 or 3755, FOR SALE - 1951 Ford, $50.,Cash. Also new Hofner semi-solid electric. guitar, $85.00. Phone 744, Schreiber. FOUND = one pair child's blue skis. 3360. : FOR SALE = one: 9.10 Cu.Ft. Viking Refrigera- tor also a fully automatic. stove with window oven. Very reasonable. Phone Schreiber 260. Phone eee tc i te CC - cee See eee ow 1 eR eS aN silted npitieatiiecamtltineediaeren OGL MR. WINTER WILL DISAPPEAR, OUR FINE HEATING OLS FILL HIM RENE GAUDET*S ISLAND VIEW SERVICE HUDSON & HWY 17 TELEPHONE 3638. | further notice NO VISITORS WILL BE ALLOWED in- | NOW FOR EASTER POTTED PLANTS - LILY - GLOXINIA - HYDRANGEA -- 'AZALEAS - MUMS - HYACINTH - CUT = DAFFODIL, TULIP, IRIS, MUM, ROSES, CAR- NATIONS Marys Flower Shop SCHREIBER, ENO ---- PHONE 442. pee na ne ce ee camera macnn et ae anes _ ene CARD..OF THANKS - I am happy to be back home and would like to thank all those who sent flowers, cards and messages to me while-I was hospitalized. a A A Sadie Gaulin NOTICE RE. HOSPITAL VISITORS Commencing immediately and continuing until Terrace Bay Private Hospital. Mrs. M. Buck, Superintendent. HOME BINGO 100 JACKPOT i Mrs. F.Woodruff ~ 3601 or Mrs. C. Marcella = 3393 ale = APRIL 38 | FULL HOUSE FOR NUMBERS PHONE ~ t Winners of last HOME BINGO - Mr. J.Caccamo and Mrs. Edmunds. t SPONSORED BY THE LADIES AUXILIARY TO THE CANA~ | DIAN LEGION ~ TERRACE BAY BRANCH ~ NO. 223 erecta acetate ON, MINOR H6SKEY PICTURES Pictures of Miner Hockey Teams, taken 'at Minor Hockey Night, may be ordered through the! Recreation Office. These are on display on the Recreation Centre bulletin teary oe ges ane ar racer atm emt ay mem a SOMETHING REALLY NEW - PRETTY sh PERM: a atic i ee ene ere IT ACTUALLY PUTS BACK INTO gal \. HAIR THE COLOR AND LUSTROUS TEX TURE THE ORDINARY PERMANET STEALS -- AsAY! wAGHORN NS SIMCOE PLAZA - - TERRACE BAY ... 'HONE, - 3666 ONLY $3. a i teas clits cits