--Maroh 48, 1963 _ HE GOkS NEXT TO THu KITCHAN AND GOES UP ON HIS TOuS AND FINDS MUMEY'S MATCHES RIGHT UNDis# HIS NOSE. "HERE, NOW! SAYS SPARKY "IVs GOT SOMEONE TO 'TEACH THOS® SHOULD BH IN A CAN WELL OUT OF CHILDRENS | | | | ! are = Rates anerenany ani ' | MINOR HOCKEY (Continued from Page 1) | NO ELECTION APATHY HERE (Cont?d from Pg. 1) third geal of the final period. Tymcheskin - This time ~ lets have a hundred percent unassisted put in the last goal of the series | vote in our district, Think we can do it ? for Atikokan. eee : LINEUP = Terrace Bay - Dorman, Goal, Coates, Mikus, Dlack, Heenan, Pineault, Morres, Brend, Stuart, Fedorak, Ronnette, Phillips, Mallais, McKeghnie, Courtemance. ; | Atikokan, - Lacquerre Goal, Kapechanski, Kosta | chuk, Turpin, Drews, Nico, Darco, Caulson, | Winstrom, Russell; Blair, Tymcheshyn, Jewett, Lusignan. Referees Hanson and Pollard. . <8 time, ene may ts me ow -| GUIDE ASSOCIATION MEETS The. March meeting.of the L.A. to Guides and Brownies was held Monday evening'at the home | of Mrs, G. Dodge, Mrs. J, Mikus, District | Commissioner, chaired the meeting, Minutes-were read by Secretary Mrs, 5. Evan: Smith and the Treasurer's report given by Mrs. | _A, Farrow... Mrs. Mikus reported reciept of a | donation to the Commissioner*s Fund from { { i : | CURLING NEWS (Cont'd from Page 9) . boys played a Winnipeg rink coming out-on top 10 to 9 after two extra ends, Next' they knocked off a Marathon foursome which put them against Port Arthur Country Club?s Dr, Hughes in the *Hights* , This 'crowd pleaser'? lasted 'Schreiber, and her visit to two Brownie Packs. Mrs, Large has resigned temporarily as-Asst. Badge Secretary. Cookie Day Convenor Mrs, J. Knight reported' ordering about 530 boxes, 'Convenor Mrs, J, Brooks stated there is.a need for Guide and | 12 ends with neither rink*counting more than Brownie, uniforms and asked that Mothers turn ; one rock per end and five ends blanked, The in uniforms not in use, Badge Secretary Mrs. | final score was.4 - 3 for Dr. Hughes, _.| L, Phillips reports ~ three hostess and | Terrace can be proud of Len and his team, one skaters badge passed, and three skaters They attracted much,attentio both because of and needlewoman badge to be completed this weei'. | their curling skill and because of their new | Social Convenor Mrs. J. Caccamo stated all | Club sweaters, i se arrangements had been made for the Brownie | BONSPIEL NOTES : ' - | Mother and Daughter Datiquet at the Terrace Bay! On Thursday evening, April 4th, Terrace . Motor Hotel March 30th, Ways and leans Conver) | Bayts 15th Annual. Men's Bonspiel will get nor Mrs. G, Dodge reported her on preparations | | underway. Forty-six rinks from as far away as| for the Bake Sale April 13th, | Eveleth, Minn, in the west to Kapuskasing in Mrs, Brooks said the Brownies had collected! the cast: will vie for the best line-up of 25°1b, of nylons for Korea, prizes ever offered here, The publi¢ are ' The hostess served a delicious luncheon at cordially invited to watch the curling, The the close of 'the meeting. only time admittance will be restricted is 'S : ss Seer Saturday evening from 5 p,m, until midnight. WHITE RIVER PRUWEES TAKE SPADONI TROPH -A buffett supper will be served to curlers Waite River PeeWees took home the Spadoni in the Club Lounge from 5 to 7 p.m, Saturday Trophy as Champions of the North Shore Minor 'evening. 11 Club members, curlers and their | League by defeating Terrace Bay seven to six escorts, and invited guests will be welcome _.} in a two game total goal serics,. at the social which will get underway about White River won the first encounter on hone; 9 p.m, The popular Twilighters will be ina ice five to one but lost the second five to attendance, Members planning to bring invited | twd at Terrace Bay. | guests*must contact Dan Kenney before 6 p.m, Bob Bebic and John Radual scored for the Saturday, April 6th, series winners, Joe Papineau ran up four | goals and Charlie Daley one for the losers. I : panne ee rete ot 2 ertaree Net oe ronments one ~ sore poe ee renee eg et ee ee nonneenape - 2 wmavarenin _ACont?d_ on Page. 12 . aceon aaioaiaeenopatS