She = ohne iben Sert OO oo ee ee ee ete 6 ae mp ee en eR: ene ee == (ee eceeeiinenconnen | March 14, 1963 : BOARD OF BROADCAST GOVERNORS ; Survey. Chairman, reported 5,508 X-rays were OTTAWA CANADA taken throughout, the district in the Mass, Sur- | ; : vey, May 1 to Nov.2nd., and) said every commun+ iF OR AUTHORITY TO. INCREASE THE POWER OF. LPRT ' ity except McDiarmid . Manitouwadge and Cameron | STATION CBLB, SCHREIBER, Ontario | Falls has a regular skin testing program for a Don | the schools, The: Education neport, by. °0 The Board of Broadcaster. governors will - Mrs,.McQuaig, stated that a film had been shown hear, at.a public hearing opening in Ottawa, at a meeting and, pamphlets were distributed, March 26th, 1963, an application by the Cana~. | Mrs,McCuaig and Mrs. B,Lidkea will attend. the dian Broadcasting Corporation for authority to | executive-Secretaries? Conference in Toronto . increase the power of low power relay trans- on April 30, , ---- mitter CBLB, Schreiber, Ont., to 40 WattssTon |. sloouusdl sil Je uevioos i me Mrs, N.McCuaig presided for the regular | Persons wishing to oppose. the. application meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the' Canadian must file,ten.(10) copies ofa brief:in oppo- Legion on March 5th, Election of officers took sition. or a notice of intention 'to oppose place with the following taking office:- setting out the grounds of the opposition Mrs. N,Ross, Secretary, Mrs, R,Wood, 'arden- with the Secretary of the Board at 48 Rideau Mrs. J,McCouan, Asst, Warden. ' Street, Ottawa, on or before March' 15th, 1963, Mrs, E,Hamre, District 8 representative, Port Arthur, wrote concerning the District Persons wishing to inspect briefs. submitted Meeting to be held in Marathon March 30th, A with respect to the-above application may do letter was received.from Capt. H,Tilley asking | so at the offices of the Board at Ottawa by | members to again sponsor the Canvass for funds,| appointment: with 'the Secretary of the Board." | Members agreed and MrssB.Lidkea and Mrs, L, Hiller volunteered to convene arrangements. P,R, Bailey, Vice-President, Minor. Hockey Assoc.' npn gemma, Wrote thanking, mombers.for their efforts op, aoe 2. 5 , behalf of Minor Hockey. | (SBEGRIS PRESENTED BY LeBe ASSOCIATION "Mrs. GiMcGooey and Mrs, E,Ivey were pier A Tuber Ss ; as ; 7 od tion met in Mrs, pie A ore yg emnatieg ead ed a we apian gehg Mrs, A,C,Rigelsford re | (6th, Mrs, L,OtNeill POrte? OFF mars Eanes } 'member and the resi me ee K Pontos vO ethan We One Aaa eteeppige a it iMarathon, Mrs, R,G Skinner Schreiber and Mr Til Bhed sd od shen aiades toe OAL tau ce Pea a ? "Ye. | Hall, with invitations to be extended to' the \e Mrs, £,Stobart, formerly of Terrace, Bay were | in i¢g River, Marathon, Red Rock, Nipigon, jaccepted with rearet. Terrace Bay and Manitouwadge Auxiliarics, j 5 assigned frequency of 1340 Ke/s, LEGION L.A. ELECT NEW OFFICERS . ; | BOARD OF BROADCAST GOVERNORS, | The Annual meeting will be held May)12th Members and visitors? husbands will be inyited | 'when outside representatives will be invited. | +45 attend the social evening which will follow j to attend, : : the dinner, Mrs, 'L,Hiller reported on the | Mrs, W.Sheehan presented the financial Bingo to be held March 15th--members to donate | |staterient and a donation was'made to the T.3. | $1.00 toward the Cash prizes. Plans were made 'Research fund, The Seal Sale Chairman, Mrs. for a party on March 16th, ' iB, Lidkea reported $5,042, was realized from Mrs, McCuaig thanked Mrs, R,Wood and'Mrs, 'seal 'sales throughout the district, ; 'WeParadis for convening the Installation and | ~ Mrs. Purlonger, Case Finding Chairman pre~ | Spaghetti dinners, and Mrs. L,Hiller was named poe her report including numbers of X-rays delegate to the District meeting, atid 9608 6S CEaén April 1/62 to February /63, / Pollowing the meeting Penny Auction was en- | 'from referred clinics, plus other costs, joyed and the Lucky Twenty Draw was won my {TOWN X-Rays Cost Mrs, W.Kinney, ! | Beardmore 81 $121.50, plus San Strip Lunch hostesses for April will be Mesdames injections $36.00 A,Levigne, E,Lidkea, Beth Macadam, J,MacCuaig, 'Schreiber 94 $282.00 ~-- Ft, Willian L.MagDonald and L,McCouan, jSan, 207 L-nays $229.25, film readings $587.25. |+------- ~ ; Hornpayne 16 $2.2450 INCREASED BORROWING AT PUBLIC LIBRARY a ' Heron Bay. 4 $12.00 Mrs, Kay LeBlanc, librarian, reported |Terrace Bay 218 $218.00 } crease in books borrowed from the Library,. In, iGeraldton ~ 156 $156.00 January 760 books were taken out, 169 by adults 'Longlac 36 $72,00.. - needles $12,05 and 591 by children, In February 855 books \Nipigon 95 $94.50 were borrowed, 165 by adults and 690 by child- ;Marathon. , 96 $96.00 ren, |2 Heaf Guns $52.83 and Protoderm $15.27. | The pupils of all. Schreiber Schools and |Rossport School were tuberculin tested--434 ,citizens were X-rayed at the Mobile Unit in 'October, There are twenty-nine patients from ithis district in the Sanatorium, oe | Mrs, W.C,Lidkea, in her Welfare. report, isaid Christmas gifts were sent to all San: ;patients in our district, also. eyeglasses, 'pyjamas and clothing, Mrs, Bruce Lidkea, Mass + Sgt. E,T.Evans of the Canadian Army Provost Corps visited with his sisters, Mrs, A.C,° Rigelsford, 'Schreiber and Mrs, Vic Thorpe, Terrace Bay and their families, enroute from Winnipeg to Egypt for a year's service with the United Nations Force in Gaza, - Mr, L,Richardson attended his sister's funeral in Belleville, | ! | | | | 5 eg ne ~ en aang tio